Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 546 Ancient Corpse Tide

Chapter 546 Ancient Corpse Tide
"Humiliation, joke?" Ye Luo looked calm.

Bi Yao, who only showed a pair of cold spring eyes, took a look at Ye Luo, shook his head again, and said, "Are you thinking that now everyone is trapped to death in Shenshi City, and Huo Aotian is also in the city. Maybe, everyone will die, so you feel that the wedding will not be held again, and you don't have to go to the one-year appointment?"

"Perhaps, your guess is wrong." Ye Luo suddenly smiled.

Dressed in pitch-black clothes, his body paused slightly, and an imperceptible trace of doubt flashed away in his eyes, and suddenly there was a feeling that he hadn't seen through the seemingly humble and insignificant person in front of him.

"Really? In Shenshi City, the most terrifying tide of corpses is coming. If you survive this round of the most terrifying tide of corpses, you still have a chance to go out. As the peerless genius of the Shangqing Sect, Huo Aotian, a member of the Shangqing Sect, He will protect him at all costs, and the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation will form a short period of weakness after the tide of corpses. People from the major forces outside the city will have more terrifying people to accompany him out of the city.

You are not sure, no one protects you, and no one responds, maybe, you will die in the tide of corpses. "Baguio said lightly.

"What corpse wave?" Zhou Xiaoyu finally came back to his senses, and asked suddenly before Ye Luo could speak.

"Before, the ancient sword of Jade Immortal was broken, and a dragon head fell down. The Nine Dragons Coffin and the remaining ancient sword of Jade Immortal disappeared into the depths of the void, and the competition between the tip of the sword and the dragon's head broke out. In the terrifying battle, all the breath erupted.

And the walking corpses of the ancient monks in this city will wake up according to the strength of the aura erupting in the city. Many supreme powers, even Tianxuanzi, have shot with all their strength, and they must have awakened all the walking corpses in the city.

If nothing else happened, the walking corpses of the ancient monks should have formed a wave of corpses, attacking wildly in the city, and the area where the sword tip and the dragon's head were competing for before should also become the center of the siege of the wave of corpses. Baguio looked up and looked towards the end of the alley.

Zhou Xiaoyu's face couldn't help changing, and he grabbed Ye Luo's hand even tighter, saying: "We are not far from the center of the war just now, have we left the core of the tide of corpses?"

"No, if my guess is right, the crazy tide of corpses should have reached the end of this alley." Baguio said.

Zhou Xiaoyu's body shook, but Ye Luo patted Zhou Xiaoyu's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "With you, Uncle Ye, I will definitely take you with me, and both Xiaohuan and Xiaoying walked out of this sacred stone city alive .”

"You?" Baguio glanced at Ye Luo.

"The ancient walking corpses here have a characteristic. In most cases, powerful monks will only attack powerful monks, and will not attack weak monks." Ye Luo raised his head, and then said to Zhou Xiaoyu One sentence: "Don't worry, you can restrain all your breath and just follow behind me."

"Even so, if the corpses of ancient monks who are weaker and besiege you, do you have hope of surviving?" Bi Yao looked at Ye Luo and shook her head slightly.

Ye Luo's expression was still calm, but there was a trace of indisputability in his tone, and he said: "We will survive."

"Oh, you're really stubborn, come with me, come with me, the hope of living will be greater, I should pay back the favor I owed to Yu Ji, since you all took care of the previous crisis before I came , then, if I lead you out of the tide of corpses alive, I will repay Yu Ji's favor." Bi Yao looked at the end of the alley again with her cold eyes.

And at the end of the alley, there was also a vague sound of dense and terrifying footsteps at this time.

Corpse tide!

It's really coming!

"You have injuries. Once your aura erupts, you will inevitably attract powerful and terrifying walking dead attacks. You are certainly powerful and mysterious, but if you walk with you, you may not have a greater chance of being alive." Ye Luo opened his mouth and refused.

"You can actually see that I have injuries?" Baguio's tone showed surprise again. This seemingly weak and humble person seems to be not as simple as it appears on the surface. When she assassinated Tianxuanzi earlier, , was indeed injured.

Ye Luo's expression suddenly said to Zhou Xiaoyu when the footsteps were getting closer: "Contain all your breath, use your physical strength, and go up to the roof."

While talking, Ye Luo quickly took the donkey from Zhou Xiaoyu's hand, and holding the donkey several hundred kilograms in both hands, he suddenly exerted strength and went straight to the roofs on both sides of the alley.

Zhou Xiaoyu had already heard the sound of footsteps, and after hearing Ye Luo's words, she used the physical strength of a practitioner, which was much stronger than that of ordinary people, to jump up to the roof.

Just when they came up, at the end of the alley, dozens of ancient monks with dull eyes, terrifying aura, and hollow expressions swarmed into the alley.

Among them, Ye Luo even felt that among the dozens of walking corpses, there was a supreme existence of a powerful level.

"Huh! You actually thought of going up to the roof? Walking on the roof will indeed reduce the possibility of meeting the walking corpse a lot." On the roof, Baguio did not know when, but also followed.

Ye Luo looked serious, but nodded politely, holding the donkey with one hand and Zhou Xiaoyu with the other, glanced at the surrounding environment, and quickly analyzed the situation in front of him with the experience of the war doctor period , said: "Follow me and head southwest."

"Uncle Ye, isn't the southwest direction the core of the sword point battle? That place, the core of the siege of the corpse tide, is that place. Let's run to that place. After a while, the corpse tide will gather, isn't it more difficult?" Have you gone out?" At this moment, Zhou Xiaoyu calmed down extremely rarely, and tightly pulled the corner of Ye Luo's clothes to speak.

"Follow me first, and I'll explain to you later." Ye Luo looked at the rooftops in the distance, and there were already several silhouettes of walking corpses, and they surrounded him.

"I can deal with these walking corpses. You can rush out and follow me." Seeing Ye Luo stepping back, Baguio shook her head slightly, thinking that Ye Luo was afraid of these walking corpses. dignified.

"Don't move, follow me. Once you explode your strength, although you can kill the walking corpses on these roofs, it will inevitably attract even more terrifying walking corpses. How sure are you that you can get out alive?" Ye Luo said. The tone is a little more serious.

"Thirty percent certainty." Biguio looked around, seeing a terrifying bee pupae, an ancient walking corpse, and reported a number.

"Come with me, I have a plan. I'm at least [-]% sure of getting out alive." Ye Luo said quietly, it was already at this time, even in front of this terrifying person who used the spear of Hades to assassinate Tianxuanzi , and no longer humble.

Bi Yao suddenly looked back, looked at Ye Luo, and said, "You're just a trash star, [-]%? What's your plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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