Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 577 Going to the Ice Crystal Cloud Coffin Again

Chapter 577 Going to the Ice Crystal Cloud Coffin Again
In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast rubbed its stomach and dazed little head, a little dazed, but the aura on its body became more and more mysterious. Then it yawned again, and said dully, "I'm so sleepy."

The little paper figurine froze, and quickly carved words in the air with his hand, saying: "You ate the Corroded Jiao earlier, can you hold on? However, something happened outside, the Styx River collapsed, the river broke its embankment, and the black awning boat followed. Flooded out of the river Styx."

Xiaoxianqiao Beast was stunned again, and after a while, said: "What does this have to do with me? What is a black awning boat? Eh, who are you?"

"I..." The little paper man's body froze suddenly, and then he was a little angry. He twisted the ear of the little fairy bridge beast with one hand, twisted it [-] degrees, and engraved angrily, saying: "Now think of me Who didn't? The more you eat, the more you stay, the more you eat, the more you eat, and even I can forget about eating a corrosive flood? Your family's devouring forbidden technique has such a side effect? ​​It must not be used next time!"

"Ah! Don't twist, don't twist, I, I remembered, Liushui, sister Liushui..."

On the square on the hillside of Longshou Peak.

The eyes of countless people, following an old monk's opening, suddenly turned to the bottom of the mountain, above the turbulent Styx River.

The water is turbid, yellowish, with a mysterious aura. Occasionally, there are strange shadows flashing in the water. On the Styx River, which even the mighty can't fly across, a black and huge black-covered boat is running smoothly on the turbulent river. drive.

On the bow of the ship, there is a wind lantern, and on the wind lantern, there is a pattern of grimaces that seem to be smiling but not smiling, or crying but not crying.

"Master, there is a boat. Doesn't it mean that the water in the Styx River is weak and can sink everything in the world? Why are there boats that can float on the Styx River?" A disciple of the Holy Land wondered.

"Hey! Doesn't this mean that we can take this boat and leave here?" A disciple was pleasantly surprised and stepped forward. However, he had just taken two steps when he was pulled back by a big shot in the family.

The big man said in a stern tone: "If you don't want to die, don't move. Very few people who got on the black canopy boat survived. In ancient times, a giant from ancient times got on the black canopy boat by mistake, but he never got off alive. "

"The Styx river sinks everything in the world, except ghosts, and the black-padded boat is a ghost." A powerful mighty member of the Holy Land, staring at the grimace on the bow, took a step back without a trace.

"What are ghosts? If we don't leave by boat, when will the water recede? How long will we be trapped here? Half a month, or a month? If we stay here for too long, then the water in the middle of the Styx will That thing..." a young monk said.

Many people looked at Styx.

Ye Luo walked up to Su Mu, and said something to Su Mu in a hoarse voice, Su Mu's body shook, and he looked up at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's body was lonely and cold, he got up, and said a few words to the two senior brothers in Dazhufeng.

The middle-aged man in the medicine jar and the nerdy old man wanted to stop him, but finally let go. The middle-aged man in the medicine jar thought for a while, and took out another crystal clear pill from his bosom, and asked Ye Luo to swallow it.

Ye Luo swallowed, the blood on his body quickly stopped flowing, and he recovered at an astonishing speed.

With Zhou Xiaoyu's support, Yu Ji blocked Ye Luo's way, and said, "You can go after the water recedes, but now, trapped on the mountain, no one can leave."

"The later the time, the weaker the effect of twin flowers on reshaping the two souls." Ye Luo shook his head.

"You want to board the black-peng boat?" Yu Ji was slightly taken aback.

The autumn wind is slightly cool, blowing people's clothes and hair tips, and the autumn sun is shining, and the sunlight passes through the towering trees on the mountain peaks, forming mottled shadows on the ground.

Ye Luo stood on the edge of the mountainside, silent, did not speak, Chu Xiaohuan held Ye Luo's hand, and was quiet for a while.

The donkey also came over, and the man stood upright, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Among the crowd of rogue cultivators, there were two short rogue cultivators, their eyes were fixed on Ye Luo all the time, and one of the short rogue cultivators, with a gloomy look in his eyes, said, "Miyamoto-kun is too careless. , even the great power of the Golden Core Stage, who had beheaded him before, was actually killed by this kid in a counterattack in a situation where he was going to be killed in both light and darkness."

"No one expected that there would be so many secrets on this kid, and even the tip of the rumored ancient Zhu Xian sword was on his body." A ninja said.

"If this kid is not killed, he will become a disaster for us in the future. Ten months ago, he was already the enemy of the empire. Now, our people have killed his relatives. If he grows up, the consequences..." Left The ninja dressed as a casual cultivator remembered Ye Luo's harsh words before, and his body shivered violently.

"The bloodbath of destroying the country will not leave a person, a name, a flower, a grass, or a soul. This person, with his current strength, dares to say such a thing, and he is not afraid to flash his tongue. Hmph, Ozawa-kun, even if his body No matter how many secrets you have, you are only a body cultivator." The ninja on the right disagreed.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, but this person must not stay any longer. Immediately use the communication talisman to inform the Holy Maiden that once he leaves the Shangqing sect, ask the Holy Maiden to kill him, and that Donkey, beg for mercy, Lord Saintess, kill it together!"

"Why did you kill the donkey?"

"More than 2000 years ago, this donkey came to our Fusang Holy Land. It dug up the ancestral graves of our No. 20 generation emperor and queen, and took away a young son of the emperor at that time, and made him a pet. This donkey, For us, it is a great shame, this donkey must be killed."


Ye Luo stood on the side of the mountain, and together with the crowd, watched the awning boat arrive. In the square, apart from the two islanders, the eyes of many people also glanced at Ye Luo from time to time.

Ye Luo's previous performance has shocked many people to the point of unbelievable, even unbelievable.

The black-covered boat sailed steadily. Ye Luo's eyes only stayed on the black-covered boat for a while, and then he kept looking at the back of the black-covered boat, which was also floating on the ice crystal cloud coffin on the water.

"Hey! Why is there a coffin floating behind the black-padded boat? This coffin looks familiar?" Someone was shocked.

"Ice crystal cloud coffin, isn't this the coffin that contained the demon emperor's heart in the secret treasure of Ghost Valley back then? Why did it appear here?" Someone was shocked.

The donkey man stood upright. Seeing this, the donkey's eyes widened suddenly, but the corners of his mouth grinned, and he muttered to himself: "Wow, woof! I don't know what kind of trick exploded the River Styx, but no matter what Whoever it is, his purpose should be the same as the purpose of Master, Laozi, Sakyamuni, and the ancient and extremely mysterious emperor. They should all be looking for that thing in the middle of the Styx River.

Damn it, I can't be trapped here, I have to work my ass off this time, in order to find that thing, I have turned into a donkey, this time I absolutely can't be preempted by others. "

Suddenly, the donkey's words fell, and he gritted his teeth and jumped directly onto the floating ice crystal cloud coffin.

However, there was another figure who jumped down earlier than the donkey, and that figure was Ye Luo!

(End of this chapter)

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