Chapter 557 Sensation
"Let's go, go to the Qingzong now." In Ye Luo's eyes, a powerful breath that he had borne for a long time was silently brewing, and then he muttered to himself: "A one-year appointment, heh!"

"If you let me go back, the grievances between you and me will be wiped out, and I owe you a favor from Tanggu Holy Land, or you can put forward conditions to me from Tanggu Holy Land, what do you think?" Mo Yue Shengzi also followed out of the city , looked at Ye Luo.

"I can think about it." Ye Luo said, knocked Moyue Shengzi unconscious again, and threw him into the beads.

Seeing Ye Luo being so casual, Zhou Xiaoyu knocked out a countless young man who looked up to him in awe, and his heart skipped a beat. Uncle Ye...was he a bit too domineering?

Two hours later, in front of Emperor Qingzong.

Ye Luo carried the unconscious Concubine Yu on her back, and led the unconscious donkey, which twitched from time to time. Zhou Xiaoyu stopped while holding the sleeping child.

The Shangqing Sect has existed since the ancient times. Before entering the Shangqing Sect, just in front of the mountain gate, you can see seven cloud bridges surrounded by immortal spirit, majestic atmosphere, ancient vicissitudes, and depicting the majestic righteousness. It crosses endless cliffs and winds its way towards the seven fairy peaks.

The seven endless cloud bridges lead to the seven peaks of the Qing Dynasty.

The seven peaks of Shangqingzong are: Longshou Peak, Fenglin Peak, Big Bamboo Peak, Little Everest Peak, Misty Peak, Samsara Peak, and Tiandao Peak.

The seven peaks occupy the seven dragon veins of the endless Eastern Desolation. Each peak stretches for thousands of miles, contains endless resources, and has gone through endless years of management by the Shang Qingzong. The seven peaks have already been covered with supreme formation patterns.

Someone once went up to the seven peaks of the Shang Qingzong, each of which has a foundation of a holy place, and the combination of the seven veins will shake the east and shake the world.

At this time, looking from a distance, the largest Longshou Peak of the Shangqing Sect is already decorated with lights and festoons everywhere. The entire endless eastern wasteland, ancient holy land, ancient sects, thousands of families, mysterious ancient temples, and even some unbelievable There are people coming from all the known places, and it is rumored that even some hidden world giants have people coming.

Not only that, there are people who are powerful enough to let out the wind and tell the story of the Eastern Desolation. Even the mysterious Lost Ocean, Monster Forest, Yunmeng Swamp, and the mysterious Western Regions all have mysterious visitors.

Has the wedding started yet?
Ye Luo took a deep breath and continued walking forward.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist, why do I look familiar to you?" As the sun set, a person who looked like a disciple of a certain Holy Land asked Ye Luo involuntarily in front of the mountain gate.

"Really?" Ye Luo smiled, and then asked casually, "Has the wedding started?"

"You are also here to attend the wedding? Are you here so late?" The Holy Land disciple said, and then said: "Part of the wedding procedure has already been held today, and the real formal wedding ceremony will be at noon tomorrow."

"It's not too late." Ye Luo smiled.

"Junior Brother Meng Yun, who are you talking to?" At this moment, another beautiful female cultivator in the Shangqing Sect walked over. She glanced at Ye Luo casually, and then her body froze suddenly. live.

"Ye, Ye Luo!" The female cultivator opened her mouth in shock, and then said, "You survived from the Divine Stone City!"

"What? You are the one who has been rumored by many people in private recently, that trash Ye Luo? What are you doing here?" The disciple of the Holy Land was also a little shocked.

"You're not here for the legendary one-year appointment, are you?" The female cultivator was a survivor in Shenshi City, and she had met Ye Luo once, but Ye Luo didn't know him.

Ye Luo nodded.

In front of the gate of the Shangqing Sect, many disciples from various forces came out of the Shangqing Sect to do some business or communicate with each other. Come over here.

"I'm a big grass, really, really that trash Ye Luo, damn, he's really here!" A monk was also shocked when he saw Ye Luo.

"He, he is really Ye Luo, what a fuck, who said Ye Luo didn't dare to come, this f*cking wedding is going to be lively!" There are secret conflicts of interest among the major forces. , There are many major forces who come to the Qingzong to celebrate, but many people know whether it is sincere or not.

"Hey! Dude, I also came out of the former city and embarked on the road of cultivation. We are also fellow villagers. Listen to me, let's go. Tomorrow must be the focus of everyone's attention, and Huo Aotian's strength is even more powerful. Against the sky, you even beat the Holy Son, you can't be his match." A person cultivating immortality in the city shook his head.

"Yes, compared with these people with profound background and talent against the heavens, we can't fight them at all. If you go, it will only increase the jokes. Let's go." An older monk also patted Ye Luo shoulders.

"Whatever you go, you just do it. The one-year agreement has already been known to everyone. If you are a man, you just do it. You can't be cowardly. Even if you lose, you still lose standing. Even if you die, you have to die. Friends, although you are useless, you are still a man, I just can't understand Huo Aotian's arrogant appearance."

"However, your strength is indeed too weak, you should leave, otherwise, alas, you may collapse if you are humiliated under the eyes of everyone."

People from other major forces are not monks of the Qing Dynasty. It seems that they don't have much affection for Huo Aotian, who has the terrifying ability to overwhelm ordinary saints.

However, the news of Ye Luo's arrival was spreading towards Longshou Peak of the Upper Qing Zong at an extremely fast speed while everyone was talking.


On Ye Luo's back, Yu Ji, who had been seriously injured and unconscious for nearly a month, seemed to sense something, as if she was suddenly awakened by the noise of the crowd, her penetrating eyes slightly opened.

"Shang... Qingzong?" Yu Ji's voice was weak.

"Master, are you awake?" Zhou Xiaoyu couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this voice, tears welled up in his eyes, and then said: "It's Shang Qingzong, we have already come out of Shenshi City."

Concubine Yu was in a very bad state, her consciousness was half awake. After hearing the words, she seemed to have exhausted all the energy she had accumulated in the past month, and said a word: "Take the Great Bamboo Peak of the Shang Qingzong. "

After the words fell, Yu Ji fell into a coma again.

Dazhu Peak of the Qing Dynasty?
What Ye Luo has always heard is the Longshou Peak where Long Aotian is located, but he doesn't know much about the Dazhu Peak of the Shang Qingzong.

Zhou Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and asked with doubts on his face, "Dazhu Peak? Why do you want to go to this weirdest peak?"

"Brother, don't go to the Big Bamboo Peak anymore, let's go, once the news of your return spreads, countless monks and all major forces will regard you as a joke, and you will suffer endless hardships on tomorrow's big wedding. humiliation." An urban casual cultivator shook his head.

"Since you're here, do you still want to leave? Hahaha! A waste, what kind of a one-year appointment do you want to go to? Stop for me, waste star!" At this moment, a young and arrogant voice suddenly sounded on the cloud bridge .

(End of this chapter)

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