Chapter 575

Just as the medicine jar finished speaking, there was a terrifying explosion sound in the restricted area of ​​Minghe Mountain behind Shangqingzong.

The sound of an explosion suddenly came from the back mountain, and all the big forces couldn't help being stunned.

What's with this explosion?

Even the people of Shang Qingzong were slightly taken aback.

However, after the explosion, there seemed to be no movement, which made people even more puzzled.

However, the complexions of many terrifying figures of great powers and several great powers of Longshou Peak changed almost at the same time, and they asked almost at the same time, "Where is the Styx River?"

Before their words fell, a terrifying torrent came from the direction of the back mountain of Shangqingzong, carrying the turbid yellow water of the Styx River, like a vast ocean, suddenly rushing towards it with the force of destroying heaven and earth.

Even, the terrifying torrent brought a strong wind.

For a moment, the world changed color!
The Styx River was blown up!

Almost everyone in the world knows that the Styx River is a hanging river, the river bed is far above the ground, and both sides of the Styx River are continuous endless mountains, and the mountains on both sides surround the Styx River in the center.

Since ancient times, the Styx River has existed between heaven and earth in this most peculiar terrain.

The Shang Qingzong and the major forces originally discussed in secret to introduce the water of the Styx River into the boundless but already dry Lop Nur and Luoshui, which is based on this peculiar terrain.

However, they never dreamed that someone would dare to blow up the Styx restricted area before them!

With the water from the restricted area of ​​the Styx River, pouring it backwards into Longshou Peak, the lowest-lying peak among the seven veins of the Qing Sect!
There was a sudden commotion in the square.

"Someone blew up the River Styx, Master, what should we do?" Some monks were shocked.

"Don't move, just keep an eye on the tip of that ancient Zhuxian sword. If the crowd becomes chaotic for a while, you must take the opportunity to grab the tip." A powerful voice said in a low voice.

"Who blew up the River Styx?" A powerful member of Longshou Peak was furious.


Ye Luo didn't seem to notice it, a bloody tear fell on the face of Su Ying who seemed to be sleeping, the aura on her body was cold and manic, and the blood-swallowing energy in her body was like boiling water in the Styx.

"Little brother, that... don't be too sad, there is still a glimmer of hope." Seeing the aura of Ye Luo's body, the slovenly medicine jar seemed to be getting colder and more terrifying, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried. Also a little shocked.

At this time, Su Mu and Mo Shanshan finally arrived.

Su Mu had already burst into tears. She cried bitterly, hugged Su Ying, pushed Ye Luo away forcefully, and shouted, "You give me back my sister..."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you out, sister, wake up..." Su Mu's eyes were red and her voice was trembling.

Ye Luo lowered his head, then raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man in the medicine jar, and said with a hoarse voice, "Where are the twin flowers?"

The middle-aged man in the medicine jar was silent for a moment, hesitated to speak, and finally looked in the direction of Styx.

"It is rumored that there are only two kinds of flowers in the restricted area of ​​the Styx River, one is the Bianhua flower on both banks, and the other is the twin flower at the source of the Styx River. However, since ancient times, no one has been able to live in the true depths of the Styx River. She came back alive again." With the support of Zhou Xiaoyu and Chu Xiaohuan, Yu Ji came over at some point.

"The real danger of the Styx River is not just the water of the Styx River. Even if the major forces originally wanted to drain the water of the Styx River, they never wanted to walk along the river bed to the end of the Styx River. In the middle, go find something." Yu Ji spoke again.

Ye Luo suddenly raised his head, his voice was hoarse, and he asked, "Is it the source of the Styx River?"

"Little brother, don't be impulsive. Before the middle of the Styx River, it is not really a restricted area, but after the middle section, towards the end of the Styx River, it is the real death core restricted area. That kind of place, even Existences beyond the Almighty dare not set foot in it.

Not only that, even in the area from the forbidden area behind the Qingzong Mountain to the middle of the Styx River, there are hidden secrets and terrifying dangers that no one knows. People of great power, go in together.

The Styx cannot be easily stepped into. Perhaps, we will have other methods. "The middle-aged man in the medicine jar spoke again.

The donkey and the pig also came over at this time, the donkey shook his head, and said: "There is no other way, I understand this kid, although I don't know who was ahead of the major forces and drained the water of the River Styx, but it is true It's also an opportunity."

Then, the donkey said again: "Wow, woof, woof! Kid, this time the emperor will accompany you, what the fuck, it's just a Styx restricted area!"

"You went to the restricted area of ​​Styx to accompany my junior brother to find twin flowers? I remember that in ancient times, you once stole the soul lamp of Nether Ghost Land. You and people from all major forces have the same purpose. right?
Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, Master, and several great emperors in history, as well as people from major powers now, aren’t they all looking for that thing? "The pig weighing more than 500 catties, thin-skinned and thick-fleshed, with snow-white hair, suddenly spoke.

"Woof woof! Damn it, you are judging a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. The real purpose of such a loyal person, my emperor, is of course to find twin flowers. Cough, of course, if by the way If you encounter that thing, it’s not too much to take it away.” The donkey looked serious.

The water of the Styx River has completely transformed into an endless torrent, rushing through the abyss on both sides of Longshou Peak, a strange aura is spreading around, and in the blink of an eye, the huge and endless Longshou Peak is surrounded by It has turned into an endless ocean.

All of this is just the blink of an eye.

"I'd like to see who dares to blow up the Styx River!" A powerful member of the Longshou Peak in the Qing Dynasty flew directly with his sword in a rage, wanting to fly to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

As soon as his figure moved, several other powerful figures followed almost at the same time. However, the Da Neng of Longshou Peak, who was flying in the forefront, was shocked when he flew towards the sky above the abyss submerged by the Styx River.

Then, as if he had lost his ability to fly, he fell directly into the water of the River Styx in the abyss.

"You can't fly above the Styx River..." A white-haired old man suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but shouted.

However, that mighty man had already fallen, his face was horrified, he quickly condensed the imprint, trying to control the flying sword again, however, the flying sword seemed to be out of control, unable to control at all.


A generation of terrifying powers in the golden core period unexpectedly fell into the turbid yellow river Styx.


Almost at the moment when he fell into the water, the majestic generation of power actually uttered a scream that seemed to have experienced endless pain. His body was silently melting in the water of the Styx River, as if something invisible was gnawing on it. Eat his body!
(End of this chapter)

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