Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 576 Blood Oath

Chapter 576 Blood Oath
He screamed, his body sank in the water of the Styx River, and the terrifying aura on his body hit the water, and the waves were overwhelming.

However, this did not change anything. Almost three seconds later, his whole body completely disappeared into the river Styx in the abyss.

In the air, several terrifying powers at the golden core stage that Yujian was flying at the same time suddenly stopped their figures almost at the same time when they saw this. Among them, the power that had already rushed out couldn't help the power, and the power that he was on Longshou Peak fell down. At the same time, I wanted to return quickly, but it was already too late!

Screaming, struggling, sinking, he and Longshou Peak's great power almost had the same ending.

Seeing this scene, the people of Longshou Peak were all shocked, and all their movements stopped for a while.

"The water of the Styx River comes from the same place as the legendary Yellow Spring. It is weak water. On the weak water, you can't fly, you can't ferry boats, and even logs will sink. Is this legend true? "An old man's voice was shocked.

"Grass, the area around Longshou Peak in Mal Gobi is not trapped by weak water, is it?" A powerful casual cultivator cursed, turned around and immediately used his sword to circle around Longshou Peak. Surrounded by a quick detour and looking down, at the same time, the expressions of the other casual cultivators who realized this problem also changed drastically.

After a while, they came back with extremely ugly faces at the same time.

Longshou Peak is surrounded by abysses. At this time, it has been completely occupied by the raging water of the Styx River. Even the bridge leading to the halfway up Longshou Peak has been submerged.

The water of the Styx River is still raging, raging, and flowing frantically.

"The ones in the Mahle Gobi are trapped to death? At this speed, the water will not rise up and submerge the entire endless and huge Longshou Peak, right?" A monk was shocked and desperate.

On Longshou Peak, there was a panic.

Even the supreme power of the major forces could not help but change slightly.

On Longshou Peak, several supreme powers who presided over today's wedding looked at each other. They raised their heads almost at the same time, and looked at a palace like a palace on the top of the peak. In that palace, Dao The rhyme is pervasive, the pattern is densely covered, but there is no movement at all.

One of the great masters of Longshou Peak quickly negotiated a few households with several other great masters, and flew to the top of the peak with his sword. All the existences in the world are using sky-defying techniques to refine that thing. The other Supreme Elders are all in a state of self-seal, and unless life and death are in crisis, they will not easily break the seal
However, I have already received a message from Master that the water of the Styx River will only trap Longshou Peak, and will not submerge it. After a few days, the water will flow into the underground river along the abyss under the peak. "

People from Longshou Peak quickly discussed and announced the news.

"Mal Gobi, what, so we are all going to be trapped here? We can only leave after all the water recedes?" a powerful casual cultivator asked.

"We are trapped here, so who is the person who blew up the Styx River, and what is his purpose?" A powerful gaze finally asked a core question.

"Trapping us, look for that thing in the middle of the Styx River." An old man in the Holy Land took a step slowly and said quietly.

On Longshou Peak, there was a moment of silence, and then, the voices of the various forces suddenly rose.

There was chaos on Longshou Peak, and Ye Luo was silent all the time, standing by Su Ying's side. In his whole body, the horrible aura was like a suppressed volcano, churning in extreme grief, and the devouring power in his body surged crazily.

In the bead on Ye Luo's neck, the bronze bump obtained from the dragon's head seemed to sense something and trembled violently.

Youran, the bronze lump suddenly cracked, and a page of the ancient bronze book slowly revealed its true face from the bronze lump. Then, the ancient bronze book trembled and disintegrated automatically, turning into a mysterious and mysterious golden text.

The words leaked through the beads, silently pressed against the skin of Ye Luo's chest, and got into Ye Luo's body.

Ye Luo didn't seem to be aware of it, her gaze was always on Su Ying, and the blood and tears were still in the corners of her eyes.

Ye Luo didn't know how long it took before Ye Luo's body was shaken, and the tip of the ancient Zhu Xian sword under Ye Luo's feet also trembled slightly.

Ye Luo suddenly stood up.

Many people seemed to feel something at this moment, and couldn't help but look at Ye Luo.


Ye Luo actually smiled, but there was a hint of endless coldness in this smile.

Ye Luo glanced around. This time, more people looked over, and there was a silence all around. Many people remembered that the most shocking thing today was not only that the Styx River was blown up, but they were trapped. And this waste that was once considered a star, made a shocking move.

"Fusang, an island country, I will destroy the country and do a bloodbath, leaving no life, no flowers, no plants, no souls."

for a long time.

Ye Luo said only one sentence in an extremely hoarse voice.

This sentence has already been said.

After the words fell, there was another silence around.

Many powerful people couldn't help feeling chills when they saw Ye Luo's figure.

"Fusang, an island country, is an ancient holy place. Rumor has it that there is even an ancient Fusang tree, the Great Emperor's weapon, and the ninjas in the ancient times are even more mysterious. He said he wants to destroy the country and wash Fusang with blood?"

"This tone is too loud. Even the terrifying Golden Core stage power doesn't dare to say such a thing. Who does he think it is?" A genius from the Holy Land mocked.

"Shut up, don't mess with this kind of person in the future." The powerful man of the Holy Land narrowed his eyes and spoke coldly.

"Master, he..."

"Can you defeat Huo Aotian? This star body, his secrets may not be fully exposed. He has only just practiced for ten months. Killing Huo Aotian in ten months, once this kind of person really grows up, That will make the Holy Land tremble with horror." The power of the Holy Land seemed to have thought of something.

"However, he is still very weak."

"Do we have any enmity with him? No, there is no enmity. Why do you provoke such a person? Do you think you are very powerful? If you are in the same situation as he was ten months ago, you can reach one-tenth of him, Even a [-]% achievement? Your younger generation doesn't even know what awe is." In that holy place, an old man suddenly spoke.

Then, he said another sentence: "The island country Fusang has offended such a person, heh..."

The other major forces reacted differently when they heard the words. This lonely, seemingly not very powerful figure, for some reason, always made people feel a little cold.

"I want to enter the Styx River, look for Sanshenghua, and resurrect you, even if you die." Ye Luo turned his head and looked at Su Ying, his voice hoarse.

"Hey! Look, there are boats and black-covered boats on the Styx River. It doesn't mean that everything on the Styx River will perish. How can there be a boat?" After a long time, a casual cultivator turned around by chance, He looked at the water of the Styx in the abyss.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little paper figurine couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, and the little fairy bridge beast finally opened its eyes quietly, and asked blankly, "Why do I feel a little overwhelmed?"

(End of this chapter)

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