Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 531 Horror Walking Corpse

Chapter 531 Horror Walking Corpse (3 more tickets requested)
"Wow, woof, woof! How stupid is this woman, what a trouble, she's making a big mess!" The red rain fell on the tip of the donkey's nose, and it was slightly cool, and the donkey suddenly stood upright.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth also twitched, his eyes were alert.

The proud girl was beheading the young walking corpse, and after the terrifying aura erupted at the corner of the alley, she looked shocked and retreated suddenly. However, at the moment she regretted it, a powerful attack came suddenly.

Zhuge Mingyue, who was walking in the front, couldn't help but change his face at this moment, and shouted, "Junior Sister Qiao, back off!"

Zhuge Mingyue took out a piece of ancient jade with a shimmering aura of mysterious patterns from her bosom, quickly formed a seal in her hand, and suddenly threw the ancient jade out. The moment the ancient jade was thrown out, it turned into a protective shield like a tortoise shell.


The terrifying attack fell, and the protective cover was directly shattered. The buildings on both sides of the alley collapsed, and a powerful aura swept across the entire alley.

Qiao Qingxia fell to the ground, her face pale.

Zhuge Mingyue took three steps back in a row, breathing heavily, and quietly said, "Half-step foundation building!"

After the words fell, at the end of the alley corner, a middle-aged walking corpse in Taoist robes appeared coldly with empty eyes, pale complexion, but with a trace of anger, and looked at the people in the alley.

"Junior Sister Qiao, you really got into trouble this time." Zhuge Mingyue looked at the walking corpse, narrowed her eyes again, and said, "This middle-aged monk seems to have reached the peak of half-step foundation building."

The other female disciples in Loulan Holy Land couldn't help but change their faces when they heard the words. They were half-stepped to the peak of the ancient corpse. At this time, a female disciple suddenly remembered the two words Ye Luo had shouted earlier, and stopped.

"He, he wasn't afraid, what did he discover?" a female disciple asked.

"Senior Sister Qiao, why didn't you stop just now." Another female disciple asked.

The proud girl turned pale, shook her head and said sharply, "I didn't know there would be such a terrifying existence behind that little walking corpse."

In front of Ye Luo, the weak Loulan female disciple Song Yue also trembled slightly, and said, "Ye, Uncle Ye, don't be afraid, I can protect you, and I will definitely bring you back to Xiaohuan and the others safely." around."

"Wow, woof, woof! You're really looking for trouble." The donkey shook his head.

Ye Luo reached out and took out the moon wheel, the sacred object of the island country, from the bead with two cracks. He reached out and patted Song Yue on the shoulder, and said, "It's okay, don't panic."

"I, I didn't panic, hey, don't move around, Senior Brother Zhuge can definitely solve it, just stand here, I can really protect you," Song Yue said.


However, just as Song Yue opened her mouth, Zhuge Mingyue in front of her had already fought against the ancient middle-aged walking corpse who had built a foundation in half a step. Zhuge Mingyue took another five steps back, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

"Wow, woof! Paralyzed, this is the peak of half-step foundation building. Grass, why does this walking corpse look so familiar? How does it look like a law enforcer from the Longshou Peak of the Qing Dynasty in ancient times?" the donkey muttered to himself. .

Zhuge Mingyue quickly formed seals in his hands, and threw out the ancient formation jade in his hand continuously. When the walking corpse charged again, he quietly bit his finger, and at the same time, he took out an ancient jade from his arms. The bronze gossip plate was placed under his feet.

"Eight Diagrams Sealing Demon Formation!"

Zhuge Mingyue opened his mouth impressively. The simple formation he had placed quickly released an ancient and powerful aura quietly. After that, eight beams of light rose suddenly, forming a small gossip mark.

Although the walking corpse was powerful, it was unconscious and plunged into the formation.


The walking corpse was trapped, raised its head to the sky and roared, a powerful aura erupted from its body, the formation shook, the walking corpse struck, its iron fist hit the formation pattern, and at the same time it attacked with magic, but it couldn't break through.

The ancient bronze gossip plate, with mysterious runes fluctuating, seems unbreakable.

Zhuge Mingyue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her eyes were still serious, and she said: "This bronze gossip plate of mine is imitated by Master Zhuge, it's not really an ancient formation plate, we can't trap him for a long time, let's leave quickly."

"Okay, Senior Brother Zhuge is the best, let's go quickly." A female disciple said.

The proud girl Qiao Qingxia finally regained some color on her face, and said, "Senior Brother Zhuge is the best, unlike some good-for-nothing man who only hides behind women."

Song Yue pulled Ye Luo, turned around and left, and said, "Uncle Ye, you don't need to pay attention to her, just go."

boom -

However, just when everyone turned around and was about to leave, the terrifying half-step foundation-building peak-walking corpse who was trapped in the formation unexpectedly came out of the formation without knowing what method, and slammed his palm at Zhuge Mingyue.

Zhuge Mingyue was shocked, even if he was as strong as him, at this moment, he took half a breath, after all, the speed of the walking corpse was too fast, so he forcibly turned around and took the palm of the walking corpse.

"Roar—" the walking corpse roared.

Zhuge Mingyue was directly blown away. He was in the air with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was good at formations, not counterattacks.

The walking corpse succeeded in one blow, and didn't stop. It directly grabbed Zhuge Mingyue who was blown away with one hand. At the same time, with his other hand, the imprint of law disappeared in a flash, and a dark vortex appeared on his hand. , a strong suction force was generated, and it directly sucked towards the proud girl Qiao Qingxia.

On the walking corpse, the aura erupted again, and an abnormal bright red appeared in the empty eyes.

All the female disciples in Loulan Holy Land were shocked and horrified.

"No, don't hurt my Senior Brother Zhuge." At the critical moment, Song Yue, who had always been weak in front of Yelu, suddenly had a firm look in her eyes, and the imprint in her hand quickly condensed, and she rushed up directly.

However, the moment she rushed up, Ye Luo's big hand suddenly rested on Song Yue's fragrant shoulder, and said lightly, "Let me do it."

Ye Luo's figure suddenly shot out.

"Ah, Ye, Uncle Ye, you are not his opponent, come back quickly!" Song Yue shouted anxiously, wanting to rush over again.

However, she was pulled back again, this time by a donkey's hoof, and the donkey said: "Wow! Niece, calm down."

"Light, light, what's the matter, go and save your master, he is going to die!" Song Yue was anxious. She had heard that Ye Luo's spiritual pet had become a beast in the holy land, the nine-tailed fox. Yue didn't expect that the donkey would be so calm at the critical moment.

Ye Luo's figure had already rushed out, using the power of devouring secretly, in the eyes of everyone, in the blink of an eye, raised the moon wheel of the sacred object, blocked Zhuge Mingyue's body, and smashed it down fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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