Chapter 558
There was a sudden sound, and four or five figures came shooting from the seven endless ancient white jade cloud bridges.

Among them, among these several figures, the one walking in the front is a green shirt, scarf, sword brows and star eyes, that powerful young monk who once stood beside Huo Aotian in Shenshi City, Qi Hao!
There were four other figures, two men and two women. The monk who just spoke was a tall, slender monk with an arrogant expression.

"Hahaha! Trash, you really dare to come here? However, you are just a trash star, and it is not worth Brother Huo's hands. Today, I will suppress you first, and when I get married tomorrow, I will detain you. The wedding scene, that’s it, that’s fine!” A look of contempt flashed in the eyes of the slender monk.

Afterwards, without waiting for anyone to speak, he directly made seals with both hands and said: "Battle technique, restraint technique!"

He formed a seal, a clear and condensed aura, between his hands, turned into a rope of aura, and tied it directly towards Ye Luo.


Ye Luo's eyes were cold and cold, and he directly used a huge blood energy to run a secret technique among the Tiangangmen's body training skills, Tiangang Lion Roar, and uttered a word.

The terrifying blood in Ye Luo's body, under the blessing of the secret technique, formed a sound wave like a substance. The conical sound wave directly smashed the shackles of the slender monk's aura, and then directly hit the slender monk with extreme speed. On the body of the slender monk.


With a muffled sound, the clothes on the chest of the slender monk of the Qing Dynasty exploded, and he stepped back six or seven steps, his face turned red and purple, like a pig's liver.


He vomited blood, panting desperately, and there was an indescribable disbelief and horror in his eyes.

Isn't the rumored Ye Luo a waste star?Didn't it mean that it stopped at the fifth level of body training?The tall and slender monk had never entered God's Stone City. Under Ye Luo's roar, he was directly injured by the shock, and was a little dazed for a while.

Before Shang Qingzong came to the door, there was a sudden silence.

Countless pairs of eyes were all looking at Ye Luo.

That slender monk, at least at the peak of the sixth level of Qi training, was directly shocked into internal injuries by Ye Luo's roar, and he vomited blood and retreated?Didn't even really make a shot?

He, how did he do it?
Can he practice?
Isn't he a waste star?How is it possible to practice?

Ye Luo didn't pay attention to anyone's shock, but turned his head, looked at a cultivator walking out of the city, and said, "Which cloud bridge did you pass the Dazhu Peak of the Shang Qingzong?"

"The bridge on the most-left, um, bro, let me tell you the situation. Among the seven peaks of the Qing Dynasty, only the Dazhu Peak is the most exotic. You may not be able to enter it.

Over the years, Dazhufeng has been striving for independence, wanting to separate from the Shangqing sect, and set up a large formation at the end of the cloud bridge with the Supreme Formation to prevent outsiders from entering.

Not only that, at the entrance of the bridge, there is also a strange old man with terrifying strength who plays chess on the bridge every day. , On the Big Bamboo Peak, there are very few people. It seems that there are only seven or eight monks in the previous generation, and there are no disciples in this generation.

As far as the disciples of the previous generation are concerned, it is rumored that some became obsessed with playing chess, some became obsessed with reading books, some became obsessed with writing, some became addicted to setting up street stalls down the mountain, and there was even a beggar who walked the world, a butcher who killed pigs, and a teacher who became obsessed. Sir, it's all weird, not a single normal person.

In this way, they also declare to the outside world every day that they want to be independent from Qingyun Sect and claim to be one. Even the Supreme Elder and head of Shangqing Sect, some terrifying existences, have some headaches when they see the people of Dazhu Peak, you What are you going to do? "The monk explained a lot in one breath, and he hadn't recovered from the shock.

Ye Luo couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this. Yu Ji is a supreme being of the powerful level in the Holy Land of Loulan. Even in a semi-conscious state, there should be a reason for where she said she was going.

But, why does she have to go to this peak?

"Uncle, I seem to remember that when Master Yuji was young, he seemed to have lived in Dazhufeng for ten years. I also heard about it by chance." Zhou Xiaoyu said suddenly.

"So, Concubine Yu grew up in Dazhufeng, or even from Dazhufeng. Why did she become the master of your Loulan Holy Land?" Ye Luo wondered.

"I don't know, how about we go to Dazhufeng first. If this is the case, Dazhufeng should be the hometown of Master Yuji. The people inside are either relatives or old friends, right? Master sent to Big Bamboo Peak, and then we went up to Longshou Peak for a one-year appointment." Zhou Xiaoyu suggested.

As the only person who knew Ye Luo's cards and strength, Zhou Xiaoyu already believed in Ye Luo and even admired him.

"Are you able to practice?" At this time, many monks in front of the mountain gate had recovered their senses.

"What he used just now is not the method of a Qi training monk, but a method of a body training monk. It's just that he is not practicing Tiandaoquan. In this life, he can only stop at the fifth level of body training?" Some monks were shocked.

"He won't have the strength to fight against Huo Aotian, right? It's impossible!" A monk shook his head in disbelief.

Ye Luo ignored everyone's shock, and after a brief exchange with Zhou Xiaoyu, he planned to send Concubine Yu, who was seriously injured and unconscious, to Dazhu Peak, and then to Longshou Peak for a one-year appointment.

Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu took a step forward.

"I want to test your true strength." Among the four or five young people who came up from Longshou Peak, Qi Hao, the young and powerful monk who took the lead, suddenly looked solemn and blocked Ye Luo's way.

"Good dogs don't block the way. The Longshou Peak of your Shang Qingzong is also the head of the Seven Peaks of the most wealthy family in the Eastern Desolation. The one-year agreement that my uncle is going to go to is a life-and-death battle with Huo Aotian. Huo Aotian Tian hasn't made a move yet, why are you in a hurry, is Huo Aotian scared and asked you to test Uncle Ye's strength?" Zhou Xiaoyu sneered.

Qi Hao, who was in green shirt and scarf, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, could not help but stagnate for a moment, and then he couldn't help being furious, saying, "Where did you get the picture of a wild girl, without any discipline, get out!"

"Are you angry? I think it's you who should get out, and you are the one who has no discipline." Ye Luo took a step forward lightly and stood in front of Zhou Xiaoyu.

"Trash, what qualifications do you have to talk to me? Combat technique: swallowing the dragon's head!" Qihao had already seen the power of Ye Luo's roar before, and couldn't see the depth of Ye Luo clearly for a while. He directly displayed his strongest combat skills, and his murderous intent burst out, and he had no intention of leaving alive.

At this time, the news that Ye Luo returned from Shenshi City and arrived in front of the gate of Shangqing Zongshan really spread to the younger generation of Shangqing Zonglongshou Peak, the major holy places, aristocratic families, and many mysterious forces. Many people were surprised, and even more disdainful. Some younger monks came here after hearing the news, wanting to see the appearance of the waste star in advance.

Seeing Qi Hao's murderous attack, Ye Luo's eyes couldn't help being icy cold, and he slowly raised his hand, his blood was like an abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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