Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 544 Pre-Qin Mystery 2

Chapter 544 Pre-Qin Mystery 2
On the bluestone slab in the alley, a thin layer of cold and strange red drizzle has accumulated, like snow.

Ye Luo suddenly raised his head and looked at the soul-stirring figure, his heart was full of waves.

After the great changes in the world, Ye Luo heard the names of Pre-Qin, Xu Fu, and Qin Shihuang for the first time from a real monk. This man was dressed in black, and his eyes were as cold as spring. Occasionally, there was a touch of skin, and there was a kind of soul-stirring. What is the identity of Xia Bai's figure?
Did she really come from the legendary ghost land?
Ye Luo raised his hand. Under the moonlight, on his thumb, there was a green ring that was simple and vicissitudes. This ring was given to him by Cangsong earlier. Petrified Xu Fu.

At that time, the red embroidered shoes were also there.

"I don't know you." Ye Luo took a deep look at the figure, and then asked, "Do you know him?"

The black-clothed figure paused slightly, without nodding or shaking his head, the corners of his clothes swayed, his eyes fell on Ye Luo's ring again, and said: "He and I are not of the same age, but this person, Very mysterious."

Qin Shihuang is naturally mysterious. In the history of China, there is almost no emperor who can be more mysterious than him.

Ye Luo was slightly disappointed.

"However, I have seen Xu Fu." The figure spoke again, and then she glanced at the donkey behind Ye Luo, and said indifferently: "Xu Fu went to the Nether Ghost Land by himself, and wanted to use the spear of the god of the underworld to take the Qin boat. He didn't borrow it to enter the Styx Forbidden Land, but he took another thing from the Nether Ghost Land."

"What?" Ye Luo swallowed.

"The coffin lantern." The figure was as black as ink, and the eyes that were cold in spring were slightly cold.

"What's that?" Ye Luo kept Zhou Xiaoyu completely behind him.

"A soul-suppressing weapon can hold a coffin, but Xu Fu has no ability to take it away. The one who really took away the coffin-suppressing lamp was that girl of yours, the donkey in her hand." The eyes of the figure were even colder, Then he added: "When Xu Fu entered the Nether Forbidden Land, the donkey used some kind of forbidden technique. It got into the Nether Ghost Land and broke into the Nether Ancestral Tombs protected by the Great Emperor's pattern. It stole one of the ancestral tombs. Steal the coffin lamp."

Ye Luo's body was slightly stiff, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the donkey that twitched from time to time, fell into a strange state, and temporarily lost consciousness. He was shocked in his heart, what the hell, this donkey even stole the ancestral graves in such a mysterious and terrifying place in the pre-Qin period ?

"This donkey should have some kind of cooperation and plan with Xu Fu back then, but after the donkey dug up the ancestral grave and stole the coffin lamp, it wanted to swallow the coffin lamp alone, and even used some kind of ancient cursed ghost medicine to fascinate people." After fainting Xu Fu, he ransacked Xu Fu again.

Later, the donkey triggered a joint hunt by Xu Fu, Qin Shihuang, and Netherworld. In the end, when the donkey was chased to the ancient forbidden area, it entered the forbidden area and disappeared in the pre-Qin era. "The pitch-black figure continued to speak.

But Ye Luo became more and more frightened when he heard it. Damn, he had asked the donkey many times why it was sealed on the ancient altar of the dry well, and it always answered that Xu Fu pitted it, He pitted it on the ancient altar of the dry well, and kept scolding Xu Fu and Qin Shihuang for being shameless.

Now, what the hell, listening to the truth that the man in front of him uttered is shocking, the corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched fiercely, who is shameless?What a fucking dog, this donkey has already surpassed the realm of shamelessness!
Not only is she shameless, but she is also shamelessly black-bellied.

Ye Luo slowed down for a long time before regaining consciousness, and said again, "Why did Xu Fu go to your ghost land to borrow the spear of the god of the underworld, and why did you cooperate with this donkey to steal the coffin lamp from your ancestor's grave?" ?”

The figure was silent for a while, and then said: "Qin Shihuang, Xu Fu wants to enter the Styx restricted area."

There were too many secrets in the pre-Qin period. Ye Luo took a deep breath, and suddenly remembered that when he fell into the Styx River, he accidentally boarded a Qin boat transformed from a black-covered boat, and suddenly said: "They go in What? Why did they go in?"

"They went in, but no one knew what they were looking for. At the beginning, Lao Tzu rode a green bull to the west out of Hangu Pass. The ancient city of Loulan disappeared in the desert overnight, and Shakyamuni disappeared in the East Sea. The master carried the Book of Changes After entering the Western Wilderness, the disappearance of hundreds of schools of pre-Qin scholars may have something to do with what they were looking for." The figure spoke again.

Ye Luo's body trembled again, and his eyes were a little dazed. After a while, he said, "These people really existed in history?"

"There are records of these people in the Ghost Scripture Pavilion in Nether Ghost Land. They should all have existed before. They are all looking for the same thing." The black figure looked at the donkey again.

Zhou Xiaoyu stared, and grabbed the corner of Ye Luo's clothes.

As a former urbanite, she and Ye Luo were equally shocked. Regarding these things, they knew the same information, and even most people who came out of the city knew the same information.

In many cases, these things only exist in legends, and no one has ever really taken them seriously.

However, there are no groundless legends. In the rumors, there are always hidden truths and clues that have been submerged in the long river of history.

"He, aren't they looking for the Nine Dragons Coffin? Don't they want to know what's in the Nine Dragons Coffin?" Ye Luo suddenly remembered that the donkey once said that Qin Shihuang built the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum and even cast the Great Wall as a way of life. The formation, and entering the Styx, are all to find the Kowloon coffin.

Could it be, isn't it the truth?
"No, Nine Dragons Coffin has been underground in Shenshi City since ancient times, suppressing taboo things. This news is not a secret. Nine Dragons Coffin, don't need to look for it. No one has ever opened Nine Dragons Coffin since ancient times. .

The Kowloon coffin was not what they were looking for. "The blood moon was falling, the pitch-black figure, the cold spring eyes, and the thrilling temperament were frozen in Ye Luo's eyes.

Zhou Xiaoyu took La Yeluo's hand and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Ye, what exactly are they looking for?"

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"You will know soon, as long as you can get out of the city alive." The voice sounded again.

"What do you mean?" Ye Luo raised his head and looked at the figure who had assassinated Tianxuanzi with the spear of Hades.

The figure didn't answer Ye Luo's question directly, but asked another seemingly irrelevant question, "Have you seen the Bana Flower?"

Ye Luo was stunned for a while, then still shook his head and said, "I have heard in legends that the Bana flower grows under the Naihe Bridge and in the River of Forgetfulness. Have you ever seen it? The Bana flower is related to what they are looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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