Chapter 598
The moonlight fell on the mist in the cemetery, and the breeze blew, and the mist moved, as if the moonlight was also moving.

Walking through the cemetery, the vague, mysterious, and legendary ancient city of Loulan is getting closer and closer, and a quaint, vicissitudes, and antiquated atmosphere of time is getting stronger and stronger.

Is it really the ancient city of Loulan?

Once in the desert, Ruoqiang County, more than 2000 years ago, the bustling ancient city on the ancient Silk Road, why did it mysteriously disappear overnight, and reappeared in the Styx forbidden area after 2000 years?
"How do I feel that the two shots I fired randomly earlier seem to have something to do with you? You see, the first shot, it was you, a rookie who was shocked, hugged, coughed, touched me, and the second shot was you This rookie wanted to run away, so he pulled me." After walking for a long time, Lan Xiaoqian thought about it carefully, but still felt a little strange.

"Is there? Then, then, do I count as meritorious service?" Ye Luo pretended to be dazed, with a slightly happy expression, as if a small person had gotten lucky.

Seeing Ye Luo's reaction, Lan Xiaoqian frowned again. The amazing first two shots, no matter how you look at it, felt that it had nothing to do with this person.

"Senior, where did you buy that ancient celestial master talisman? It's so useful. In this restricted area, it's a heaven-defying talisman. I'll buy dozens of it later." Ye Luo changed the subject, as if curious.

Buy dozens?

Lan Xiaoqian's delicate and beautiful face froze, she patted Ye Luo's shoulder, and said in the tone of a senior educating a rookie, "Rookie, don't even think about the ancient celestial master amulet, the entire Eastern Emperor, also There are only two or three families of thieves who can do it, and it is estimated that if you sell you, you may not be able to buy one."

"Forbidden family, what is that?" Ye Luo has always been puzzled by this.

"The forbidden family exists specifically to hunt for things in the forbidden zone of life. Mysterious and powerful families, such as the ancient forbidden zone, the Styx forbidden zone, the ancient mine in the early Yuan Dynasty, etc., these life forbidden zones are endless, and such places, even if they surpass Once a powerful existence enters, it is very likely that it will not be able to get out alive.

However, in this forbidden zone, there are extremely mysterious materials, strange medicines, rough stones, and even supreme inheritances, among which there are endless secrets.

The people who stole from the forbidden family have gone through the ages and sacrificed the lives of countless family members. They have studied and explored the restricted area of ​​life from generation to generation. They are the people who know the restricted area best in the entire practice world.

The people who stole from the family and entered the restricted area are also the most likely to survive. They have mastered an ancient, mysterious and powerful way of survival.

For example, the ancient Celestial Master Talisman is a kind of amulet developed by the Nangong family, a generation of supreme beings who exhausted their efforts and sacrificed many lives and endless materials. It can display combat skills in restricted areas, and There will be no talismans with unknown mutations.

Except for the Nangong family, no one knows how to make this kind of talisman. "Lan Xiaoqian popularized common sense to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was slightly surprised that there is such a family in the vast and mysterious world of practice.

"Rookie, you don't even know the most basic common sense, and you dare to come out to mess around? Forget it, because you shot indiscriminately and saved me earlier, I decided to take you to Yanhuang Holy Land and let you do it." Holy land servant, go sweep the floor." Lan Xiaoqian was serious.

"Senior Lan, Lan, do you think we can go to Loulan Holy Land to work as handymen? We also contributed, and we threw grenades." When Scarface heard it, he immediately came over, and then said: "I We are both from Nanjiang City, we used to move bricks on the construction site, and we have a lot of strength, and now we are still practicing, and our realm is higher than this kid!"

"Yes, yes, we are absolutely honest people. We have never done things like stealing chickens and dogs. In the past, in the city, we were good people who helped the elderly cross the road and volunteered in nursing homes every day." At this time, he looked upright.

In this cruel practice world, low-level monks can enter the Holy Land to be a sweeping handyman, which is not only the most beneficial guarantee for life, but also the best opportunity to become a disciple of the Holy Land, obtain resources, and the best way to practice.

Lan Xiaoqian hesitated, and said, "I'm not sure, I don't have such a big right, I'll talk to Senior Sister Yue after the matter here is over."

"Good! Good! I have always felt that there will never be another good person like Senior Lan who is young, kind, overpowering, beautiful and exquisite in the world!" The scarred face was extremely serious. , spoke seriously.

Lan Xiaoqian has a high level of cultivation, but she was born not long ago, she is pure and innocent, facing this kind of brazen flattery, it is difficult to deal with it for a while.

"Well, let's not bother Senior Lan. Senior is still on the road, pondering the true meaning of cultivation and comprehending the good fortune of the restricted area. If we open our mouths, we will disturb Senior Lan's cultivation. Let's talk about entering the Holy Land as a handyman later. Come on, let's stop back and delay Senior Lan's practice, that's a big deal." Seeing this, Ye Luo pulled his scarred face and wicked eyebrows, slowed down his pace, and staggered his position with Lan Xiaoqian.

Lan Xiaoqian was in a trance for a while, what is this all about?

However, fortunately, the siege was resolved.

However, she felt a little uneasy in her heart. It seemed that arranging three servants was a bit beyond her ability. She thought about it carefully, and suddenly made a decision in her heart. The reward for great achievements is exchanged for the opportunity to arrange three servants."

Ye Luo slowed down his pace, and after walking for a while, he and Scarface staggered again, seemingly unintentionally, and walked to the side of the female ninja who was captured first.

"Paralyzed, these people are not a thing. Let them be coolies, but don't give them spirit stones. If there is danger, let them rush to the front." Ye Luo seemed to be very unintentional, using a very weak weapon that only female ninjas can barely Heard murmurs, grumbling openings.

Then, Ye Luo's complaints became stronger and stronger, but his voice was very low.

It seems very dissatisfied.

In the previous battle, at the beginning, the female ninja was tied up at the end, and did not see the battle scene.

Ye Luo didn't care about this unintentional complaint at first. After all, even if she was reduced to a prisoner, she would never take a rookie like an ant seriously. In her eyes, it was a very incompetent and cowardly expression.

However, after a while, in Ye Luo's complaining language, it seemed very unintentionally, very accidentally, after she said that it would be better to be cannon fodder for the islanders, her originally contemptuous and disdainful eyes suddenly revealed A flicker of light.

She raised her head and looked at the rookie who was like an ant and was used as a coolie.

"Attention everyone, the ancient city of Loulan is coming soon, be careful!" At this time, Nangong Qingshu, who was walking in front, beside the perfect lonely woman, suddenly spoke in the tone of an invisible captain.

(End of this chapter)

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