Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 589 Killing the Restricted Area 2

Chapter 589 Killing the Restricted Area 2
The sound suddenly sounded, and Ye Luo's body, which was already tense, flickered slightly almost instantly. At the same time, he grabbed the scarred face and the sly eyebrows and mouse eyes, and rolled directly into the one next to him that had been washed out by the water. In the ditch.

However, a look of astonishment also flashed in Ye Luo's eyes.

Because Ye Luo was very familiar with the rapid and violent explosion, it was the sound of gunfire!

After the great change of the world before October, Ye Luo almost never heard gunshots again. In this age of practice, as long as he reached the third or fourth level of Qi training and cultivated the spiritual armor, the bullets are basically useless.

However, it is different here.

Because this is the restricted area of ​​Styx.

All people who enter here will carry out self-seal cultivation and spiritual energy. Unless it is a last resort, no one dares to use the cultivation easily, and a Qi training monk, once the cultivation is sealed, the physical strength is not much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

Guns, things that seem to have been abandoned by the times, are definitely terrifying things in the Styx restricted area.

But, who is the shooter, and what is his purpose?
At the moment when Ye Luo pulled the two goods and rolled into the small ditch, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind.


The moment the first shot was fired, several other shots were fired at the same time, and they exploded at the same time.

Barrett, large-caliber sniper rifles, four. Almost instantly, Ye Luo accurately deduced the number and model of the guns from the gunshots.

In this world, almost no one knows more about firearms than Ye Luo.

"There are enemies!"

The four people in the island country reacted extremely quickly, and their voices came out suddenly.

However, a young ninja on the far left had been shot between the eyebrows, and didn't even have a chance to break through his own sealed aura, so he shot him in the head.

Oroko Miyamoto was shot on her left shoulder and flew over. When her body rolled, she also rolled down into the ditch, and her soft pair directly pressed hard on Ye Luo's legs.

The other two shots were aimed at the chunky middle-aged powerful ninja. However, although the chunky ninja looked bloated, his reaction was extremely fast.

His body turned sharply, unexpectedly dodged the headshot shot, and the other shot also deviated from the heart, hitting his right arm, and the large-caliber bullet actually tore half of his arm.

He tilted his body and rolled into the ditch.

"Who! Get out of here!"

That short, fat and powerful ninja was terrifying and furious. Under the extreme crisis, he actually took the risk of an unknown mutation and broke the self-seal. The powerful aura on his body erupted like a volcano.

However, Ye Luo exploded at him, and at the moment of confusion, the blood-red sword in his hand flashed past, and the sword directly pierced into the temple of the short and powerful ninja.

Ye Luo's speed was extremely fast, and he was also extremely stealthy. Before even the blood flowed out, Ye Luo had already retracted the blood-red sword. Then, Ye Luo pretended to be very scared, and curled up in the ditch vigilantly.

That short, fat and powerful terrifying ninja didn't have time to react at all. His eyes popped out, and the terrifying aura that had just erupted from his body stopped abruptly.

Although Ye Luo has not yet figured out who the person who suddenly attacked the island nation's ninja is, since he is the one who killed the island nation, he should not be an enemy.

If this short and fat scary ninja shoots out, there will be no way for the gun to hit him. This scary ninja has at least the fifth level of foundation building. If the sneak attacker wants to kill him again, he must take the risk of death due to an unknown mutation. , Let a big man with a foundation of five floors or above make a move.

These thoughts flashed through Ye Luo's mind in a flash, and silently thrust out that terrifying and hidden sword.

The gunfire continued.

The second young ninja who didn't have time to roll into the ditch was also torn into pieces by the large-caliber Barrett amidst the intense and chaotic gunfire.

Of the four island nation ninjas, in the blink of an eye, only the proud female ninja, Miyamoto Oroko, remained.

She was terrified, and in the sudden chaos, she didn't notice Ye Luo's hidden movements.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, death was approaching, and the aura in her body fluctuated, as if she was about to break the seal. However, at this moment, Ye Luo pretended to be terrified and shouted: "Both of you, don't break the aura seal, let's surrender!" , Surrender, once the seal is broken, there will be an unknown mutation and death!"

Ye Luo's words were yelled at the sly eyebrows and the scarred face, but Ye Luo's eyes slightly looked at Miyamoto Oroko.

No matter who the opponent is, this proud female ninja can't die for the time being, because if these ninjas are all dead, if they want to sneak into the island country's team and take the opportunity to assassinate the island country's glory, Prince Meiji, the difficulty will increase further.

To keep a living is to keep a chance to sneak into the team of the island country.

This Oriko Miyamoto is an important chess piece that can be used.

The female ninja couldn't help shaking when she heard Ye Luo's voice. She didn't want to die. As a proud female ninja, Miyamoto Oroko had an extraordinary background in the island country, and she didn't want to die even more.

Under the faint moonlight, Ye Luo saw Oriko Miyamoto's hesitation, so he shouted again: "We surrender, stop fighting, we surrender!"

When Ye Luo opened his mouth, he quietly stretched a dead branch in the ditch under the head of the dead short and powerful ninja.

"Yes! Yes! Stop fighting, the three of us are not little devils, if I surrender, maybe we are our own people!" Thief eyebrows and mouse eyes and scarred face were also a little terrified, and they yelled.

The gunfire finally stopped.

Miyamoto Oriko is still hesitating, her body trembling slightly, whether to break the self-seal, breaking it, is death, surrender, maybe there is no need to die, but, as an arrogant woman, how can she surrender?She doesn't even know who her opponent is.

Time, in hesitation, goes by bit by bit.

The other party, who is it?
The gunfire stopped.

"Miss Yue, throw another grenade and blow up all the people in the ditch to death. Why stop?" A young man's voice suddenly came.

However, when he opened his mouth, no one responded, but there was a sound of footsteps, getting closer.

Someone is walking over here.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and counted silently in his mouth. When he counted to three, Ye Luo suddenly pressed down a dead branch that was originally placed under the head of the squat ninja.

Ye Luo pressed down on one end of the dead branch, and the other end was forcefully lifted up.

This sudden thrust directly caused the short and fat ninja, who was already dead, to lift his head up. At first glance, it looked very much like the posture in which he suddenly sat up.



The gunshots exploded again, and the blood flashed!
(End of this chapter)

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