Chapter 587
Ye Luo and the monk with a scarred face and sly eyebrows listened attentively to the words.

"You guys wait here, I'm going to meet Prince Meiji once." Fusang Saintess didn't communicate much with the ninja who was blindfolded, she lifted her foot and went straight to the depths of the Styx.

The more than 20 ninjas under Fuso Saintess took a circular defensive position, spread out silently, and waited.

"You three, stand aside." The proud female ninja - Oroko Miyamoto kicked Scarface's body and pointed to a remote place on the river bed.

Scarface immediately put on a smile, and said, "Yes, yes, Ms. Miyamoto, let's go now."

The scarred face pulled Ye Luo and the sly-eyed monk to bow their heads and leave. When they got a little farther away, their expression suddenly changed, and they said cursingly: "This little devil girl, you are so cheap, the three of us What's wrong with her?"

"That's right, paralyzed, really don't treat us as human beings, or, after we finish this job, get the reward spirit stones, and continue to steal spiritual pets, why don't you follow the little devil and don't treat us as human beings?" I don't think so, if our ancestors knew about this, they would probably be so angry." The sly eyebrows also opened their mouths indignantly.

"Cough, keep your voice down," Ye Luo said.

"Shut up, let me tell you, although you are a rookie, your strength is so poor, and you were injured, but you are also from our Nanjiang City, you have to figure it out, if you work for the little devil, we will also earn money." A spiritual stone, to find a way out, but we can’t keep doing traitors like this, we can’t forget the national humiliation, even though the world has changed, we are still Chinese.” Said with righteous words.

"That's right, kid, learn a little bit, and go deeper, the little devil may let us explore the way with our lives, don't be so serious, when it's time to be cowardly, you have to pretend to be cowardly, it really feels like a very scary place, directly It's okay to pretend to be stunned." Scarface preached.

"To tell you the truth, when I followed the little devil into the Styx, there were more than a dozen cannon fodder who explored the way. Only our two brothers survived, and the others were all dead. The two brothers just saw you as a fellow, so they put these The secret of life-saving is passed on to you, so don’t pass it on.” The friar’s tone was serious.

Along the way, Ye Luo also found out the tempers of the two of them, nodded solemnly, and said, "I see."

The three of them talked in low voice for a long time, and the Fusang saint finally returned.

However, Ye Luo keenly saw a drop of blood that hadn't coagulated from Fusang's body.

Fusang Maiden glanced around and said, "The riverbed in front is occupied by horrible dead creatures. It is impossible to pass through directly. Everyone goes to the river bank."

"My lord, it may be more efficient to act in groups." The monk who was blindfolded seemed to know something, and suddenly said at this moment.

Fusang Saintess thought for a while, nodded, glanced at the group of ninjas in front of her, and said, "Then let's divide into groups, all ninjas above the fifth floor of the foundation building stage come here."

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly. Is there a horrible creature on the river bed in front of him?It doesn't seem that simple, why are they grouped?Didn't they say before that Prince Meiji, the people from Netherworld, Qin Shihuang, and even that thing are all ahead?
Ye Luo thought quickly.

Following the words of Fuso Maiden, the five ninjas turned and walked away.

"More than five foundation-building stages? The monk with one eye and the Fusang saint girl seem to be the same." Ye Luo quickly estimated the strength of the Fusang Holy Land.

However, it is a pity that due to the distance, Ye Luo did not hear clearly the communication between Fusang Saintess and those terrifying and powerful ninjas.

Another moment passed.

The powerful ninjas around Fusang Saintess quickly spread out and sent some news to the other ninjas one by one. Then, the proud female ninja Miyamoto Oroko came to Ye Luo and the other three again, and reminded the three of them contemptuously. With a sound, let the three of them follow her.

The ninjas in Fusang Holy Land are divided into groups, and there is a certain distance between each group.

The three of Ye Luo, followed Oroko Miyamoto, together with two other young ninjas, and a middle-aged short, fat and powerful ninja, went up to the bank of the Styx River, along the river bank, and continued to move toward the depths of the Styx River.

They had already been walking along the river bed for nearly three days. At this time, they suddenly went up to the river bank and looked at the scenes on both sides of the river bank. Their hearts were shocked. There was fog on both sides of the river bank, and in the fog was an endless wasteland. However, the strange thing is that the color of the wild flowers and weeds is a deep blue.

It took about a day to go, and along the way, I encountered some scattered monks one after another, but most of them were vigilant and guarded against each other, and there was not much intersection.

At night, the moon rises.

The team still didn't stop until midnight, when the short, fat middle-aged ninja who took the lead slowed down a bit and looked down towards the bed of the Styx River.

Ye Luo has been carefully observing the surroundings, and at this time, he also noticed the river bed.

Standing on the river bank, Ye Luo saw that on the dry river bed, there were many dead people scattered here and there. These people seemed to have been bitten by something, and some of them were even mutilated, and the blood stained large areas. river bed.

"Nakamura-kun, who are these people?" Finally, in the team, the proud female ninja Oroko Miyamoto broke the silence of the night.

"Some pathfinder cannon fodder caught by Prince Meiji." The chunky ninja looked at the corpse under the river bed, and there was a touch of blood-eating excitement in his eyes.

"Pathfinder cannon fodder?" Oriko Miyamoto was puzzled.

"That's right, it's similar to the three cannon fodder you hired, except that you are monks hired with spirit stones. Your Excellency, you directly asked your subordinates to arrest the residents of several villages and let them die on this mysterious river bed. Find the way." When the chunky ninja said the word prince, respect flashed in his eyes.

"It turns out that even if the Styx River is dry, there are hidden dangers that no one knows about on the river bed. Using these humble oriental villagers as cannon fodder for pathfinding is indeed the most effective plan." Oroko Miyamoto's eyes showed a hint of admiration , Prince Meiji is in the island country and is the object of worship of most people.

When Ye Luo heard this, the cold anger and killing intent in his eyes disappeared in a flash, and he clenched his hands tightly.

The chunky monk continued to walk along the river bank, and after about half an hour, his footsteps paused quietly, and he said, "Before, Qin Shihuang, the Nether ghost land, and the place where the prince stopped should be here. "

Everyone heard the words and looked down the river bed.

On the dry river bed here, an ancient town that seemed to have been submerged for countless years revealed its true face after the river receded.

Most of the buildings in this small town have already collapsed, and even if they haven't collapsed, they have basically been corroded and weathered in the endless years and time, and they are beyond recognition.

Only, on a cracked and broken stone tablet, there are still two ancient characters, which can still be vaguely recognized. Those two ancient characters are impressively: Loulan!

(End of this chapter)

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