Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 596 Coolie's Counterattack

Chapter 596 Coolie's Counterattack
Several consecutive large-caliber Bartley bullets, almost all of which were extremely precise, hit the terrifying ninja's palm. The palm he dropped, after all, trembled slightly under the terrifying impact of the bullets, and paused for a moment. .

Then, under a brief tremor, it fell again.

However, this second or so of blocking time allowed Lan Xiaoqian to complete the final seal condensation of the forbidden technique.

Time seemed to stand still.

Can it be successful?

This forbidden technique was read by Lan Xiaoqian from a dark ancient book in the Sutra Pavilion of the Yanhuang Holy Land. She has been trying to practice it, but has never been successful. She once asked the people in the Holy Land Elder, the answer she got was that she has not yet comprehended the true meaning of this forbidden technique.

The palm of the hand fell towards the center of the eyebrows, and the terrifying aura even tore a small wound on the center of her eyebrows.

"Am I going to die?" Lan Xiaoqian's mind went blank at this moment.

However, at this moment, in the void, hundreds of dense black silk threads appeared faintly, above these threads, there was an extremely strange aura.

The moment the silk thread appeared, it was directly tied to the ninja of the island nation's foundation period.

It worked!
Forbidden technique: Lingsi!
However, even so, it was still slow for an instant, because the palm still fell.


At this moment, a compression grenade was thrown between the island ninja and Lan Xiaoqian by Ye Luo. At the same time, the gun in Ye Luo's hand rang, and the bullet accurately hit the compression grenade. above the grenade.

The compressed grenade suddenly exploded violently, and the terrifying impact force and burst fragments produced by the explosion were many times more terrifying than the impact force of bullets.

Although this huge impact still couldn't break through the defenses of the foundation-building monks, the explosive and terrifying airflow between the two was enough to separate them.

The palm did not fall in the end, and the foundation-building stage monk was blown back a step. After Lan Xiaoqian cast the forbidden technique, she seemed to have exhausted all her spiritual energy and energy, and was blown away directly.


The terrifying ninja roared furiously, and was interrupted by Ye Luo again to kill Lan Xiaoqian. His anger was completely aroused by Ye Luo.

However, the spiritual thread that Lan Xiaoqian cast had already firmly tied him up. He tried to tear up these spiritual threads with supreme aura, but within a short period of time, he failed.

Although he is powerful, he is still in the foundation-building stage, and Lan Xiaoqian is also in the foundation-building stage. Although there is a difference in strength, it is not too great. Lan Xiaoqian exhausted everything, and the power of this forbidden technique is extremely mysterious and terrifying.


Lan Xiaoqian fell to the ground and passed out unconsciously.

Ye Luo looked at the situation in front of him calmly, his eyes quickly passed over the terrifying and powerful ninja, and scanned the other two sides. Finally, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he fired again.

Nangong Qingshu was already horrified. The terrifying ninja he was fighting was far more powerful than him. After a few short fights, he was already in a life-and-death crisis.

As the legitimate son of a very mysterious and forbidden family, he is proud and powerful enough, but the older generation of ninjas in Fusang Holy Land have practiced several times longer than him, so they cannot beat him.

Life and death, he never thought about this question.

However, he met them today, and he completely underestimated these ninjas. He suddenly thought that when he was attacking these ninjas, the coolie rookie in that team had stopped him.

He didn't pay attention to it at all, it was just a coolie, but now, he felt a little regret.

There is no medicine for regret in the world. After another collision of terrifying combat skills, half of his body was already numb. The ninja, holding the ninja blade in his hand, had already stabbed towards the center of his eyebrow.

He didn't even have time to take out the ancient life-saving talisman in his arms.


life and death?

Gunshots rang out.

The huge impact force produced by Barrett's bullet hit the ninja blade that had already stabbed in front of his eyebrows violently and accurately. The ninja blade instantly tilted and pierced along the tip of Nangong Qingshu's hair.

not dead?

Whose gunshot?

However, he could no longer think about it. At the time of life and death, he finally took out the ancient talisman in his arms that he had treasured for an unknown amount of time, crushed it, and an old and powerful aura erupted from the talisman, protecting him. covered his whole body.


The ninja in front of him, after the ninja blade missed, was stunned for a moment in rage, glanced at Ye Luo full of murderous intent, and smashed at Nangong Qingshu again.

However, this violent falling did not break through the defense of the ancient talisman on Nangong Qingshu's body.

Ye Luo turned his eyes again, and glanced at the direction where the perfect, lonely and cold woman was fighting. He was slightly surprised, that perfect, lonely and cold woman, could be compared with the peak of foundation building, the strongest among the three ninjas The big one ended in a tie, and there was no sign of any downside.

"Quick, run!"

At the moment when Ye Luo was stupefied, he suddenly heard the urgent voice of the scar face, and Ye Luo suddenly turned around, and saw the terrifying foundation-building ninja trapped by the terrifying black silk. He rushed directly towards him, extremely fast.

"Eighth breath, two breaths left."

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes, and quickly roared: "Don't run, throw a compression grenade!"

The scar face and the sly eyebrows were completely panicked, but after hearing this, they still instinctively threw out the various compression grenades in their hands.

However, in the rage of the terrifying ninja, he had already fixed his eyes on Ye Luo. The compression grenade could not hurt him at all, so he ignored it at all. Ye Luo rushed over.



Ye Luo threw the grenade, and the moment the terrifying ninja rushed, he raised his hand and directly exploded the four compressed grenades at the same time. The positions of the four grenades were very strange, it was a parallelogram. After the terrorist explosion, the airflow formed was unexpectedly In an instant, a swirling powerful airflow impact was formed.

The terrifying ninja was in the center of the explosion, and being trapped by the spirit thread of the forbidden technique, his footsteps finally became messy and stopped under the powerful explosion vortex.

After one and a half breaths, his figure rushed out, and the spirit thread of the forbidden technique on his body seemed to be exhausted, and it was already very dim.

"Ant, you die for me!"

That terrifying ninja suddenly stretched out his hand from the dark spiritual thread, condensed a simple imprint, and a terrifying aura formed in his hand, and fell towards Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was silent, looking at the terrifying ninja indifferently, standing indifferently, and did not even dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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