Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 599 Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills

Chapter 599 Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills
The restricted area is endless, and at the end of the cemetery, the Loulan City Tower is far away.

Ye Luo seemed to raise his head, but in the end, there was a natural expression of panic in his mouth, and he complained in a low voice: "Male Gobi, I will be asked to do the work of dying again later."

All of this is under the eyes of the captured female ninja.

That haughty female ninja flashed a cold smile at the corner of her mouth, her body seemed to be unintentionally leaning towards Ye Luo, and she quietly said in a very low voice, "They don't treat you as a fool." Man, haven't you thought about making some changes?"

Then, from Ye Luo's face, the female ninja caught a hint of stunned and longing, and directly said in a low voice: "My true identity is the glory of the noble empire, the niece and daughter of Prince Meiji, I can give You have the highest cultivation skills and cultivation resources, but the premise is that you have to listen to me next."

Ye Luo's heart was shocked, and his eyes were once again on the jade plaque on the waist of the proud female ninja, and it disappeared in a flash. When Ye Luo saw the proud female ninja for the first time before the ancient bronze carving, he vaguely I feel that the identity of this female ninja seems a bit extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the niece of the idol on the altar of the generation most admired by the island people.

If this is the case, then if you enter the ancient city of Loulan, that crazy plan seems to be more successful. Originally, you just wanted to use her to sneak into the team of the island country, and then take the opportunity to get close to Prince Meiji. Now it seems that maybe, you can complete in one step.

If the idol worshiped by a generation of island countries, the emperor's own father, were assassinated and died in Loulan, what would happen...

In the Styx restricted area, under the condition of sealing the cultivation base, all the madness has a slight possibility.

Moreover, the thing that countless people are looking for, Prince Meiji has used the resources of so many island countries and laid out countless years, will he get it?With the presence of Qin Shihuang, people from Nether Ghost Land, people from Yanhuang Holy Land and the forbidden family, the situation in the forbidden area of ​​Styx is a bit complicated.

These thoughts turned sharply in Ye Luo's mind.

Ye Luo's reaction in front of the female ninja was first startled, then vigilant, and a little hesitant, and wanted to speak loudly, but finally said in a low voice, seriously: "Paralyzed, you have fooled me once, and now you want to fool me again I?"

"I swear in the name of the emperor that my promise will be fulfilled. In the words of you Chinese people, you should repay the favor of saving your life with the spring." The female ninja of the island nation whispered.

Ye Luo still had some disbelief, some hesitation, and some struggle.

"Seek wealth and danger." Seeing Ye Luo's performance, the female ninja of the island country became more and more contemptuous and disdainful. At the same time, the haze in her heart finally dissipated a little, and she had already seen the opportunity to escape.

She saw that this sentence seemed to have fatally attracted Ye Luo, and Ye Luo's body shook.

Greedy, stupid, cowardly, evil, the female ninja of the island country, looked at Ye Luo's reaction and sneered in her heart.

Ye Luo continued to hesitate, but suddenly, she gritted her teeth, as if she had made some kind of decision, the corner of the island ninja's lips curled up slightly, but Ye Luo said quietly, "I, I can find a way to let you go, listen to you, just, It's just that you have to swear your promise with the heart of destiny, and I will believe it."

The female ninja's body suddenly froze slightly, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes. She never thought that this stupid ant would actually make such a request at this time.

The Oath of Destiny is a kind of blood oath in the practice world. Blood is dripped on the complex and ancient talismans. Once violated, it is very likely to cause inner demons. This kind of oath is definitely not taken lightly by ordinary people.

"Our people in Fusang have always been the most honest people in the world. My words have always been as good as they say, and my promise to you will definitely be fulfilled." The female ninja of the island country suppressed the anger in her heart and said, The famous actress who filmed porn in the city tried hard to squeeze a smile on her beautiful face.

Ye Luo shook his head firmly, which was very rare, and said, "I want this oath."

Oriko Miyamoto, a female ninja from the island country, had a flash of murderous intent in her eyes, and forcibly endured it, and said, "Even if I want to make this oath, there is no ancient oath talisman."

"Yes, yes." Ye Luo's hand seemed to tremble slightly, and he mysteriously took out an old talisman from his bosom, which seemed to have been stored for a long time. What the donkey wants is cheap but practical.

Oriko Miyamoto's body froze again. This stupid, humble ant was already prepared.

However, the more cautious and greedy Ye Luo is, the less doubt Miyamoto Oroko has. Although Ye Luo is pretending, she can now firmly believe that this weak rookie is just greedy for her promise. .

The murderous intent flashed in her eyes again, but in the end she suppressed it again. Only by living can she have everything. What this rookie asked for was not a big deal to her, but she never thought of fulfilling it.

She hesitated, but finally took the talisman, and under the cover of Ye Luo, she secretly fulfilled the oath of her own life.

"Paralyzed, boy, what are you doing, why are you always leaning towards that female ninja, shit, this female ninja looks really good, her figure, appearance, looks like the one in the movie with no clothes on of.

Let me tell you, young man, don’t keep leaning on women all the time. Come on, look, the ancient city of Loulan, where countless scientists and archaeologists have studied for so many years in our era, has arrived! "Scarface pulled Ye Luo over.

"Boy, enter the city later, be smart, we two brothers have an intuition that there must be a lot of good things in this city, and we will get some good ones later, don't say anything, and store them secretly." Scarface pulled away Ye Luo immediately lowered his voice again.

Ye Luo nodded seriously, and said, "Understood."

"Children can be taught." The corners of the mouth were grinning, and then the monk with sly eyebrows whispered again: People in the Yanhuang Holy Land seem to regard the killing of the people in the Fusang Holy Land in the island country as meritorious deeds, paralyzed Yes, if I can kill an ordinary islander and enter Yanhuang Holy Land as a handyman, I will definitely be safe. "

"Then what will happen if I kill Prince Meiji?" Ye Luo said seriously.

"Damn, such a thing, I dare not even dream about it. You haven't seen these young peerless geniuses from ancient times in the Yanhuang Holy Land. They are so powerful, and they dare not think about it? Do you dare to say this?" Scarface rebuke.

"Keep your feet on the ground, and get something well is the kingly way." The monk with sly eyebrows taught.

"Look, there is someone in front of the mysterious ancient city of Loulan!"

(End of this chapter)

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