Chapter 547
Ye Luo didn't answer Baguio's words in detail, but just said: "It's a deceitful plan, a dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor fellow."

On the blue tiles of the ancient city, there was also a thin layer of cold and strange red drizzle like red snow. Ye Luo pulled the donkey with one hand and Zhou Xiaoyu with the other, retreating instead of advancing, along the roof ridge, Walk quickly towards the center of the original battle.

Baguio's dark clothes were like ink, and there was a slight trace of doubt in his cold eyes, and he followed silently. Under the cover of the black veil, his cold brows were slightly frowned.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, how do I feel, that senior is very beautiful." Although Zhou Xiaoyu was in a dangerous situation, and today's shock and shock had made her numb, she was a gossip character after all, so at this moment, she whispered One sentence.

"Hmm." Ye Luo cautiously looked under the house, followed the ancient alley, and frantically moved towards the terrifying tide of corpses surrounded by the battle center, nodding slightly.

"Uncle Ye, it would be great if you could catch up with her. She used the legendary Spear of the Underworld God to assassinate Tianxuanzi who was at the pinnacle of power, and she is also a person from the Nether Ghost Land. Her strength..." Zhou Xiaoyu, who was always gossip, covered Zhou Xiaoyu's mouth when Ye Luo's body trembled before he could speak in a low voice.

Then, Ye Luo continued walking without stopping.

The clothes on Ye Luo's back were slightly wet.

Although the spring is expected to be cold, it is not a warm spring after all. A little chill is enough to freeze the long river in the wilderness and the greenery.

The alleys in the ancient city of Shenshi are very long, each covering nearly a mile. From the original position of Ye Luo and his party to the previous battle center, it is about two miles, that is, two alleys.

The tide of corpses was surging, but the speed in the alley was not as fast as that of Ye Luo and his party on the roof.

Surrounded by the surging tide of corpses, the various sects, ancient holy lands, and monks in some unknown places all discovered the arrival of the terrifying corpse tide after a moment of dullness.

"No, it's the tide of ancient walking corpses. The most powerful aura erupted from the many powerful terrorist battles before, which awakened the monks of the ancient walking corpses. The tide of corpses is here. This is the core of the tide of corpses in the whole city!" Yes, poured spiritual power into the voice, and shouted out a reminder.

"Among these tides of corpses, there are walking corpses of peak power, be careful!"

"Ah! There are so many monks in Shenshi City in the ancient times. After that horrible change, did they all become walking corpses?" Looking around, he couldn't help but speak in shock.

A tide of corpses rose, and a wordless depression suddenly spread in the panic.

After searching and fighting for sword points and bronze bumps, the people of various supreme forces suddenly woke up when the tide of corpses came, thinking of the terrible consequences, the ancient city was desolate, and the blood moon hung high.

When Ye Luo and his party quickly reached the corner of the first alley, they stopped for a while, and Ye Luo said, "Wait here for me."

"Ye, Uncle Ye, what are you going to do?" Zhou Xiaoyu was a little nervous, and then said: "The walking corpse is about to catch up from below."

"You'll know in a while." Ye Luo let go of his hand while talking, and quickly jumped into the courtyard of a small tavern in the ancient city.

Ye Luo got out of the tavern and quickly arrived at the back kitchen. After a while, Ye Luo found a cage containing chickens waiting to be slaughtered in the back kitchen. There were six big roosters with bright hair in it. It is for monks to eat, and it looks stronger and bigger than mortal roosters.

However, Shenshi City has changed drastically, and there is no one in this tavern.

Ye Luo knocked the six roosters unconscious one after another, then tied them all up with ropes, carried the six huge roosters, and quickly returned to the roof. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, it's a matter of life and death right now. You won't go to a tavern and steal someone else's chicken?" Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes widened, seeing Ye Luo carrying six chickens and slamming them on the neck of the unconscious donkey. Hang up, can't help but stay for a while.

Even Baguio, with the pitch-black veil on his face, seemed to move silently.

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense, Uncle Ye and I are such a qualified person, how can you steal a chicken? This chicken is useful, so keep following me." Ye Luo said, pulling the donkey and walking quickly again.

"But, have you paid?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked.

Ye Luo's feet stepped on the tiles, he couldn't help but hesitated, almost slipped and fell, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said: "No."

"Isn't it stealing if you don't give it?" Zhou Xiaoyu made up the knife.

Ye Luo coughed dryly and didn't speak again. After a while, about 300 meters away from the center of the previous battle, Ye Luo found a slightly lower remote place and stopped.

"Wait here." Ye Luo looked around vigilantly.

The tide of corpses was raging, and in the alley, monks had already started colliding with the tide of corpses, wanting to rush outside frantically and rush out a bloody path. However, most of them were quickly swallowed by the tide of corpses if they rushed in alone.

There are also many monks who are aware of going to the roof to escape. However, there is also a wave of corpses on the roof. Once a battle breaks out on the roof, the tide of corpses in the alley will soon have powerful walking corpses climbing up the roof to attack.

The once high-ranking monk, at this moment, in the cold, indifferent, cruel, powerful, and weird corpse tide, is also like ordinary people, and his life is as cheap as paper!

"Ye, Uncle Ye, what are your plans?" Zhou Xiaoyu was a little worried.

"You'll know soon." Ye Luo looked around nervously.

There were quite a few people on the roof, and some of them even passed Ye Luo's group. However, at this time, unless there was some deep hatred, no one would initiate a conflict or talk to each other.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, on the roof, a powerful man who wanted to restrain his aura and quietly left from the roof was surrounded by several low-level walking corpses, and had no choice but to explode, directly exerting his powerful ability, directly smashing those walking corpses .

His speed increased sharply, revealing his strength, and he wanted to leave directly.

However, just as he erupted, suddenly, two walking corpses with even more terrifying breaths lifted into the air from the alley, shot at the same time, directly blocked his way, and forced him back.


That mighty man was furious, but he didn't lose his mind. After fighting those walking corpses several times in a row, he always wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of it.

However, those two terrifying supreme walking corpses blocked his way indifferently and coldly. The battle broke out in terror, and the terrifying aura scattered, and the more powerful walking corpses also came quietly.

The monks fighting around were horrified, and they all took the initiative to stay away, fearing that it would harm Chi Yu, and even other monks of the powerful level restrained their breath and stayed away.

"You wait here for me first, and I'll come as soon as I go." Ye Luo's eyes shrank, and his figure suddenly rushed towards the fighting direction that everyone was away from.

(End of this chapter)

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