Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 581 Crazy Assassination

Chapter 581 Crazy Assassination
Get whipped by a skinny horse?

Scarface instantly remembered the painful memory of being whipped by a donkey in Shenshi City. At this time, he was whipped by a donkey again, and Scarface instantly felt a great humiliation. rice katana,

He opened his mouth and said, "Male Gobi, I'm going to kill you today!"

The female ninja frowned, and suddenly took two steps forward. The ninja blade in her hand appeared again. She wanted to repeat the same trick and kill the donkey directly.


Even if you don't use any spiritual power and blood energy, relying solely on your body, Scarface is no match for a donkey. Almost at the moment Scarface drew the knife, the donkey suddenly kicked out with a hoof, hitting Scarface's shoulder superior.

Scarface's body trembled, and the knife almost dropped from his hand.

This is also the result when the donkey deliberately restrained its strength.

And, at this moment, the donkey stretched its head forward, opened its mouth suddenly, and bit the chest of the female ninja who was walking in the front.

The donkey's movement was extremely abrupt, not to mention the female ninja, even the mysterious and old ninja, under the condition of self-sealed spiritual power, didn't expect it, and the donkey's move was extremely fast.

The female ninja's pure physical strength is certainly stronger than that of ordinary monks, but it is also limited. She originally wanted to kill the skinny horse directly, but the skinny horse attacked her without warning. She forcibly avoided it, but still did not dodge. open.

The donkey bit down, and blood stains appeared on her corsage in an instant, and part of her clothes were directly torn.

Moreover, at the moment when the donkey bit down, the donkey's hoof knocked off a storage ring on the female ninja's hand with lightning speed, and caught it in the donkey's hoof.

The other two ninjas couldn't help being furious when they saw this. The identity of this female ninja was unusual. They wanted to attack at the same time. Even the mysterious and old ninja raised her hand slightly.

However, next, the donkey's reaction was even more unexpected. After winning, the fellow didn't even look back, turned around and ran out with his hooves.

"Ah! You are going to die!"

The female ninja's haughty eyes were full of anger, and she took out the ninja blade in her hand, and chased the donkey almost instantly. He had never been insulted like this before.

The monks with scarred faces and wicked eyebrows also chased after them angrily, and they all took out samurai swords almost at the same time.

This is such a thin, skinny horse, it has eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!
The other two ninjas also chased after them directly. Without using their spiritual power, they took out the ninja blades in their hands at the same time, and shouted at the same time: "Junior Sister, leave this donkey to us."

The donkey's four hooves were in the wind, and the speed did not soar to the extreme. Instead, it kept running at a distance that two or five people seemed to be able to catch up with, but seemed unable to catch up with.

Without using spiritual power and secret techniques, how could two legs outrun four hooves, let alone this donkey.

However, the donkey pretended to be very similar, always showing the appearance of being overtaken at any time, and panting heavily.

The mysterious and old ninja's eyes were also icy cold, and it didn't stop five people from killing the skinny horse. Even if five people killed a skinny horse, it was enough without using their spiritual power.

In the restricted area of ​​Styx, without using spiritual power, the ninja who practiced ninjutsu had a lot of physical advantages, and the old man was not worried.

Five people and one donkey disappeared at the corner of the River Styx in the blink of an eye.

Some of the monks around were stunned when they saw this scene, and one of the monks said: "This skinny horse, why do I feel so weird?"

"I'm really looking for death!" The mysterious and old ninja said a word coldly.

As he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly shrank fiercely, and an extremely cold and dangerous feeling suddenly rose in his heart. As a generation of terrifying powers in the golden core period of Fusang Holy Land, even if the spiritual power was completely sealed, the powerful instinct Intuition is still there.

In less than a tenth of a second, without turning his head, he slid three steps to the left with pure and powerful body strength and at the limit speed.


However, the moment he just moved, a silent, icy sword tip that looked like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade, pierced into his heart horribly without warning.

Suddenly, without a trace of symptoms.

However, the golden elixir stage powerful ninja of that island country did not immediately unlock the spiritual power in his body the moment the sword tip entered his body, because the golden elixir stage powerful ninja's body, even if it wasn't for body training, was extremely terrifying and powerful of.

A simple sword cannot kill him.

However, when the tip of the sword pierced three inches, his originally indifferent and mysterious eyes finally revealed a touch of shock and fear, because he was already extremely sensitive, and from the tip of the sword, he felt a wave that seemed to come from the prehistoric The meaning of cold and chill.

He suddenly unlocked the seal of his aura, wanting to use absolute aura to block the tip of the sword.

The terrifying aura did not block the tip of the sword, and the sudden terrifying defense seemed like paper before the tip of the sword, and had no effect at all.

The tip of the sword pierces the heart!

Then, twist!
The sword enters, twists, then draws the sword, collects the beads, suddenly retreats, cleanly and swiftly, almost to the extreme!

The whole process didn't take more than half a second!

When the donkey deliberately clashed with Scarface and distracted the three ninjas from the island country, Ye Luo had already quietly walked behind the old man in the crowd of onlookers seemingly quite unintentionally.


In half a second of the shot, blood splattered, and there was even the sound of a broken heart. The ninja of that island country was powerful, furious, and horrified, and the cultivation base of the seal on his body was as turbulent as the ocean.

He turned his head, and suddenly saw an ordinary boy with blood on his hands, retreating violently.

His majestic power of the Golden Core stage has almost made countless monks look up and awe, respect and worship him in the outside world. He never thought that one day, there would be a small person like an ant who would dare to kill him!
Moreover, he didn't even see clearly what it was that pierced into his body.

However, the terrifying ancient mysterious law and heaven-defying murderous intent revealed on the tip of the sword directly destroyed his vitality the moment it pierced into his body.

He, the great power of the Fusang Holy Land, was killed by a humble little man here?
He exploded in utter rage.

"Give me death!" His vitality had been cut off, but he didn't die immediately. He didn't care about any horrible and unknown changes in the Styx, and broke out directly. Wei, kill Ye Luo directly!

(End of this chapter)

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