Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 590 Loulan Ancient City

Chapter 590 Loulan Ancient City
The chunky ninja who was already dead was shot in the head!
Under the huge caliber, Barrett directly beat his head into a mass of bursting flesh, which exploded like a shattered watermelon.

However, Ye Luo quietly retracted the branch at the moment of the gunshot, and continued to be vigilant, curling up to the side pretending to be afraid. Oroko Miyamoto, the monk with a scarred face and wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, was in a state of shock at this moment. It was a trembling, but Ye Luo didn't see the subtle movements.

"Miss Yue, you are really good at marksmanship." A moment after the gunshot, a young man's voice sounded again.

The sound of footsteps sounded again, but this time they were much more cautious. However, there were only three steps away, no matter how cautious they were, it would be quick. The scene in the ditch soon appeared in their field of vision.

Ye Luo was also at this moment, pretending to be panicked, and glanced at the few people on the ditch.

The person who spoke just now is an extremely handsome young man. There is a mysterious aura circulating in this young man. Even if his cultivation is sealed, it can be seen that he is not like an ordinary monk.

However, Ye Luo's eyes did not stay on this young man, because, almost in the next moment, Ye Luo's eyes were attracted by a young girl.

Under the moonlight, the young girl's figure is lonely. Between her brows, she is better than a fairy in Qingcheng, her skin is whiter than the most perfect jade, and her fingers are carved like white clouds. However, her eyes are the most eye-catching.

What kind of eyes is that, is it lonely, or is it alluring, or is there still a touch of sadness in the eyes?
When people look into it at a glance, they seem to be addicted.

Standing in the moonlight, she seemed to make the world pale and put everything to shame.

She never spoke.

The monk with a scarred face and wicked eyebrows raised his head and glanced up. He even forgot his fear and looked straight.

Ye Luo, however, after a brief absence, quickly withdrew his gaze and lowered his head.

The girl seemed to have seen Ye Luo's subtle movements, and the corner of her skirt seemed to move slightly. It seemed that no man could quickly withdraw his eyes when he saw her for the first time.

Moreover, she seemed to see a breath of silent sadness from Ye Luo's eyes.

"What are you looking at, Miss Yue is also someone you two can see?" The extremely handsome young man stared straight at the monk with a scarred face and mouse-like eyebrows, and couldn't help being a little angry, and slammed on the two of them.

The two were in pain, but they didn't dare to scream, and quickly looked away.

The two people behind the extremely handsome young man had already started to inspect the scene at this time, and quickly searched for the things on the three ninjas who were killed.

"Uncle, Uncle, we are really not little devils, the three of us are cannon fodder caught by little devils to explore the way." Dao Scar's face was panicked, and he explained again.

The extremely handsome young man looked at the three of them in fear, panic, and looked like he was about to pee his pants with fright, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, then he turned his head and looked at Oriko Miyamoto, his eyes brightened slightly After a moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Who is she?"

"She, she is a little devil, an islander, you want to kill, sleep, whatever..." Dao Scar's face flustered without choosing words.

"Shut up! Am I that kind of person?" The extremely handsome young man spoke sternly, and his eyes lingered on the girl not far away.

"Which faction are you three from?" the young man asked again.

"No, no power. We are all originally from Nanjiang City, that is, from the original city. After the big changes in October, we had shit luck and were able to practice." Scar replied with a trembling face.

"Nanjiang City?" The extremely handsome young man couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Even the woman glanced at the three of them.

"Island Ninja? Let's kill it." Behind the girl, there were two other women standing. Among them, the woman in blue on the left raised the gun in her hand and pointed it directly at Oriko Miyamoto.

But at this moment, Ye Luo suddenly pretended to be trembling and scared, raised his head, and said, "That, that, sister fairy, can, can you not kill her, she, she has already surrendered, forget, Be a prisoner."

Ye Luo had already seen the situation clearly. There were six people in the sneak attack, including four men and three women. The extremely handsome man and the lonely and beautiful girl should be the leaders among the seven.

"Captive? Huh! You stupid, do you know how many of us the little devil killed? Thanks to you, you are still from Nanjiang City. Although the world has changed drastically, you can even forget the national humiliation? You still stop me from killing her?
Not to mention anything else, in the past few days, there are hundreds of innocent souls who died under the hands of the little devil. "The woman in blue on the left glared at Ye Luo and said.

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, then continued to pretend to be panicked, and asked in confusion, "You, are you Chinese?"

"Of course, we are from the Holy Land of Yanhuang in China. This is our senior sister Yuejiang Yueyue. This is Mr. Nangong Qingshu from the Nangong family of a forbidden family." The woman in light blue stared at Ye Luo and continued to speak, as if to Ye Luo was very dissatisfied with preventing her from killing the female ninja.

Huaxia Yanhuang Holy Land?

Forbidden family?

What is theft?
Ye Luo was slightly taken aback.

However, once Ye Luo opened his mouth, the woman in the light blue dress did not kill Miyamoto Oroko again.

"Young, young master, this short and fat ninja is, is, a big man in the seventh floor of the Fusang Holy Land, Kimura Ichiro!" Suddenly, the extremely handsome man Nangong Qingshu's subordinates found a ninja from the short and fat ninja. With the golden waist card, his voice trembled.

"What? Ichiro Kimura?" Nangong Qingshu's tone revealed a hint of surprise.

Afterwards, he looked at the shattered head of the chunky ninja, turned his head, and looked at the lonely and beautiful woman Yue Jiangyue.

"The seventh level of foundation building? We actually killed a ninja of the seventh level of foundation building? I remember that the credit points for killing a ninja of the seventh level of foundation building can be exchanged for a thousand middle-grade spirit stones, right? Perhaps, enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion Once." The girl in the light blue dress on the left was a little surprised.

"How could a ninja on the seventh floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage be killed so easily." The lonely and perfect woman finally spoke the first sentence.

"Junior Sister Yue, there is nothing suspicious about being shot in the head when he dare not use the seal's cultivation and spiritual energy, but if he really explodes completely, we..." Nangong Qingshu's body froze slightly After a moment, he suddenly smiled and said: "After all, he is dead, this is a great achievement."

"Let's go, go to the ancient city of Loulan." Yue Jiangyue, a lonely and perfect woman, didn't say much, but took a deep look at the scene, turned and left.

Behind Yue Jiangyue, the girl in light blue clothes asked doubtfully, "Sister Yue, is Qin Shihuang really still alive? Did he really walk into the ancient city of Loulan along the Styx River? The people in the ghost land also found Have you visited the ancient city of Loulan?"

At the same time, Nangong Qingshu's subordinates also asked, "Young Master, how many people should we deal with?"

(End of this chapter)

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