Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 556 Squeezing the Holy Son

Chapter 556 Squeezing the Holy Son
"What can we do? Uncle, we won't be able to get out anymore. Huo Aotian and Ning Caier's wedding is really coming to an end." Zhou Xiaoyu hugged the baby and looked at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo pulled out from the bead, who was suppressed in the bead before the chaos of Shenshi City, the Holy Son of Moyue of Tanggu Holy Land, and directly released it.

Afterwards, he directly used one of the strength-sealing combat skills of the Tiangangmen Body Refining Technique that he had practiced for more than 20 days on the body of Moyue Shengzi, sealing his three big acupoints with blood energy.

Tiangangmen's body training technique, the first five layers are Tiandaoquan, and the back is the only body training in the practice world, Tiangangmen created the body training method based on the experience of the predecessors.

The Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll that Ye Luo used has already broken through from the peak of the eighth level of body refining to the ninth level of body refining. At this time, he used the Tiangang body refining technique to practice the body training again. In just over twenty days, the Tiangang Sect's body refining technique has been cultivated to the ninth level of body refining.

However, after the fifth level, the Tiangang body training technique has many shortcomings and deficiencies, but the body training skills used by many body training practitioners in the Tiangang sect are very much needed by Ye Luo.

For example, the blood energy seal that was just used on the body of Moyue Shengzi, and the palm-sucking and palm-blowing that Ye Luo has comprehended in the past 20 days.

Seeing Ye Luo suddenly take a person out of the bead, Zhou Xiaoyu couldn't help being startled for a moment, and then after seeing the person's true face, his eyes were shocked.

"This, isn't this the Holy Son of Mo Yue?" Zhou Xiaoyu stammered a little.

Before the Nine Dragons Coffin was born, holding a mountain and river fan, had a peerless talent for fighting patterns, and even used formation patterns to suppress big figures in the Foundation Establishment period. The Son of Moyue of Tanggu Holy Land was worshiped and revered by many young practitioners.

Even Zhou Xiaoyu, Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying were in awe of this man.

How could Uncle Ye take out such an astounding and stunning son of the Holy Land?

Ye Luo slapped Moyue Shengzi who was still in a coma on the head, and said, "Hey! Wake up, wake up."

Zhou Xiaoyu's heart couldn't help but tremble when he saw it, Uncle Ye just slapped him on the head like this?
"Pa-pa--" Seeing that the man was still awake, Ye Luo slapped him twice again.

Mo Yue Shengzi suddenly opened his eyes and woke up. Almost instantly, his hands quickly condensed a mysterious and complicated imprint. His eyes flashed brightly, and he wanted to attack. However, his body was empty. Cause aura fluctuations.

"Don't bother, I've already sealed your origin." Ye Luo slapped, and once again slapped on the head of the Mo Yue Shengzi whom many young monks worshiped.

Then, Ye Luo said again: "Don't waste time, your Tanggu Holy Land is not the only holy place in the world that only studies array patterns, and you are the most talented person in array patterns? Come on, take a look Look, how did this ancient city defense formation get out? I heard from the donkey that when the ancient city defense formation was first built, you people from Tanggu Holy Land participated."

Mo Yue Shengzi's sword eyebrows and star eyes suddenly remembered what happened before he fell into a coma, and looked at Ye Luo again, his expression was shocked and angry, but he couldn't do anything because his cultivation was sealed.


Ye Luo patted Mo Yue Shengzi's head again, and said, "Don't think about it, find a way to break the formation, since you people from Tanggu Holy Land have participated in the construction of this formation, you should have a way go out."

"Ye, Uncle Ye, this, is this really the Holy Son of Moyue?" Zhou Xiaoyu watched Ye Luo slap after slap casually, feeling terrified.

"Well, it's him. Earlier, this guy followed me and attacked me. I suppressed and sealed him. It wasn't until a while ago that I realized that this guy specializes in array patterns." Ye Luo said in a casual tone.

Zhou Xiaoyu had already seen how powerful Ye Luo was, but seeing that Ye Luo could suppress the seal even a supreme son of a dignified holy place, he couldn't help being completely shocked.

"Why can you see through the flaws of every supreme array pattern I cast, and my attacks all come from the depiction of the array pattern, and the Shanhe fan can suppress powerful characters. How did you do it?" The Holy Son of Moyue regained his composure. Even though his cultivation base was sealed, his mysterious aura did not weaken.

"Do you think that you are the only genius in the world? When I was born, there was a vision from the sky. A pair of eyes can see through the emptiness of the world. As long as there are any flaws in your pattern, or even the mountain and river fan, I can see through them." , Attacking me with formation patterns is simply beyond my control." Ye Luo was serious, flickering extremely seriously.

"Uncle, I, why haven't I heard you say it before?" Zhou Xiaoyu wondered in shock.

"I am such a low-key person, naturally I won't spread it all over the world." Ye Luo turned his head and looked at Mo Yue Shengzi again, and said lightly: "Break the formation, everyone is a civilized person, don't force me to be rough, you probably I have also heard that I used to be a war doctor, even a monk may not be able to withstand torture methods."

Mo Yue Shengzi was silent and did not fully believe it. He took a deep look at Ye Luo, then took a quick look around, and then a look of shock flashed across his face, and said: "This is the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation and the city guard." In the middle of the formation, how did you break through the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation, did something happen in the Divine Stone City?"

Ye Luo was impatient, but he also explained casually. Many things were concealed, and the general situation was explained.

for a long time.

After being extremely shocked, the Holy Son of Mo Yue fell into silence again, and he said: "If my calculation is not wrong, the wedding date of Huo Aotian and Ning Caier has already arrived. covenant."

Then, he was silent for a while, and said: "I am also looking forward to the battle between you and Huo Aotian under the eyes of everyone."

"Why?" Ye Luo wondered.

"Look at his fiasco." Mo Yue Shengzi said.

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while, and then thought of something, and didn't continue to ask, but Zhou Xiaoyu was still in shock and doubt, unable to extricate himself.

Ye Luo had already shocked her too much.

The Son of Moyue did not speak again. The Holy Land of Tanggu did participate in the construction of the moat formation in ancient times. This point, the donkey is not lying. , have done research.

At the northwest corner of the moat formation, he moved the base of the city brick formation hidden on the city wall, and used the array pattern secret technique of Tanggu Holy Land to tear a crack in the moat formation.

Ye Luo glanced at the dead silence behind him, the depths of the ancient and desolate Shenshi City, and finally left the city with the people and the donkey.

Zhou Xiaoyu came back to his senses, spoke anxiously, and said, "Uncle Ye, let's go to Shang Qingzong now, depending on the time, we should be able to catch up with the wedding!"

(End of this chapter)

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