Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 597 Styx Loulan

Chapter 597 Styx Loulan
"It's over, Brother Scar, that kid is so scared that he's going to be crushed to death!" Seeing that Ye Luo didn't move, the wicked monk suddenly yelled.

"Damn it! A rookie is a rookie. I'm so scared that I dare not move? Let's run, we can't do it!" Scarface roared, turned around and wanted to run.

The monk with a scarred face and sly eyebrows just ran two steps, and his body paused for a moment. Why, because in the cemetery where the fighting was extremely terrifying and fierce, the voice quietly returned to silence.

Why are you quiet?

After all, the two had been fighting in various harsh environments for so many years. Although they were very panicked, they did not lose their minds. While running, they couldn't help turning their heads, and then suddenly stopped.

"Damn!" Scarface swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his trembling legs gradually stopped shaking.

"Dead?" Zeimeishuyan's body was a little stiff.

The two of them looked at Ye Luo first, Ye Luo still stood still, standing alone, as if he was frightened stupid, in front of him, the fist of the terrifying island ninja was about to hit his head .

However, the ninja of that island country did not move. His body, at some point, was already covered with terrifying white hair, which was extremely strange in the mist of moonlight.

The other two ninjas were also in the same state.

The extremely handsome and unrestrained Nangong Qingshu was holding on to the grave, panting heavily, his body seemed to be trembling slightly, and he looked a little embarrassed.

The perfect and lonely woman was the only one among the crowd who didn't seem flustered at all. Her black hair was swaying and her figure was lonely. She looked coldly at the ninja at the peak of Foundation Establishment who was covered with white hair in front of her. She turned around and glanced around. Ye Luo stayed on his body for a moment, then walked towards Lan Xiaoqian who was unconscious in the field.

Ten breaths, it's over!
Once the self-seal is broken and the aura is used, there will inevitably be an ominous change in the restricted area of ​​the Styx, and the three terrifying ninjas are no exception.


Something is broken.

Ye Luo, the monk with a scarred face and sly eyebrows, saw that Nangong Qingshu, the perfect women Yue Jiangyue, Lan Xiaoqian, and Nangong Qingshu's subordinates, and another female cultivator, held an ancient brown-yellow talisman ,broken.

They also exploded with the sealed aura, but no ominous mutation occurred.

Ancient Celestial Master Talisman?

Ye Luo muttered to himself, recalling the mysterious and ancient talisman that Lan Xiaoqian said could display aura in the Styx restricted area without causing horrible changes.

Ye Luo turned his head and glanced at the outline of an ancient city at the end of the cemetery in the mist.

The perfect and lonely woman, Yue Jiangyue, walked up to Lan Xiaoqian, felt for Lan Xiaoqian's pulse, and then took out a white porcelain medicine bottle from her bosom, and took out a crystal clear pill that exuded The mysterious pill was stuffed into Lan Xiaoqian's mouth.

Afterwards, she took out a few pills and distributed them to the injured people.

After a while, Lan Xiaoqian woke up, and after a while, she suddenly turned to look at Ye Luo.

"Our people have already checked. This line of ninjas have very special bodies. Xiaoqian, the first time you shot, you killed two ninjas with one shot. We have confirmed the identities of those two people. One of them The ninja turned out to be a half-step golden core power, fortunately, I was killed by your first shot, otherwise..." Lan Xiaoqian's senior sister had a flash of fear in her eyes.

"Your second shot was even more powerful. The real identity of the ninja who was shot blindly was the glory of the island country Fusang, the biological son of Prince Meiji. This is probably the most honorable status of the island country that he killed after he was born in the entire Holy Land. An existence, this is definitely a very sensational contribution." Nangong Qingshu also spoke, and the corner of his mouth seemed to have returned to a handsome smile.

"Under the ninja on the fourth floor of the foundation building stage, you have the opportunity to perform the forbidden technique: Lingsi? Did you hold back that ninja?" Even the perfect and lonely woman, Yue Jiangyue, looked at Lan Xiaoqian .

