Chapter 586
"Cultivation is very weak. I'm a newcomer. I won't exceed two levels of Qi training. I have been injured. It should be caused by coercion. However, my body is a bit strong." The ninja with one eye blindfolded said.

Ye Luo's face was still dazed and panicked when he heard this, but his heart beat violently. This blindfolded ninja was a little scary. Without the temptation of secret techniques and spiritual energy, he only passed his pulse. Can infer so much.

However, body training has disappeared since ancient times. This ninja's detection method does not seem to include body training, and no one seems to link him with Ye Luo.

Fusang saint nodded, looked at Ye Luo again, and said, "What did you see before you fell into a coma?"

"I, I saw a big black hand appearing in the sky, and then I couldn't bear the strong pressure and fell into a coma." On Ye Luo's face, he looked like he was recalling carefully, and his eyes flickered from time to time. There was a hint of fear.

"Besides this, what else did you see?" Fusang Saintess asked again, her gaze fell on Ye Luo's eyes.

"No, no more." Ye Luo thought hard, then seemed to suddenly think of something, and said, "I seem to have vaguely heard the words Longshoufeng, and by the way, I also saw a terrifying sword light. "

The faces of the ninjas in the island country couldn't help but change slightly.

The proud female ninja looked back at Fusang Saintess respectfully, and said in surprise, "Mrs. Saintess, this place is not far from the Shangqing Sect. Before the Styx River collapsed, some important figures in Longshou Peak had already prepared to Maybe."

Fusang Saintess also fell into deep thought, and said: "It is possible, so, Prince Meiji's plan may have some more variables, but if the people from Longshou Peak really killed Miyamoto-kun, after the death After the river, we must find someone from Longshou Peak to give an explanation."

The man with one eye blindfolded suddenly said: "If it is really the supreme power of Longshou Peak, then why is there only the corpse of Miyamoto here, who can force Miyamoto to use the taboo?" He must have used his aura, so there is no unexplained change in his body?"

"Perhaps, the people of the Longshou Peak of the Qing Dynasty have mastered some kind of forbidden technique, which can prevent the unknown mutation from happening." The proud female ninja said.

"It's very difficult. Even Prince Meiji is extremely afraid of such an unknown change." The man with one eye blindfolded shook his head.

"Go and meet Prince Meiji first. Prince Meiji may not be aware of this variable." The island saint said.

After a quick discussion, the ninjas of the island country quickly made a decision and walked towards the depths of the Styx restricted area.

The wicked monk and Scarface were pushed forward to explore the way, while Ye Luo was taken away with Scarface's support. The ninjas of the island country did not object.

In their eyes, these humble monks are nothing but cannon fodder for exploring the road. What's more, this young man may still be able to remember some things before he passed out on the way.

"Brother, where did you hang out in Nanjiang City before?" Scarface asked.

"Nanjiang City No.1 Civilian Hospital." Ye Luo said.

"Hey! I'm stupid, you can't be a black doctor, you're paralyzed, I went there once, and charged me more than 2000 yuan for a cold." The expression on Scar's face suddenly became a little unfriendly.

"Do you think I can be a doctor? When I was in the hospital, I was a cleaner with a monthly salary of [-]." Ye Luo sighed.

"It's from Marle Gobi, the hospital is really dark, I just saw that you don't look like a doctor, why don't you give you [-] a month, I don't treat you as an adult!" Scarface immediately felt the same hatred.

"Yeah, it's so fucking dark." Ye Luo thought of Su Ying again, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes.

"We are all fellow villagers in Nanjiang City. Let me tell you, we will hang out with our brothers from now on, and we will never treat you badly. If it is not possible, our brothers will take you to steal spiritual pets..."

Ye Luo silently blended into the team of the island nation, walking step by step towards the depths of the Styx River.

At this time, the donkey that turned into a skinny horse quietly returned to the ancient bronze sculpture. The donkey glanced at the deep pit on the river bed, and then at Da Neng of the island country where the dead body had undergone an unknown mutation. His eyes flickered. .

It had seen Ye Luo leaving with the islanders before.

"This guy is still alive, what do you want to do, why did you pretend to be in the ranks of the islanders?" The donkey was surprised and puzzled.

Afterwards, the donkey took another look at the ancient bronze engraving, and murmured to himself, "Wow! I'm paralyzed, why do I feel that this ancient bronze engraving seems to have changed a bit? It seems that something has been taken from it."

The donkey studied for a while, but still couldn't figure it out. The eyes of the donkey flickered, and they followed the Daoguo group and walked towards the depths of the Styx River.

The barren bronze carving stands alone, the wind blows, and the breath of time and time pervades, like an old man guarding the tomb, old, stubborn, sad, lonely, and next to the bronze carving, a nameless red flower blooms silently.

The source of the river bed is unknown. It is desolate, ancient, dry and cracked river bed. Occasionally, figures flash past, and they all walk into the depths of the Styx River.

The Styx restricted area is huge, and no one has really walked through the entire restricted area. However, in ancient times, there was a sage who once speculated that the Styx restricted area should present an irregular triangle shape.

The forbidden area behind the Qingzong Mountain, which is the end of the Styx River, is the apex of the triangle, and along the apex, the forbidden area on both sides of the Styx River will continue to expand as it goes deeper. To know the extent of the expansion, count to 10 For thousands of years, no one can tell.

Also because of its triangular area, the Styx restricted area, was also known as the devil's triangle area.

Although the water of the Styx River has dried up, the deep pool at the end of the Styx River, in the forbidden area behind the Qing Dynasty, is rippling with water waves. The ancient murderer, Taotie, lived in the deep pool, which has long been a secret known to everyone in the practice world. No one dares to approach the end.

The monks who entered the Styx restricted area all bypassed the end of the Styx, followed the river bank, and explored the depths of the mysterious and dry Styx restricted area.

Two days later.

Ye Luo infiltrated into the ranks of the islanders, followed the monk with a scarred face and sly eyebrows, and joined other ninjas under the Fusang Saintess. There were more than 20 of these ninjas, and they seemed to be elites.

Even, there are three middle-aged ninjas and two old ninjas, all exuding mysterious dao charm.

This is just the power of Fuso Saintess's subordinates, the Prince Meiji who is known as the glory and legend of the island country, and his subordinates do not know how many powerful ninjas they have brought.

Ye Luo became more and more cautious, and followed the team with the two donkey-stealing monks, and continued to move toward the depths of the Styx River. He didn't know how many miles deep into the Styx River, and finally stopped.

"I have received news that Prince Meiji and his people are just ahead." The monk, who was blindfolded, left two hours ago, and now he turned back quickly.

Fusang Saintess nodded and said, "How is the situation?"

The ninja, who was blindfolded with one eye, said, "Qin Shihuang and the people in Nether Ghost Land have already stopped, and that thing may also be ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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