Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 588 Killing in the Restricted Area

Chapter 588 Killing in the Restricted Area (3 more tickets requested)
The moonlight is like snow, falling on the dry, ancient, and vicissitudes of the riverbed, the town is ruined, weathered, corroded, and on the stone tablet, the two ancient characters that are barely recognizable, Loulan, make people feel An indescribable feeling.

This town is called Loulan?
In the crowd, Ye Luo suddenly thought that Baguio had said in Shenshi City that in the pre-Qin period, Qin Shihuang and Xu Fu were at the time when Lao Tzu went west to Hangu Pass, Sakyamuni, Master, and other schools of thought were mysterious After disappearing, they got some clues from the predecessors, and encountered the ancient city of Loulan disappearing from the Silk Road overnight. At the place where the ancient city of Loulan disappeared, they found some important clues, and finally identified that thing , in the river Styx.

Pre-Qin is the only era of practice after the lost ancient times.

What happened to the ancient city of Loulan, which has been recorded in history, disappeared overnight on the ancient Silk Road?
What is that thing that countless big men are looking for?
How did Loulan Town appear on the bed of the Styx River?

Based on his knowledge of pre-Qin history, Ye Luo can probably recall that Loulan Town should be a small town about ten miles southeast of Loulan Ancient City. This town was once on the Silk Road and had a certain reputation.

It is a subsidiary town outside the ancient city of Loulan.

The town of Loulan appeared in this place. Will the legendary ancient city of Loulan be in front?

Looking at the small town under the riverbed, Ye Luo felt a lot of doubts in his heart.

The short and fat ninja who took the lead in the island country stayed for a while, exchanged a few words with the female ninja, and moved on again. However, under the moonlight, Ye Luo saw that some villagers began to appear in the town one after another. corpse.

They have strange scars.

Ye Luo even saw the corpses of several two- and three-year-old children.

In Ye Luo's heart, there was a wordless killing intent, as strong as its essence, and the cannon fodder caught by the explorers, even children were not spared. This Prince Meiji must die, and all the people in the island country and Fusang Holy Land must also die. !
The town is not very big, along the river embankment, we walked through it quickly.

However, after passing through the small town, the short and fat monk who took the lead did not move forward along the river embankment, but looked at the three of Ye Luo and said, "You three go ahead, leave the river bank, go Walk in the misty wasteland."

The monk with a scarred face and a mouse-eyed frown looked at each other, hesitated.

"Go! Don't go, die!" Oroko Miyamoto took out a cold ninja blade again.

The two of them took Ye Luo with them. Seeing this, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked in front. At this moment, Scarface suddenly said: "It was originally agreed, five hundred spirit stones, we are only on the river bed To explore the way, now go to the foggy wasteland of the Styx outside the river bank to explore the way, do you have to pay more?"

"Hahaha, you're already here, do you still want Lingshi?" Oroko Miyamoto's face turned cold.

"What do you mean?" Scarface's tone changed slightly.

"Explore the way or die. It's really stupid. Our lives are in our hands, and we still want Lingshi. Do you think it's really a job? Oh, here, it's slavery!" Miyamoto Oroko's tone turned cold.

"You want to break the contract, so what you say doesn't matter?" Scarface's expression finally changed completely.


Oriko Miyamoto slapped Scarface's face without warning, quickly and sharply, and directly slapped Scarface into the air, and fell to the ground, her face was swollen from the slap.

The friar's expression changed involuntarily, but he was pulled back by Ye Luo, who was also a sensible person, took a deep breath, forced a smile on his face, and said, "Brother Scar is too. Impulsive, don't be angry, what spirit stones are not spirit stones, it is our honor to be loyal to the emperor!"

Scarface was already furious in his heart, what the hell, the little devil is simply too shameless, the bottom line of shamelessness and despicableness is even beyond his imagination.

However, this slap also woke up Scarface.

As a person who has been sneaking around and living at the bottom, even in the world of practice, he hasn't changed. To resist here, he can only die, and his scarred face still doesn't want to die.

However, the true face of the island country ninja has been completely seen in his heart.

Scarface stood up, without saying a word, and walked in the front with his sly eyebrows and Ye Luo.

"Go, and pay attention to the surroundings. Let's continue walking along the river bank. However, we must also deviate from the river bank at a certain angle. Pay attention to searching the wasteland area on both sides of the river bank, within ten kilometers, and find an ancient city." The chunky ninja looked coldly. Looking at everything in front of him, he spoke in a cold voice.

After saying that, Ye Luo immediately understood why the Fusang saint and the man with one eye were asked to group the ninjas from the island country. They should already know that there is this Loulan town in front of the river bed.

Finding an ancient city and grouping it is indeed more efficient.

And the city they searched for, if nothing else happened, should be the ancient city of Loulan. The small town of Loulan appeared at the bottom of the river bed, and the ancient city of Loulan might be nearby.

However, why did this city and town appear in the Styx restricted area?

Countless people are looking for that thing, will they be in the ancient city of Loulan that once disappeared?

Ye Luoyin endured the growing murderous intent in his heart, and walked to the wasteland from the river bank with the monk with a scarred face and a mouse-eyed frown.

Moonlight, mist, blue wild flowers and wild grass overgrown wasteland.

The night in the restricted area of ​​Styx was extremely long. In the mist, the visibility was only about ten meters.

After about an hour.

Walking in the front, Ye Luo, who closed his right eye and opened his left eye, stopped quietly for a moment, and looked towards the front left, where there seemed to be no unusual weeds, and took a look.

Then, it glanced at a raised mound and a deep pit in front of the right.

Ye Luo suddenly felt a silent murderous intent, and Ye Luo also keenly felt that these three places had subtle traces that seemed to be artificially disguised.

As a former war doctor, Ye Luo can almost easily judge that there are definitely people in these three places.

Ye Luo frowned, thinking quickly in his mind, there were quite a few monks who had entered the restricted area of ​​Styx, but most of them were casual cultivators, and people from all major forces were still trapped on Longshou Peak.

What is the purpose of these three hidden people?
"Stop what, hurry up!" Miyamoto Oroko's tone was cold.

Ye Luo thought about it, and continued to walk forward. However, the direction Ye Luo walked was slightly deviated, and where Ye Luo deviated, it was a small hole about one meter deep, which seemed to be washed out by the current. ditch.

Ye Luo kept a low profile, his body was tense, and the blood in his body was running secretly.



When they reached the center of the three places, a violent and rapid explosion shattered the tranquility of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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