Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 543 Pre-Qin Mysteries

Chapter 543 Pre-Qin Mysteries
The hand stretched out, the voice was evil, and the azure blue clothes were torn.



A cold roar full of terrifying murderous intent came out suddenly, and then, the ancient great power, who depicted the blood-colored cage with the supreme array pattern, suddenly shattered, and an afterimage was fierce.

Shengzi Hehuan suddenly turned around, his eyes shrank fiercely, and he was extremely shocked. Almost at the most instinctive speed, he took out the broken, rusty bronze shuttle that he took out when Yu Ji woke up just now, and blocked it. In front of myself.


However, the bronze shuttle broke directly.

Immediately afterwards, his body shook suddenly, and he felt a terrifying and cold thing directly piercing his heart.

"The sword tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword!" Shengzi Hehuan lowered his head, glanced down, and suddenly saw that a half-foot-long sword tip that looked like gold but not gold, jade and not jade, was held in Ye Luo's hand , stabbed him in the chest.

"The bloody cage is broken, the bronze shuttle of the ancient rare treasure is broken, this is Zhu Xiangu..." He stopped abruptly at this point, because he found that the blood and essence in his body seemed to be being swallowed by a terrifying force Attracted by the force, he frantically moved towards Ye Luo's body along the tip of the sword.

"This, this is the devouring of heaven..." He still didn't finish his sentence, because his body had been sucked out of life in just two or three seconds, and his whole body was like a mummy. He fell straight down.

Ye Luo panted, and the devouring power swayed on his body. The huge essence and blood energy sucked from the Son of Albizia Jubilee boiled wildly in his body, as if to squeeze the blood vessels and dantian in his body.

Ye Luo took a deep breath, first put the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword into the bead, then forcibly took out the moon wheel, and directly smashed the mummy of the son of the Hehuan sect who became the arrogance of heaven.

Afterwards, he even forcibly operated the Heavenly Book Swallowing Volume, suppressing all the huge energy and blood in the dantian, and the flesh and blood in Ye Luo's body were absorbing the huge energy and blood quickly and silently.

Ye Luo raised his head, wiped Zhou Xiaoyu's tears again, took off his coat, wrapped it around Zhou Xiaoyu's torn blouse, and said softly, "It's all right."

Zhou Xiaoyu was completely shocked. After a long time, his emotions recovered a little, and he said, "Ye, Uncle Ye, you snatched the tip of the ancient sword of Jade Immortal? Also, you actually practiced..."

Before Zhou Xiaoyu finished speaking, Ye Luo suddenly covered Zhou Xiaoyu's mouth, and then turned around suddenly, with a vigilant expression, and said: "Someone is coming, let's go first, give me Yuji, I will carry it, you Lead the donkey."

Ye Luo looked serious, took Yu Ji from Zhou Xiaoyu's hand, and when she carried it on her back, she suddenly felt a more strange scent of books, as well as the two soft masses behind her, and her body couldn't help but pause.

Then, leave quickly.

Zhou Xiaoyu's emotions were still in shock and bewilderment. Uncle Ye, who they had always thought was a waste, would be so powerful against the sky, and even directly killed a holy son of an ancient sect!

The tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword and the legendary Devouring Scroll of Heavenly Book are all on Uncle Ye's body!
Ye Luo carried the unconscious Concubine Yu on her back, and Zhou Xiaoyu led the unconscious donkey, whose body was shaking from time to time, and after passing through two alleys quickly, they finally stopped.

Zhou Xiaoyu wanted to ask the question in her heart when she opened her mouth, but saw that Ye Luo gave her a silent gesture.

Ye Luo turned back indifferently, handed back Yu Ji on her body to Zhou Xiaoyu again, and blocked Zhou Xiaoyu behind her, turned around, and said indifferently: "I followed two alleys, should I come out?"


The huge ancient city with a radius of [-] miles - Shenshi City has only one main street, and the rest are connected by all kinds of alleys, large and small.

On the bluestone slab in the alley, a thin layer of cold and strange red drizzle has accumulated, like snow.

At the end of the alley, with a slight hey, a figure in black appeared.

However, all over the figure's body, there is only a pair of clear eyes like the cold spring, revealing in the air.

She restrained the aura of all the practitioners, but she casually stood in the ancient alley, giving people a mysterious, strange, and subtle feeling, as if she had merged with the red drizzle that was still falling. One.

Even though the black clothes covered all of her body, it still gave people a thrilling feeling, making people's hearts throbbing in the dark.

Ye Luo's body suddenly tensed up, and he couldn't help touching the beads on his neck again. The devouring power in his body was even tighter to the extreme, because Ye Luo had seen this figure before!
Now, in the sky, when they were vying for the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, in the void, the one who suddenly appeared, who dared to assassinate Tianxuanzi, who was at the peak of Qingzong's power, used the legendary spear of the underworld to stab directly The ghostly figure wearing Tianxuanzi's shoulder armor is the person in front of him!

Although Ye Luo has never seen her real face, but just looking at those eyes and the soul-stirring temperament on her body, as a former generation of war doctors, she can be very sure.

What is the real identity of this person, who can assassinate Tianxuanzi who is the supreme and powerful peak existence!

"You seem to be very nervous." The black-clothed figure spoke again, and his voice was like the feeling of the cold spring. In the coldness, there was a smell of winter not ending and spring coming late.

"We don't seem to know each other." Ye Luo suddenly smiled, but his body was still tense.

"It's true that we don't know each other, but I know the person on her back, Yu Ji from Loulan Holy Land." She spoke again.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed again. This is a person in the Nether Ghost Land. Regarding the Nether Ghost Land, Ye Luo once heard the donkey mention it occasionally. The predecessor of that place was the Demon Cult in the ancient times.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I owe Yu Ji a favor. She crushed the jade talisman and wanted me to save you." She said here, shaking her head slightly, and said again, "Unfortunately, it seems that this favor It seems that it’s not enough, the crisis has been resolved by you yourself.”

Ye Luo was slightly stunned, and suddenly thought that the comatose Concubine Yu seemed to wake up for about two seconds.

"Senior, that, since it's all right, let's go first." Ye Luo didn't want to be with this kind of existence who had assassinated Tianxuanzi, and it was safest to stay away from these big men.

"Senior? Am I that old?" The black-clothed figure looked at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's body was slightly stiff, and he habitually touched his nose with his hand.

But the moment Ye Luo raised his hand, that touching figure suddenly looked at a ring in Ye Luo's hand, took a slight step forward, and said, "Huh! Qin Jie? This should be Taoist Cangsong Yes, it contains the sealed Xu Fu, do you know Qin Shihuang?"

(End of this chapter)

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