Chapter 540 Beheading (3 more tickets requested)
In the depths of the alley, red drizzle falls like snow on the thin bluestone slabs.

Why did Yu Ji fall into a coma, how did the donkey become like this, and why did Zhou Xiaoyu appear here?

Ye Luo was surprised at first, and then, his eyes were cold and crazily murderous, and he didn't hide it at all, and burst out directly, and his body turned into an afterimage.

Zhou Xiaoyu carried the unconscious Concubine Yu on her back, holding her hand with her eyes red and dull, and twitching from time to time. The unconscious donkey was covered in scars and tears fell from his eyes.

Ten months ago, she was just a girl in high school after all.

However, she still persisted.

The powerful walking corpse displayed another powerful combat technique, and in Zhou Xiaoyu's despair, he muttered to himself, "Mom, Uncle Ye, Xiaohuan, Xiaoying, you will never see me again!" .”

"Hey hey! Little girl, as long as you agree to cultivate together with me, I can save you now and kill this walking corpse!" The evil monk of the Acacia Sect watched Zhou Xiaoyu cry, with excitement on his face, But more and more intense.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed past, and then, the walking corpse who was attacking Zhou Xiaoyu again was punched in the face, flew directly, and hit the wall fiercely. The wall is cracked!

The walking corpse fell to the ground.

"Who?" The monk of the Acacia Sect suddenly concentrated his breath, his eyes tightened, and he fixed Ye Luo firmly.

"Ye, Uncle Ye?" Zhou Xiaoyu, who had already felt hopeless, looked at Ye Luo standing in front of him, feeling a little unbelievable for a moment.

In the alley, there was a slight silence.

"Yes, is that you? Uncle Ye? Why are you here?" Zhou Xiaoyu's voice trembled a little, and he stared blankly at Ye Luo, tears dripping from his eyes again.

Ye Luo reached out and wiped the tears from Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes, then looked at the unconscious Yu Ji and the donkey in a strange state, and said, "It's me, don't be afraid."


The walking corpse that was dropped by Ye Luo before got up again, and suddenly let out a roar, and once again condensed more powerful combat skills with both hands, and rushed towards Ye Luo frantically.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, be careful, hurry up and get out of the way!" Zhou Xiaoyu saw the powerful walking corpse rushing towards him frantically, a look of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and suddenly remembered the identity of Ye Luo's star body, and stretched out He shook his hand, wanting to pull Ye Luo away.

However, Ye Luo's body suddenly moved, and he punched out again. At the same time, the other hand directly took out the blood-red sword that had not been used for a long time from the bead.


Ye Luo directly punched the walking corpse's chest, and the walking corpse's chest sank exaggeratedly. Then, Ye Luo closed his right eye, opened his left eye, and stabbed the blood-red sword in his hand.

The little blood red sword directly pierced the walking corpse's eyebrow!


There was a strange cry from the center of the walking corpse's eyebrows. It seemed that something had been stabbed inside. The walking corpse's face twisted and its body twitched. Then, a smear of bright red blood flowed out from the walking corpse's eyebrows.

The walking corpse stopped shaking, and slowly fell to the ground.

In the alley, it was silent again.

"You, are you really Uncle Ye?" Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes were full of shock, the world had changed drastically for ten months, and he had never seen each other. The last meeting in front of the temple was just a hasty meeting. He hurried away again.

Zhou Xiaoyu has never seen Ye Luo's true strength.

Ye Luo regained consciousness, walked back, patted Zhou Xiaoyu's head again, and asked, "Why are you here? With such a powerful existence, Yu Ji, how could she be in a coma, and how could the donkey become like this? Also, Xiaoyu Where are Huan and Yang Ying?"

In one breath, he asked a series of questions.

"Xiaohuan and Yang Ying are still at the Tianhe Inn. Before the temple collapsed, the three of us were forcibly sent back to the Tianhe Inn by Master Yuji. But seeing that you didn't come back, the three of us were very anxious and wanted to come out. looking for you.

However, the people in the Holy Land said that it would be very dangerous outside and would not let us go out. We couldn't argue, so we thought of a way to sneak away separately.

Whoever slips out will take you back.

In the end, I was the only one who managed to sneak out. I never found you in the city. It wasn't until after the sword point and dragon head appeared that I finally found Master Yuji.

When I found Master Yuji, Master Yuji was leading this donkey in a strange state.

Later, when Master Yuji was snatching something from the dragon's mouth, he was attacked by someone. Master Yuji finally used the Supreme Forbidden Technique to beat that person into a serious injury and repel him. Forbidden, fell into a coma.

Moreover, before Master Yu Ji fell into a coma, in order to prevent the thing in the dragon's mouth from bringing disaster to me, he threw that thing in one direction.

Afterwards, Master Yuji fell into a coma completely. I carried Master Yuji on my back, led the donkey, and wanted to go back to the Tianhe Inn, but when I got here, I was attacked by a walking corpse, and the Acacia sect people. "Zhou Xiaoyu began to narrate.

Ye Luo's body trembled, Hong Maoyu was cold, but Ye Luo's nose was slightly sore, these three silly girls, in that situation, even wanted to save themselves.

At the same time, a hint of understanding and doubts arose in Ye Luo's heart.

Did Yu Ji throw that bronze lump in his direction when she saw him before she fell unconscious, or did she throw it unintentionally?
Ye Luo looked at Yu Ji, who exuded the smell of books and was in a coma, then at the donkey, and then at Zhou Xiaoyu's immature, young, and strong face whose tears were not yet dry, and finally turned around slowly, looking at That evil youth from the Hehuan sect.

His eyes became colder, and the killing intent burst out again.

"Oh! I don't know who it is. It turns out that it is the waste star that Ning Caier broke off the marriage." The enchanting young man in red from the Hehuan Sect narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You know me?" Ye Luo's eyes became more murderous.

"Of course I do. Huo Aotian and I are good friends, and I have some friendship with Ning Caier. I saw your photo by chance. Hehe, you don't look as weak as the rumors say." The strange young man in red had a strange light in his eyes.

Then, he opened his mouth again and said: "However, seeing that you have just made a move, your realm is at most eight or nine layers of body training, right? This kind of strength is still just an ant in front of me! After leaving Shenshi City, Huo Aotian and Ning Cai'er's wedding will be held, if I catch you, will it be considered as a big gift for Huo Aotian and Ning Caier?"

"Uncle Ye, this man is the holy son of the Hehuan Sect. He is extremely powerful. According to rumors, he is almost the same as Huo Aotian. Ye, Uncle Ye, you may not be his opponent." A gleam of hope and joy just rose in Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes , at this moment, suddenly disillusioned, the body turns cold.

Then, Zhou Xiaoyu bit her lips hard with her white teeth, tears dripped again, and said, "You, don't hurt Uncle Ye. If you let Uncle Ye go, I, I am willing to practice together with you."

(End of this chapter)

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