Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 541 The Dragon Has Inverse Scales

Chapter 541 The Dragon Has Inverse Scales
The bewitching young man in red, with greedy eyes but not obsessed, looked at the pure, youthful, immature body that had just begun to take shape, and said lightly: "If you promised to take the initiative to double cultivate with me earlier, maybe I will Take you away directly, but now, heh, not only do I want you to double cultivate, but I also want to take away this waste star."

"You, how can you do this? If you dare to hurt Uncle Ye, I, I will commit suicide!" Tears dripped down Zhou Xiaoyu's immature face, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes. He took out a dagger and put it on his fair neck.

"In front of my Holy Son of Hehuan, no one can commit suicide yet." The powerful breath on the strange young man's body was slightly cold, his eyes suddenly became extremely haughty, as if looking down on Zhou Xiaoyu and Ye Luo, and then said: "In Huo Aotian At the wedding with Ning Caier, treating this trash as a gift is also considered a great gift."

"I..." Zhou Xiaoyu trembled and anxiously wanted to speak again, but Ye Luo's hand patted his shoulder lightly.

Then, Ye Luo took two steps forward, his eyes were cold and terrifying, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop suddenly following Ye Luo's two steps.

"Miscellaneous." Ye Luo looked at the strange young man, and opened his mouth to spit out two words.

"Uncle Ye, you are not his opponent, he is really the holy son of the Hehuan sect." Zhou Xiaoyu became more anxious and panicked, and then hurriedly shouted: "Son of Hehuan, what do you want to let me go, Uncle Ye. "

"Why bother to plead for a mere waste astral body, he is not worthy of your pleading, the body of spiritual sound taught by Master Yu Ji, hehe, from now on, it will be my co-cultivation furnace, an immature virgin, after co-cultivation, my realm , should be able to break through the first layer again." The bewitching young man still didn't take Ye Luo seriously.

Ye Luo's eyes turned cold, he didn't speak again, and his body moved directly. This bastard successfully aroused the unprecedented killing intent in Ye Luo.

In this cold world, the only thing that Ye Luo can protect is the tiny warmth on that side.

The powerful and mysterious young man in front of him has already touched Ye Luo's reverse scale. No matter how powerful this young man is and how terrifying his background is, in Ye Luo's eyes, he has already become a dead person.

"Hahaha, how dare you attack me with just a trash star?" The bewitching young man's eyes were full of contempt. Although he had just seen Ye Luo kill walking corpses, in his opinion, Ye Luo Ye Luo's cultivation base is only the eighth or ninth level of body training, and body training is a recognized and eliminated cultivation system, so he still doesn't take Ye Luo seriously.

"Battle technique, Acacia palm!"

The bewitching young man made a move, and between his hands, there was a pink palm print made entirely of aura, carrying an aura of enchanting heart and soul, and smashed directly towards Ye Luo's figure.


Ye Luo's eyes were as cold as snow, and he still didn't say a word. He punched directly on the condensed palm print of the strange young man, and smashed it directly. When the fists and palms collided, traces of the fist wind swept across the wall.

A fist smashed the palm of the acacia, but Ye Luo's fist did not stop, and still fell on the strange young man.

The eyes of the bewitching young man shrank slightly, his body turned into a pink shadow, and he said lightly: "That's right, you can actually smash my combat skills? How did you cultivate?"

Ye Luo still didn't say a word. After the first punch was dropped, the second punch was followed closely. The punch carried more powerful force, and the air around the fist was vaguely distorted.

"Oh, do you really think that you will hurt me? Waste, it's just a dream, fighting with you, it's a waste of time, Acacia cutting technique!" A flash of anger flashed across the face of the Acacia Son, his hands quickly condensed, Three pink, very thin lines, forming a three-wire web.

After these three lines appeared, the surrounding void unexpectedly showed signs of rupture.

After the third line appeared, he slashed coldly towards Ye Luo who was rushing towards him.

"Uncle Ye, hurry up, get out of the way quickly, this is the supreme secret technique of the Acacia Sect, the Acacia Cutting Technique, anyone who touches the silk thread will be chopped into pieces directly, the silk thread can cut steel!" Zhou Xiaoyu was shocked, Carrying the unconscious Yu Ji on her back, she took a step forward.

Yu Ji, who was in a coma, moved her eyelashes slightly, as if she felt something.

However, Ye Luo's figure still didn't stop, and rushed directly above the three lines.


The body touches the cutting line!

"It's a pity. I wanted to give Huo Aotian and Ning Caier a job as a wedding gift, but I didn't want to be cut into pieces. The effect of gift giving will be much weaker." Shengzi Acacia looked at Three lines cut into Ye Luo's body, shaking his head slightly.

"Uncle Ye!" Zhou Xiaoyu was horrified, a powerful aura hidden in her body seemed to wake up under the extreme grief and anger, and shouted mournfully, "Son of Acacia, I want to kill you!"

"Hey! As expected of the body of spiritual sound, the potential contained in the depths of the body is really terrifying, heh, but your cultivation base is too low to use this powerful potential at all, hey, you should practice together with me, let me do it take..."

Before He Huan Shengzi finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, because he was shocked to see that when the three lines that could cut through space passed through Ye Luo's body, Ye Luo did not bleed, but his body , but began to break and blur.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a terrifying attack coming from behind.


A terrifying attack containing ice-coldness and anger directly smashed his aura armor at the peak of foundation establishment, and immediately after that, a top-quality aura robe formed a second shield on his vest.

However, under this terrifying attack, the top-grade aura robe on his body was also rapidly shattering.

After the two defenses were shattered, the Son of Albizia Juan was directly blown away. While he was in the air, he had shattered blood vessels on his body, spilling blood.

If it wasn't for the critical moment, the sect's top-grade aura robe on his body blocked most of the remaining attack power, and he would most likely have died.

The holy son of Hehuan was in the air, a trace of horror finally flashed in his eyes, he took out an ancient blood-colored talisman, spit a mouthful of blood on the blood-colored talisman, and shouted: "Acacia blood escape! "

In the next second, the second terrifying attack landed on the place where he formed the seal, but his figure turned into a phantom, and immediately after, he appeared ten meters away.

And Ye Luo's figure also paused for a moment, returning to his senses, and looked coldly at the Holy Son of Hehuan who was ten meters away. Ye Luo just used the supreme secret technique he obtained from the small cauldron: shadow clone surgery!
Shengzi Hehuan's face was pale, his eyes were shocked, and at the same time he was extremely angry and murderous, and said: "Okay, very good, you have successfully angered me, today, you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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