Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 539 Offending Ye Luo

Chapter 539 Offending Ye Luo

The monks of the major forces are all guessing and doubting, and the No. 1 decent sect of the ancient Eastern Desolation, Shang Qingzong, has been completely enraged, and the powers of the major forces are silently on guard.

Everyone knows what the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword means to Shang Qingzong.

Without that great power, at this moment, touch Shang Qingzong's brow.

Ye Luo was here, with a humble cultivation level, just like a casual cultivator, and left in a low-key manner. When he walked to the periphery of the crowd, he was also questioned by several disciples of the Shangqing Sect.

However, the disciples of Shang Qingzong saw Ye Luo's low profile and low strength, asked a few contemptuous words, and then let him go.

The red raindrops fell, and a thin layer of red snow-like things had accumulated on the ground. It looked a little weird and cold in the streets and alleys of the ancient city.

Ye Luo passed through the crowd and walked towards an alley.

"Amitabha, benefactor, you can make it easier for me to find the monk!" Before Ye Luo entered the alley, he heard the voice of a familiar monk that made his teeth sore.

Ye Luo turned his head, and suddenly saw that powerful, puffy monk appearing behind him again.

"Master, you've already robbed everything you should have robbed, why are you looking for me?" Ye Luo gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Amitabha, the benefactor may have misunderstood, it is not a robbery, it is the incense money that the benefactor gave you voluntarily." The monk's face was very serious, as if he was talking about a very sacred thing.

Ye Luo gritted his teeth, he had too many secrets, and he didn't want to talk to the monk, and said: "Just treat it as the incense money I paid, and I paid everything that should be paid, why are you still looking for me?" ?”

"Amitabha, anger hurts the liver, and the heart of the donor is not calm enough. You should feel lucky. Meeting the poor monk is the greatest opportunity in your life. At least, you know where it should be called incense money.

You were too anxious to donate incense money before, the poor monk forgot to introduce yourself, the poor monk's dharma name is Yue Bude, what is the name of the benefactor? "The puffy monk looked serious.

Ye Luo saw that the monk was even more shameless than a donkey, and really wanted to slap him in the face with his hands, but seeing that the monk was too powerful, he could only bear it for the time being.

Yue Bude, you really can't get an appointment!

"Ye Luo!" Ye Luo said two words, and then said another sentence: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Amitabha, the benefactor, don't rush away, donate that thing as incense money, the poor monk has been looking for you for so long, just to let you do good deeds again." Monk Yue Bude said.

"What?" Ye Luo was stunned.

"Things in the dragon's mouth!" Yue Bude took a step forward, his face glowing red, and then said: "The benefactor is worthy of donating incense money to the Buddha. I didn't expect that even the things in the dragon's mouth can be picked up."

"What's in the dragon's mouth?" Ye Luo frowned.

"Benefactor, don't make trouble, it's that bronze lump!" The Buddhist beads on Yue Bude's neck trembled, and in his eyes, a hint of excitement that had been concealed for a long time suddenly burst out.

The bronze lump is the lost thing in the dragon's head that was blown up above the sky?

Ye Luo's heart was turbulent, but his face pretended to be shocked, but he didn't say a word, turned around and ran towards the direction of the pit again.

Yue Bude's speed was even faster, he grabbed Ye Luo, and said: "Amitabha, benefactor, calm down, the poor monk saw it wrong earlier, and then came out of the big pit, and the poor monk found out that it was Longkou Hand over the thing in it, that thing is very fierce, your concentration is too weak to suppress it."

"Calm down, what the fuck, didn't you appraise that thing before, it was a bronze lump? I also looked carefully at that time, and I was sure it was a bronze lump, so I threw it away." Ye Luo said with a look on his face. anxious.

Yue Bude's calm face changed immediately, he grabbed Ye Luo's shoulders, and without caring about the image of the monk, he said, "Ami is a fucking Buddha, where did you throw it?"

While talking, Yue Bude quickly checked Ye Luo's body again with secret techniques, but found nothing.

"In the pit, that's where I was standing before, and I just threw it away." Ye Luo looked remorseful.

"Ami, fuck the Buddha, I lost my mind. I threw away the thing I got. That thing must not be snatched away by outsiders." Yue Bude's figure flashed suddenly, like a streamer, quietly towards Rush towards the direction of the big pit.

After Ye Luo pretended to run two steps forward, his face quickly regained his composure, and he was shocked in his heart. That bronze lump turned out to be something held in the dragon's mouth?

This is so amazing, this unscrupulous and unscrupulous monk was really wrong before!
Ye Luo's heart was turbulent, and he tried to keep calm, and stood there for a while, seeing that the monk didn't come back, he turned around and left again, more low-key.

The red drizzle continued to fall, and Ye Luo restrained all his breath, looking lonely, humble, and weak.

Ye Luo walked about 20 steps, and when he looked back by chance, he suddenly saw a non-human footprint on the cold ground formed by the red drizzle that was as thin as red snow.

The footprints were obviously donkey's!

Among the footprints of many people, the footprints of donkeys are particularly eye-catching.

Ye Luo couldn't help being taken aback, and suddenly remembered that when the monk was in the pit, he said that when the great powers of the various forces snatched the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, they didn't find the tip of the sword, but only saw a donkey. After checking that there was no sword point on the donkey, in the end, the donkey was taken away by people from Loulan Holy Land.

With a thought, Ye Luo followed the footprints of the donkey and walked into an alley.

A moment later, at the corner of the alley.

"Hey, little girl, if you agree to practice together with me, I will save you, tsk tsk, such a tender, youthful, youthful and beautiful girl is also very rare in the world of practice." An evil voice came quietly in the little girl. rang at the corner of the alley.

"You, you are shameless!" A young girl's voice sounded immediately.

"Hehe, little girl, you have misunderstood me. The secret art of joyous joy in our Acacia Sect is unique in the world, but all the girls who practice with our Acacia Sect can greatly improve their cultivation base and nourish their youth. , bursting into vitality is the way to reconcile yin and yang." The evil voice sounded again.

When Ye Luo heard these two voices, a coldness suddenly appeared in his puzzled eyes.

Then, Ye Luo walked to the corner of the alley, turned his head, and looked at another alley where the voice came from.

Ye Luo suddenly saw that in the alley, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old was carrying a comatose woman on her back, leading a donkey with dull red eyes, which twitched from time to time, seemed to have lost consciousness, and was walking with a donkey. Corpse fighting.

The walking corpse has the appearance of the ninth level of Qi training. The girl of seventeen or eighteen years old is struggling to support in front of the walking corpse.

And not far from the girl, a young male cultivator wearing a strange red dress was watching this scene with a pair of playful eyes, constantly threatening and luring the girl to join him in cultivation, otherwise, he would not Come to the rescue.

This seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl is Zhou Xiaoyu!

The comatose, scholarly woman on her back was Yu Ji!
(End of this chapter)

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