As for Ye Luo, everyone saw him shoot. However, everyone knew that mere firearms would not have any real effect after the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage erupted with aura.

Even if there is an effect, no one will feel that it has a great effect.

Those few shots that Ye Luo fired changed very small details, but in the fierce and terrifying battle, no one noticed at all except Lan Xiaoqian and Nangong Qingshu. , failed to understand the subtle details.

However, from Nangong Qingshu's point of view, the seemingly insignificant shot that saved his life was most likely a coincidence. How could he have such a calm, clear judgment, and miss the ninja blade with one shot?
Although Nangong Qingshu was a little puzzled, he didn't believe it at all.

It was even more impossible for him to tell the story of being rescued by a coolie in front of everyone, especially the perfect and lonely woman Yue Jiangyue.

Lan Xiaoqian was watched and amazed by everyone.

Scarface and sly eyebrows saw the whole process, but they only knew that Ye Luo had fired several shots, but they didn't understand that Ye Luo's seemingly random shots brought about a subtle and complete change in the situation.

From everyone's point of view, without Lan Xiaoqian, everyone would have died this time, and Lan Xiaoqian saved everyone.

"Yes, it was him. He seemed to have fired a few shots and saved me." Lan Xiaoqian was a little dazed, almost subconsciously, pointing at Ye Luo, who had a sly eyebrow and a scarred face.

"He, rookie? Can shooting save you?" Nangong Qingshu was stunned for a moment, and the shot before his life and death crisis appeared in his mind again.

"Yes, yes, twice, when I was about to be killed, he shot and blocked that ninja." Lan Xiaoqian said in a panic.

The perfect and lonely woman also looked at Ye Luo.

"Paralyzed, boy, you seem to have done some meritorious deeds." Dao Scar patted Ye Luo on his face, then smiled obsequiously, and said to the crowd: "Yes, the three of us cooperated to help, and we even threw away the compression in the end." type grenade."

"Really? You?" Nangong Qingshu still had contempt in his eyes. In his eyes, this kind of person is a scum, and he dismissed it. He said, "Junior Sister Xiaoqian, you don't need to be humble. In fact, the one who really changes the situation, It was the first two shots, one of which was a stunning headshot, one of which was the most terrifying half-step golden elixir, and you also killed the son of the old devil, Prince Meiji, who was hiding in a corner with one shot."

"When we get back to the Holy Land, just relying on this credit, we can enter the mysterious third floor of the Sutra Pavilion, and even exchange for a Tianji Pill that the Supreme Elder personally refined!" said one of Lan Xiaoqian's senior sisters.

"Those two shots..." Lan Xiaoqian didn't know how to explain it, and she couldn't explain it, so her eyes could only fall on Ye Luo again.

Ye Luo didn't open his mouth all the time, everyone talked, Ye Luo just smiled, it seemed that everything had nothing to do with him, of course, except for Lan Xiaoqian, no one cared much about him.

Everyone communicated, practiced for a short time, and after packing everything up, they walked along the cemetery, bypassing the corpse insects, and walked towards the mysterious ancient city of Loulan that stood not far away in the mist.

Lan Xiaoqian deliberately lagged behind a few steps, walked to Ye Luo's side, and said, "I feel that you have shot a gun before, and your marksmanship is very accurate."

"Are you sure? Before I went to the city to work as a cleaner, I was in a mountain village. I have hunted, so my marksmanship may be more accurate." Ye Luo smiled.

"So that's the case. Let me tell you why your marksmanship is so accurate." Lan Xiaoqian seemed to have some understanding, but she still felt that there was something she didn't understand, and her delicate brows frowned slightly.

The perfect and lonely woman, along the way, her eyes stayed on Ye Luo several times, and she seemed to be wondering about something, but she still didn't see anything in the end.

She turned her head, looked at the blurred outline of the ancient city of Loulan that was getting closer, and had mysteriously disappeared for more than 2000 years, and whispered to herself: "Is that thing really in the ancient city of Loulan?"

(End of this chapter)

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