Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 585 Infiltrated into the island country team

Chapter 585 Infiltrated into the island country team (3 more tickets requested)
Ye Luo's heart was full of daring and crazy thoughts, once it was born, even Ye Luo's heart jumped violently, but this idea has already been deeply rooted and imprinted in his mind.

Killing or robbing by force is definitely not possible, the difference in realm is too great, and besides, a generation of princes must be surrounded by powerful guards. Once the time of life and death is really reached, the powerful will undo the self-seal, and Ye Luo will not be able to stop if he makes a terrifying attack.

However, people must be killed, and things must be taken!

"Infiltrate into the team of the island country first."

A cold murderous intent flashed across Ye Luo's eyes.

Ye Luo restrained all the blood in his body, pretended to be in a coma, and lay down in front of the barren bronze carving, and did not cover up or deal with the original shock injuries on his body.


The Fusang saintess of the island country was already leaving. After walking a few steps, the ninja of the island country and the two monks who stole the donkey also stood up, ready to follow and leave.

But at this moment, a strange noise suddenly attracted everyone's attention.


The female ninja from the island country, after turning around, opened her mouth vigilantly, and her eyes fell in the direction of the ancient copper carving.


A weak cough followed, but there was no answer to the female ninja from the island country.

"Who is it?" The island ninja spoke again, but no one responded.

The Fusang saint and the blindfolded monk both looked cautiously at the ancient bronze engraving. In the Styx restricted area, all kinds of weird things could happen, and they didn't dare to use their aura easily.

Moreover, a great power of the island country has died here.

Seeing this, the proud ninja from the island country looked directly at the monk with a scarred face and mouse eyes, and said, "You two, go and have a look!"

The cultivator with a scar face and sly eyebrows suddenly froze, and the scar face swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "Our cultivation base is so low, how about..."

"What nonsense, if you don't want to die, just go and have a look!" The proud female cultivator of the island nation flashed the ninja blade in her hand, with murderous intent in her eyes.

The monk with a scarred face and sly eyebrows instantly greeted the eighteenth generation of female ninja ancestors in his heart. Although the two of them went to the island country and got some spirit stones, but what the hell, this little devil never They didn't treat the two of them as human beings.

However, the curses in their hearts were cursed, and under the pressure of killing intent, the two of them still walked over slowly and extremely cautiously.

For a while.

The two people came to the front of the desolate bronze carving.


The always pale hand stretched out from behind the barren bronze carving.



The two of them were shocked, and they ran away, hating that their parents didn't give birth to two more legs when they were born.

However, the two of them had just run a few steps before they were stopped again by that haughty female ninja under Sen Leng's murderous intent. The female ninja was also shocked, but she didn't panic and forced her again. Two people, go back and check.

The two greeted the female ninja's [-] generations of ancestors again, and even the ancestors of the emperor of the island country, they all greeted together, biting the bullet and feeling apprehensive, they had to return again.

This time, after the two of them returned, they saw clearly that after the barren bronze carving, it was not a ghost or something terrifying, but an ordinary boy.

This ordinary boy's face was pale, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he had been seriously injured. He had just woken up, and his breath was also very weak.

Seeing Scar's face clearly, he immediately became more courageous, walked over directly, and said fiercely: "What the hell, I'm scared to death. What are you doing? Which sect?"

Ye Luo has changed his appearance twice. In this Styx river, he cannot use his aura, even if he is powerful, he cannot see through it. Moreover, he cannot use aura and secret techniques, and he cannot really check Ye Luo's physical condition.

"Ah! I, I'm from Nanjiang City." Ye Luo's voice was weak and panicked.

"What? From Nanjiang City?" Scarface couldn't help being startled, and then he asked in doubt: "Loose cultivator?"

"Yes, yes, senior, who are you?" Ye Luo looked terrified.


Since entering the practice world, the scarred face and thug eyebrows and mouse eyes have always been abused by other monks. They are at the bottom of the food chain in the practice world. .

Ye Luo's respectful voice as a senior almost made Scarface feel it. After entering the world of practice, he was respected and even worshiped for the first time. This feeling made Scarface even a little dazed. , has long since disappeared.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?" Ye Luo tried hard to pretend to stand up.

"It's nothing, boy, yes, I think you're pretty good." Dao Scar's face was in a daze, and he patted Ye Luo's shoulder, and there was a silly smile on his fierce face.

Ye Luo couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, what's good, why is it not bad, what's not good, what is this scarred face talking about, and what is he smiling at, Ye Luo was a little dazed for a while at this moment.

Several ninjas from the island country have already come over.

"Fellow, I'm also from Nanjiang City. What the hell, I haven't seen a fellow from Nanjiang for a long time after the big changes in October. You are really good. Seeing how miserable you are, follow me from now on. !” Dao Scar finally came back to his senses, and patted Ye Luo on the shoulder.

The proud female ninja saw that Ye Luo didn't have a trace of powerful aura, and was an ordinary boy who seemed to have suffered serious injuries. She asked, "Who are you and why are you here?"

"I, my name is Luo Ye. I am a loose cultivator. I used to be from Nanjiang City. I, I seem to be here to watch this ancient bronze carving. Later, someone fought, and I was stunned under the strong pressure." Ye Luo The name was reversed, a new name was made, and a reason was fabricated.

"So weak, can't even bear the coercion? From now on, we will hang out with our brothers." Zeimeishu saw that this young man was worse than the two of them, he felt happy, and couldn't help but speak.

The Fusang saint has been watching, but did not speak. She turned her head and looked at the blindfolded ninja. As a generation of saints, she would not believe anything easily.

Although, this boy seems really weak.

The blindfolded ninja silently walked to Ye Luo's side, grasping Ye Luo's pulse.

Ye Luo's heart moved slightly, but his face was a little dazed, and he said, "You, who are you?"

Seeing this, the scar-faced monk guessed that the blindfolded monk's intention was to check whether Ye Luo was really injured, and maybe even check out his aura.

Scarface was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to say anything.

The monk, who was blindfolded, checked for a long time before leaving indifferently and walking to the Fusang saint.

Fusang Saintess said, "How is it?"

Ye Luo's heart hung up in an instant, his fists clenched silently, and he was ready to make a move at any time, whether he could get past it depended on what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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