Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 582 The Forbidden Hand

Chapter 582 The Forbidden Hand
The ninja seal was condensed, originally desolate and tragic, above the ancient river bed, the autumn sun suddenly darkened, and a chilly terrifying coercion suddenly radiated from the void.

Then, a huge, pitch-black, and dauntingly cold palm appeared from the void.

As soon as it appeared, the space around it even showed violent fragmentation marks.

In front of the desolate bronze carving, some monks standing around it couldn't help being horrified, and ran towards the distance almost instantly in fear, but they walked with difficulty. Even the monks in the foundation building period had blood dripping from their mouths.

Just the strong coercion at the edge is enough to make ordinary monks injured.

Even, a monk who ran slowly and was closer to the handprint, couldn't bear it anymore, broke out the cultivation base of the seal directly, trying to use the powerful spiritual power in his body to resist this terrifying coercion.

However, in the face of this coercion, the spiritual energy in his body was directly crushed to pieces.

On the palm of his hand, there was a drop of pitch-black liquid dripping, which happened to be dripping on the body of the cultivator who burst into spiritual energy. He, who was on the ninth level of Qi training, turned into a puddle of black water directly after being contaminated with this drop of liquid.

Not even a scream.

All the monks who fled in all directions were shocked!
Is this the mighty attack?
Among the fleeing people, there was a big man in the foundation establishment period. Seeing this, there was a hint of shock in his eyes, and he said: "The method of Jindan's power is so terrifying."

Those who fled in all directions were only subjected to a slight edge of coercion, while Ye Luo, who was at the center of the attack, was under a hundred times more coercion than them.

Moreover, the dark, terrifying, cold, huge palm in the sky has already slapped down on him!
In the depths of the Styx, a mysterious woman wearing a white veil and an ancient costume from an island country seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned her head, with a look of shock on her face, and said, "Who is the hand of taboo? Force Miyamoto-kun to unleash the forbidden ninja seal."

After the words fell, the figure of the mysterious woman disappeared in a flash, and hurried towards the direction of the ancient copper carving.

The donkey and the five people chasing behind seemed to have sensed something. They looked into the sky almost at the same time, and the huge, pitch-black, terrifying palm slapped down on the ground.

The donkey's face couldn't help changing, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This... that guy won't be slapped to death by this slap, right? Hey, I'm so stupid..."


That black and terrifying big hand finally slapped it down!

Ye Luo's figure was completely knocked down by that palm.

The river bed where the black palm fell, the river bed covered by the palm, was smashed and sunk for a thousand meters.

A bottomless pit in the shape of a handprint appeared on the desolate river bed. Surrounding the handprint, there was still a fierce murderous intent, fluctuating with cold and terrifying laws.

Jin Danqi's full blow shocked everyone.

Many of the monks who were watching in front of the desolate bronze carving had already run to a distance. However, after the palm fell, some monks were injured again in the distant shock wave.


The desolate riverbed around the barren bronze carvings was deadly silent.

"They're all dead?" A monk wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling guilty.

The mysterious golden core stage power of the island country has lost his voice, and was pierced into the heart by the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian. The mysterious and nameless killing intent and law contained in the sword point, even if he is a great power, he can't bear it at all. His vitality has been completely cut off after the final blow.

A layer of strange white hair was also rapidly growing on his body.

In the blink of an eye, it had already turned into a snow-white humanoid statue.

"That person was directly photographed into fly ash, right?" Someone rubbed his eyes.

However, at this moment, among the crowd, the only big man in the Foundation Establishment Period also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned around, and left quickly.After all, in the case of self-sealed spiritual power, his body is only a little stronger than ordinary monks.

Some monks saw the foundation-building figure leaving directly, suddenly thought of something, and left quickly.

"Hey, why are you leaving?" a young casual cultivator asked.

"The terrible impact of the death of a great power at the golden core stage is simply not something we little people can bear. Once such a big movement comes over, it is very likely that we little people will be taken away. Go ask, and even bring disaster to the fish in the pond."

"Is that so?"

"Weak people, in front of the terrifying power and the Holy Land, their lives are worth less than paper. Leave quickly, the world of practice is far more cruel than you think."

There are very few people who are really stupid. The people who were watching in front of the ancient bronze carving were not big people. Now, after trying to understand the relationship, the people around them scattered away in the blink of an eye.

No one wants to be involved in the karma of a mighty death.

The riverbed is ancient, desolate, long and dry, and in a blink of an eye, there is no one figure in front of the lonely barren bronze carving.

for a long time.

The people dispersed, but a figure slowly came out from the edge of the barren bronze carving. The owner of this figure was Ye Luo, his face was pale, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Luo is not dead!

At the moment when the terrifying palm fell, Ye Luo felt the crisis of life and death. At the most dangerous moment, Ye Luo condensed the seal of the shadow clone.

Ye Luo didn't have aura in his body, so he used his blood energy to cast his shadow avatar.

Ye Luo didn't have any horrible or unknown mutations.

However, under the terrifying coercion, even if he was not hit by the pitch-black palm, Ye Luo was seriously injured by the terrifying coercion. Ye Luo panted, and glanced coldly at the body of the island ninja Da Neng , said in a low voice: "It's just interest."

The mysterious beads on Ye Luo's neck vibrated more and more violently against the edge of the ancient bronze carving, constantly sending Ye Luo the urge to touch the ancient bronze carving.

Ye Luo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked around, saw that there was no one there, and touched the ancient bronze carving with his hand.


Almost at the moment when Ye Luo's hand touched the carved bronze, the bead's vibration stopped abruptly. In the bead, a green and crisp mysterious law directly followed Ye Luo's body and rushed into the bronze carved wildly. carve.

Originally standing alone on the river bed, the ancient copper carvings that had been carved for an unknown number of years suddenly trembled, and then, a chaotic, pitch-black, mysterious image suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the image, Nine Dragons coffin, red embroidered shoes, a barren pagoda, a grimace that seems to be crying but not crying, half smiling but not smiling, and a back that exudes a strong lost ancient atmosphere, appear one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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