Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 583 Ancient Mystery

Chapter 583 Ancient Mystery
The barren bronze carving stands alone on the desolate riverbed, above the bronze carving, the pattern unfolds slowly, it seems that many mysteries that have been dust-sealed for ages, all reveal a shocking corner on this mysterious void pattern.

The phantom of Jiulong pulling the coffin pulled out a tombstone from a desolate and lonely cemetery. On the tombstone, an ancient and mysterious text flashed away. I don't fully understand what this word is.

Afterwards, the pattern of the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin disappeared, and seven little paper figurines carried an embroidered shoe, passing by in a bright spring. This time, Ye Luo saw the two engraved embroidered shoes Small red characters: Wu's!

Immediately afterwards, a barren pagoda rose into the sky, suppressing all over the world, worshiped by all races, a grimace that seemed to be crying but not crying, smiling but not smiling, was suppressed on top of the barren pagoda, exuding a sense of loneliness and sadness.

In the end, a figure exuding a strong and lost ancient atmosphere stood standing in the ancient restricted zone of the underworld, leaving behind a sigh. He stretched out his hand, as if covering something, a lost voice, as if coming from the scroll: That thing, what is it? what is it
With this sound, the pattern quickly shattered, and then reassembled again. This time, Ye Luo saw a figure riding a green bull heading west out of Hangu Pass.

The image changes rapidly again. An ancient, desolate cemetery stands silently under the bloody setting sun. In the cemetery, a lonely, stunning woman with two ancient small characters engraved on the corner of her skirt is standing in the cemetery. Among them, silently looking at something.

Everything on the image seems to have some kind of invisible and mysterious connection.

The image is still changing. A river of Styx with Bana flowers blooming on both sides suddenly appeared. The previously disappeared Nine Dragons Coffin also reappeared and flew over the Styx River. A desolate bronze sculpture fell from the coffin lid of Nine Dragons Coffin Into the River Styx.

Ye Luo's body shook, trying to see clearly what was going on, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly went black, as if blinded, and he lost his vision instantly.

Ye Luo's heart shrank violently.

At the same time, Ye Luo felt an incomparable suction force suddenly appeared on the beads on his neck, and something seemed to be pulled out from the barren bronze carving and penetrated into his body.


The desolate bronze carving was shocked and woke up from a deep sleep. A burst of terrifying anger came from above the bronze carving. The terrifying coercion made the world tremble.

The bead on Ye Luo's neck, at this moment, suddenly seemed to be a thief, and quickly restrained all his breath, as if it had turned into an ordinary bead again, motionless on his neck.

However, Ye Luo could vaguely feel that the bead seemed to have stolen something from the barren bronze carving and stuffed it into his body.

The wrath on the ancient bronze carving was shocking, but after the bead subdued all the aura, the terrifying wrath seemed to have lost its target and slowly returned to calm.

The pattern on the copper carving also quickly disappeared.

Ye Luo spit out a mouthful of blood again. The huge coercion before made Ye Luo's bones almost shattered and he collapsed to death. Fortunately, the ancient bronze carving didn't seem to have any hostility towards him.

Ye Luo's eyes also regained their clarity in a daze.

Ye Luo was shocked, and the patterns that he just saw were still flashing in his mind. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Is there a real shocking secret that was lost in the ancient times hidden in these patterns?"

Most of the historical records in the ancient, barren, ancient, ancient, pre-Qin, and practice circles are about things in these endless eras. Before the ancient times, there were few written records, and most of them were myths and legends.

But among these ages, ancient times was a lost era.

Because, in this era spanning tens of thousands of years, there are even fewer written records than before the ancient times, but this era is a big era very close to the present.

Everything in this era seems to be a mystery.

Shenshi City is an ancient gambling city left in ancient times.

Ye Luo pondered and shook his head. He couldn't figure it out at all for the time being, but he remembered the last scene he saw, the ancient bronze carving falling from the lid of the coffin pulled by Nine Dragons into the River Styx.

"Is there any connection between this ancient bronze carving and the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin?" Ye Luo murmured.

After a while, Ye Luo began to check his body. What did Zhuzhu steal to trigger the instinctive anger of this unconscious Huang Bronze?
Ye Luo checked carefully, and finally found that an ancient bronze symbol was floating in his dantian, and this symbol was impressively: .

Ye Luo once saw this symbol in the Book of Changes, and this symbol is the Kun hexagram on top of the eight trigrams symbol.

"What's the use of this thing?" Ye Luo was stunned.

"Ah! Master, Master is dead!" Suddenly, just as Ye Luo was about to continue his research, a shocked voice suddenly sounded from not far away.

Ye Luo turned his head, and suddenly saw that the three ninjas who had chased the donkey before, and the two monks who had stolen the donkey, should have seen the previous vision and ran back again.

Shocked and terrified, the three ninjas cautiously ran over to the island nation's Almighty, who was vaguely recognizable and had nothing on his body.

"Brother Scar, don't go in a hurry." The monk with a mischievous eyebrow took a look and grabbed Scar.

"What's wrong?" Brother Scar stopped in his tracks.

"Why do I feel that this little devil's ninja is unreliable, and all his powers have been killed by others. Do we have a future as a traitor? Don't lose your life if you don't get the benefits." The frowning monk said seriously.

"Paralyzed, do you think I am willing to be this traitor, bah, paralyzed, it's not the period of the Anti-Japanese War, this is what time, what kind of traitor is not a traitor, working with these ninjas, giving a lot of spirit stones, What else can we do if we don't follow these ninjas?" Scarface sighed, Shenshicheng couldn't go back, and the business of stealing spiritual pets was extremely difficult.

"It's important to save your life." The friar looked around, very vigilant.

"It's okay, paralyzed, if there is any danger, let's run as fast as we can. Anyway, those big shots don't look down on us. "Scarface thought about it carefully, and spoke seriously.

"That's true, it's not good to work with them first, hey! Anyway, the old guy has been killed by someone, let's take a chance, get some medicine, bring these three little ones down, and loot the things , let's find a secluded small place to practice, and come out when we are successful in cultivation.

Anyway, along the way, these ninjas didn't treat us as human beings, and let the two of us explore the way with our lives in any dangerous places. "The friar with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes thought seriously.

Ye Luo was standing behind the Huang Bronze Carving, and the three ninjas didn't see Ye Luo for a while.

Just at this moment, a woman wearing a white veil and an ancient costume from an island country, exuding a mysterious aura, also rushed to the place not far from the ancient bronze carving, and walked step by step.

"Holy, Holy Maiden!" A ninja seemed to feel something, turned around suddenly, his legs softened, and he knelt directly on the ground.

A cold murderous intent flashed in Ye Luo's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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