Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 591 Murderous Mist

Chapter 591 Murderous Mist
"Tie up that female ninja, watch out, don't let her run away, go back and hand it over to Miss Yue's Holy Land for disposal. As for the three traitors, they will be used as coolies first, and let the three of them carry all the captured things on their backs." Nangong Qingshu opened his mouth without turning his head, catching up with that perfect woman, Yue Jiangyue.

"Hey! We are not traitors, we are cannon fodder caught to explore the way, hey..." Scarface tried to prove himself, however, seeing a strong man in front of him staring at him full of murderous intent, let him Carrying the package, the voice stopped abruptly again, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Ye Luo's heart was shocked, and Ye Luo looked at the back of the lonely and perfect woman.

Go to the ancient city of Loulan?
Are what they said true?The legendary Qin Shihuang had already entered the ancient city of Loulan. These people seemed to have found the ancient city of Loulan that disappeared overnight in the desert in history?

What kind of mysterious existence are these two forces, the Holy Land of Yan and Huang in China, and the family of robbers and bans?

Ye Luo continued to pretend to be terrified, the weak monk with a scarred face and sly eyebrows, under the supervision of Nangong Qingshu's three subordinates, carried a package of fifty or sixty kilograms on his back.

This weight is not a burden for monks who are physically stronger than ordinary people, and it is even less of a burden for Ye Luo. However, Ye Luo pretends to be struggling on the surface.

Oriko Miyamoto, who was tied up, walked in the middle.

Ye Luo's gaze occasionally swept over her.

The group continued to move forward, Nangong Qingshu always wanted to strike up a conversation with that perfect woman, Yue Jiangyue, but Yue Jiangyue's expression was flat, she seldom spoke, like a lonely iceberg.

Ye Luo has been observing in secret all the time, and it can be roughly seen that Nangong Qingshu and the three male monks belong to an aristocratic family, and the perfect woman Yue Jiangyue and the other two female monks belong to a holy land.

They seem to have a clear goal, have been following a specific route, and quickly walked towards the depths of the Styx restricted area.

After walking for nearly a day, it was another moonlit night.

Taking advantage of a break, Ye Luo took out a bottle of mineral water from the package on his back, pretended to be dumbfounded and handed it to the lively blue-clothed girl behind the perfect girl Yue Jiangyue. .

"Senior, drink water." Ye Luo smirked.


The girl in blue was only about sixteen or seventeen years old. When she saw Ye Luo calling her senior, she was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing, and then she became childlike and said seriously, "Am I that old?"

Ye Luo panicked, and seemed to be in a panic, and said, "No, not old, senior is very, very young, and very beautiful."

"Haha." Seeing Ye Luo panicked, the girl in blue couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I just saw that you are a rookie, do your best, since you are from Huaxia , when we complete the task of the Styx restricted area, we will release you."

Ye Luo thanked in a hurry, and then asked casually: "Senior, you are also from Huaxia? My hometown used to be in Nanjiang, and I worked as a cleaner in the No. 1 civilian hospital in Nanjiang City. Where is your hometown?"

"Cleaner? Well, looking at you, even if the world hasn't changed a lot, you don't look like a big shot. My hometown used to be in Jiangnan. By the way, don't call me senior. My name is Lan Xiaoqian." Lan Yi The girl answered.

"Jiangnan? No wonder senior is so beautiful. By the way, senior, what is the Holy Land of Yanhuang in China? Is Qin Shihuang still alive? What happened to the ancient city of Loulan? It seems that many people are looking for something in the restricted area of ​​Styx." Luo pretended to be bewildered.

"Pfft! You are really a rookie. The Yanhuang Holy Land is of course the largest and oldest holy land in China. Our China was a very powerful ancient practice country in the ancient times. The Yanhuang Holy Land is the supreme existence guarding our China.

However, since ancient times, our holy land has sealed itself with the supreme formation, hidden from the world, and was not born until the world changed. There are many, hidden from the world through the ages, and even giants through the ages.

The massacre and aggression of the island country Fusang directly angered many of our hidden and terrifying existences at that time. There was a tragic bloody battle that year. I don’t know the specific process. The emperor of the island country at that time was killed, and the seven cities and twelve towns of the island country were bloodbathed.

However, after ancient times, all the monks went back to hermit again. Unexpectedly, the people of the island country would carry out another unconscionable invasion of our China. It is a pity that the supreme existence of our China was sealed in the hidden world at that time. It is impossible to know the news from the outside world, otherwise, the country will never be destroyed, and the world will be stained with blood.

What's more, I didn't expect that after the big change before October, the people of Fusang, an island country, were still secretly killing people in China.

National humiliation and world feud, tens of thousands of floating corpses, blood debt repayment! "When he said this, Lan Xiaoqian's originally lively tone could not help revealing a trace of seriousness and murderous intent.

Ye Luo was slightly stunned, as if he already understood what the Yanhuang Holy Land was, and why the people in the Yanhuang Holy Land hunted and killed the islanders, and said solemnly: "I am a Chinese, and in the future, I will kill the current emperor of the island country, bloodbath Fuso."

"Pfft, well, as a Chinese, it's good that you have this kind of heart. Now is the era of the weak and the strong. If you are a rookie like you, you should honestly find a big sect, or just mix in and become a servant. It will be safer." Lan Xiaoqian shook her head.

Then Lan Xiaoqian thought for a while, and then said: "You are too weak, even if you become a servant, no one will want it, how about this, after we finish the task, I will tell my uncle in the Holy Land that you come to Yanhuang Holy Land to be a servant Bar.

Hey, if you can kill an island ninja, that would be considered a meritorious service, and there will be rewards. You see, Senior Sister Yue shot and blasted the fat island man with a seven-story foundation earlier. This is a great achievement. If you are as good as Senior Sister Yue..."

Ye Luo grinned, but didn't take it seriously, and said, "What's the matter with Qin Shihuang?"

"I also knew about that person not long after he was born in the Holy Land. However, Senior Sister Yue said that Qin Shihuang is mysterious and terrifying. He, Lao Tzu, Master, and Sakyamuni seem to be looking for a mysterious thing. , that thing is in Loulan Holy Land.

We came this time because of that thing. At the same time, we also wanted to stop the people from the Fusang Holy Land. The power of our Holy Land found the ancient city of Loulan almost at the same time as Qin Shihuang a day ago. However, there seemed to be something in front of the city. prevent them from entering the city. "Lan Xiaoqian said.


During the conversation, not far away in the mist, there was a sudden burst of fierce fighting sounds.

The perfect girl, Yue Jiangyue, walked into the depths of the mist almost immediately. Nangong Qingshu followed up quickly with his men, and at the same time said in a low voice: "Junior Sister Yue, be careful, Not far ahead, there should be the ancient city of Loulan."

Holding a sniper rifle in her hand, Lan Xiaoqian quickly turned around and left, and said to Ye Luo: "Rookie, you and the other two coolies, follow behind, don't move around."

Scarface pulled Ye Luo back, deliberately took a few steps behind, and said in a low voice: "Boy, don't rush forward with the two brothers, what the hell are we coolies now, not cannon fodder? It's a little taller too."


At this moment, in the direction of the battle ahead, a terrifying scream sounded faintly, as if someone had fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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