Chapter 538

The tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword smashed out the edge of a big pit with a radius of one mile, filled with dust.

Ye Luo was furious, and after greeting the eighteen generations of the puffy monk's ancestors again, he took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down.

Then, Ye Luo took a closer look at the bronze bump that was inspected several times by the puffy monk, and finally gave up because he thought it was useless. At the same time, he sensed the heavenly book devouring scroll that had awakened in his body after touching the bronze bump, cheering and jumping silently, his eyes flickering .

Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo directly put the ugly, ordinary, and seemingly ordinary bronze bump into the bead quickly and carefully.

"What the hell, that puffy monk must have lost his sight, but this is not a place for research." Ye Luo put away the bronze lump, and walked out of the pit again.

I have already got the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword, and now I picked up a bronze lump that fell from the sky, and was robbed three times by that puffy cheating monk. It is no longer suitable to stay here for a long time.

Ye Luo quickly moved towards the edge of the pit, leaving the smoke and dust outside.

However, just as Ye Luo walked out of the pit, there were several terrifying auras, which suddenly descended from the sky. Almost every one of those terrifying auras was at the Golden Core level. When each one passed Ye Luo, They all used powerful spiritual power to scan Ye Luo's body, as if they were checking for something.

However, seeing that Ye Luo's breath was weak, his realm was low, and he didn't have what they were looking for, they left in a hurry and entered the big pit.

After several breaths swept past, Ye Luo finally released the smoke and dust.

Outside the smoke and dust beside the pit, at this time, many monks of various schools and sects were already standing. These monks were strong and weak, some of them rushed into the pit from outside the pit with their eyes shining, and some rushed out of the pit in horror.

Ye Luo kept a low profile, restrained his breath, and walked towards the crowd with his head down.

"It is rumored that Tian Xuanzi of the Shang Qingzong was completely enraged. He directly used the Skyfire Sword to cut through the void, and chased into the depths of the void. Master!" a monk whispered.

"The other great powers of the Shang Qingzong were also furious, and the tip of the ancient Zhuxian sword that fell to the bottom of the pit disappeared. I don't know which powerful person dared to snatch the sword tip of the ancient Zhuxian sword. This is to blatantly make an enemy of Shang Qingzong!"

"Have you not found the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword yet? It is the ancient emperor's weapon, the supreme heritage of the Qing sect!"

"I heard it hasn't happened yet. The point of the sword fell too suddenly before. The rest of the Qing Dynasty's other great powers were a little farther away, and they were a step slower. Before that, there were already great powers from all major forces. rushed to the bottom of the pit."

"I've also heard that, maybe, the Da Neng of the Shang Qingzong, after arriving, already has the power, and left with the tip of the sword, which is the tip of the ancient sword of Zhuxian. Giant, if you see it, you will definitely snatch it like crazy!"

Ye Luo became more low-key when he heard this, and slowly walked out of the crowd.

"Fellow Taoist, I think you came out of the pit just now?" Just as Ye Luo was walking in the crowd, suddenly, a young monk patted Ye Luo on the shoulder.

Ye Luo paused slightly, and said in a low-key manner: "Yes, I originally wanted to go in to try my luck, but I didn't expect that once I entered, I was full of terrifying power, so I came out again."

"Haha! With your cultivation level, you still want to go in and try your luck?" The young man shook his head, and then said, "Are you a casual cultivator?"

Ye Luo nodded.

"It seems to be the same. If you are a disciple of the sect, with the guidance of the sect, you will not foolishly go in and die. However, for you casual cultivators, it is normal to enter the pit. After all, wealth is in danger." The young fellow Taoist pointed out, and then said: "Actually, there were quite a lot of casual cultivators who rushed in earlier, but they didn't want to snatch the tip of the sword."

"It's not for snatching the tip of the sword?" Ye Luo froze for a moment.

"That's right, the great powers fought in the sky, and they also attracted the attacks of several powerful walking corpses from ancient times. Some of the powers fell, and the treasures on their bodies were scattered and scattered in this area. Among them, the most fell into the pit, and many Loose cultivators, knowing that it is absolutely impossible to snatch the tip of the sword, they went to snatch the treasures of the scattered powerful monks." The young monk explained.

"I see." Ye Luo nodded.

"Hey, have you heard? In addition to the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword, the severed dragon's head was also shattered in the fierce snatching by various forces. According to legend, there was a dragon's head in the dragon's mouth. When it was broken, it was scattered in this area." The young monk said in a low voice.

"Is there something in the dragon's mouth?" Ye Luo was shocked.

"Yes, cough, you are just a weak casual cultivator, you must not know it, I was a little closer at that time, and I vaguely saw it, it seemed to be some kind of lump, but I didn't see it clearly." The young monk said.

Ye Luo frowned and nodded, thought quickly, and muttered to himself: "Is there something hidden in the mouth of the dragon, and is it related to the thing in the coffin of Jiulong?"

Ye Luo and the young man chatted for a few more words, then they said goodbye, and continued to walk towards the periphery. Before leaving, Ye Luo kindly reminded the young monk: "The great war here, the terrifying atmosphere that erupts, must be It will attract a lot of powerful walking corpses in the city, maybe there are already many powerful walking corpses on the periphery at this time, it is best to leave quickly, otherwise, there will be danger of life."

After saying that, Ye Luo passed the young man, Ye Luo just wanted to leave here in a low-key way.

"Fellow daoists, I am the Tianshui Taoist of the Shangqing Sect. Brother Tianxuanzi has already gone after the monster in the Nether Ghost Land. However, the tip of my ancient sword of the Sacred Immortals of the Shangqing Sect fell to the ground and disappeared. I don't know which fellow Taoist picked it up?" A terrifying coercion suddenly erupted from the air, and a middle-aged Daoist wearing an elegant Taoist robe with a mysterious vision of heaven and water on his back looked down at his surroundings.

His voice was not loud, but every monk present heard this sentence very clearly. His voice was peaceful, but it made people feel a sense of murderous intent.

"If you find it, please return it immediately. Otherwise, the clan will be wiped out. I don't think any big power can bear the anger of the Qing Dynasty." The elegant monk spoke again.

Surroundings, as this terrifying coercion swept across the surroundings, many big forces were slightly quiet.

"Shangren Tianhe, Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was also in Shenshi City. He, he doesn't seem to be a monk of this era. It is rumored that he is a self-sealed power in ancient times. He was not born again until ten months ago. His strength is terrifying. Ruyuan, surpassing ordinary power." Some people were shocked.

"The person who can snatch the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword must be the power of other great powers, but, since it has been snatched away, who will return it?" Someone shook his head.

A powerful monk murmured to himself, saying: "Perhaps, it may also be hidden among ordinary monks, and the powers of the Nether Ghost Land snatched it away. Don't forget, they were the ones who attacked Master Tianxuanzi, causing The tip of the sword is out of control."

(End of this chapter)

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