Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 580 The Unknown Mutation of Styx

Chapter 580 The Unknown Mutation of Styx

The donkey is serious and righteous, just like the embodiment of justice.

Ye Luo glanced at the donkey that had turned into a skinny horse, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. No one knew better than Ye Luo the donkey's virtues. However, Ye Luo did not object to the donkey's proposal.

Ye Luo's eyes swept across the four ninjas in the island country, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Ye Luo's heart moved slightly, and he whispered a few words into the donkey's ear, and the donkey's eyes couldn't help but light up.

The mysterious and old ninja who took the lead put his hand on the ancient bronze carving, and mysterious and strange fluctuations flashed. For a long time, he frowned, and finally shook his head and let go of his hand.

"How is it, Master?" A twenty-eight-year-old female ninja with a slim figure and proud eyes asked respectfully.

"It's too mysterious, and I can't understand it." The mysterious and old ninja shook his head.

"Pfft, you can't even understand so many great figures in the past, how could you understand?" A casual cultivator couldn't help shaking his head mockingly when he heard the words. Can't see their own cultivation.

"Baga!" Among the four ninjas, the youngest one turned his head and glared at the loose cultivator.

The rogue cultivator froze for a moment, and asked with some doubts, "What does Baga mean?"

Scarface saw this, he couldn't help but also took a step forward, and said seriously: "Paralyzed, you can't even understand Japanese, you still dare to speak, why don't you kowtow quickly and apologize to the adults, otherwise, I will interrupt your speech." leg!"

The frivolous-eyed monk took a step forward pretending to be majestic, and said indifferently: "A casual cultivator with no family or sect dares to mock! Don't want to live?"


At this moment, that [-]-year-old female ninja suddenly shot out a ninja blade from her hand, and with pure physical strength, she released the hidden weapon and shot it directly between the brows of that casual cultivator.

With a word of disobedience, she actually wanted to kill that casual cultivator directly.

Ninjas have a unique way of training, and there is also a part of physical training.

The speed of the ninja blade was extremely fast, and Sanxiu was shocked. He could almost tell at a glance that he could not dodge the ninja blade simply by relying on the strength of his body. Frightened, he instinctively used his self-seal Aura.

Ye Luo raised his hand, but seeing that the monk had already used his spirit energy, he lowered it again.


The spiritual energy gushed out directly, easily blocking the dagger.

However, the moment the casual cultivator used his aura, he wanted to quickly seal his aura again, and didn't fight back directly. He seemed to be afraid of something.

The fluctuation of spiritual energy flickered on him.

The aura re-sealed itself, and the casual cultivator looked around and saw that there was no abnormal phenomenon. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Could it be that the rumors are false? Using the aura, nothing happened."

However, after he finished speaking, the few casual cultivators around him all looked at this cultivator with surprise in their eyes, and quickly moved away from him a few steps.

"What... what happened to you?" the monk asked. However, this time when he spoke, his voice was broken, and he didn't seem to realize anything.

However, some of the monks in front of the ancient bronze engraving saw that the moment he used his aura, a long white hair began to appear on his body. This kind of long hair was like snow. its covered.

His movements suddenly became sluggish, and within a few seconds, he had completely turned into a statue covered in white hair.

The Styx river was dry, the eternal river bed was dry and cracked, the autumn wind blew past, and a desolate, solemn, and strange atmosphere blew across the river bed. The hearts of all those who saw this scene jumped violently.

The monk seemed to die without realizing that an unknown mutation had taken place in him.

Even Ye Luo's eyes narrowed severely.

"Styx restricted area, you can't use any spiritual energy, otherwise there will be an unknown change. The ancient rumors are actually true." A monk said in shock.

"What's the secret in this Styx, and why is there such a terrifying and unknown mutation?" An old monk wondered.

When the dozen or so monks around looked at those ninjas at this time, they couldn't help showing a trace of defense and vigilance in their eyes. At the same time, no one dared to provoke these ninjas at will.

The female ninja who made the move earlier also shook her body slightly, and then said contemptuously: "Ants dare to disrespect our master, killing you will dirty my hands."

The mysterious old ninja looked indifferently, and said, "Let's go, the saint is still waiting to join us, according to the information I got, that star should have entered the river Styx, this time we have to stay in the river Styx." Looking for that thing in the river, there is another task, which is to kill that star."

"Master, is that star really so powerful? Isn't he just a waste, hmph, if I meet him here, I can kill him directly." The killing intent flashed in the female ninja's eyes.

"Don't be careless. The people in Longshou Peak are still trapped by the dark water and haven't come out yet. However, according to the information from the talisman transmission, it seems that the waste star has received a mysterious opportunity and has already embarked on the road of body training. Even Huo Aotian was killed by him." The mysterious old man said.

"The people in Donghuang are all trash, Master, no matter how powerful a star is, how strong it can be, it can still attract the attention of you and the saint." The female ninja's eyes were still proud.

The mysterious old ninja looked indifferent, and said: "Your biggest shortcoming is that you are too proud, and you underestimate the world. Go and meet the saint first. The saint seems to have mastered some secrets deep in the Styx."

The mysterious old ninja took the female ninja, two other ninjas, and the two monks who had stolen donkeys to leave Huanggutongke.

Ye Luo raised his hand slightly, and the donkey nodded slightly when he saw this.

I saw that the donkey that had transformed into a skinny horse seemed to be standing on the way of the six-member combination of the four ninjas from the island country and the two stealing donkeys who were taken as servants.

"Mal Gobi, shit, do you really don't want to live anymore, or do you have no eyes, you skinny demon cultivator, blocking the way." The monk with the scar face, for the sake of To show his role in front of the islanders, he even rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do something to the donkey who stopped him.

The donkey seemed to be a little irritable this time, and said, "This road is driven by your family, little brat, the road is so wide, you won't take a detour?"

"My day, I gave you back your face, right?" Scarface was furious.

"Paji——" the donkey, which turned into a skinny horse, suddenly stood upright, kicked off its hoof with lightning speed, and slammed it directly on Scar's face, and then said, "What the hell, you know I don’t know what your behavior is called, it’s called a traitor!”

At the moment when the donkey pulled his scarred face, Ye Luo silently leaned behind the mysterious old ninja as if watching the excitement, and touched the trembling beads on his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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