Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 600 The Soldier 2 Years Ago

Chapter 600 The Soldier 2000 Years Ago (3 More Tickets)


At the end of the Styx Cemetery, a dilapidated and mysterious ancient city tower stands in front of everyone. It is completely different from the magnificent, spectacular and prosperous scenery of Shenshi City at the beginning. This city has no powerful formations, nor is it prosperous. There is only endless rundown, depression, antiquity, mystery.

Time is like a knife, engraved on the ordinary ancient city wall, with uneven, mottled and mysterious.

On the city tower, on the dusty yellow plaque, there are only two ancient characters of unknown age engraved: Loulan!
What has it experienced on its body, and what is hidden.

Everyone stood in front of this ancient city that disappeared overnight in the desert, and they all had an inexplicable and subtle emotion. Is this Loulan?
As a modern person, Ye Luo's emotions towards Loulan are more complicated. However, Ye Luo fell into this emotion, but woke up very quickly, and glanced at the city gate not far away.

That place seemed to have just experienced an extremely terrifying battle, and the deep pits left by several battles, as well as the remaining mysterious laws in the pits, were shocking.

Afterwards, Ye Luo's gaze turned to the gate of the ancient and mysterious Loulan ancient city, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because, in front of the city gate, there were two soldiers standing on one left and one on the right. The clothes on them seemed to be the style of more than 2000 years ago.

They were expressionless and motionless, with an ancient look on their bodies, and they didn't know life or death.

In addition to these two soldiers, an old man who also did not know his life and death was sitting in front of the city gate. In front of him was a dilapidated and ancient table. On the table were a row of yellowed signs and a cash box, which looked like It was the person who collected city fees in ancient times.

"Qin Shihuang, Nether Ghost Land, Fusang Island, the big shots of our holy land, and several mysterious casual cultivators have already entered the city." While everyone was looking at the surrounding situation in surprise, the perfect and lonely woman took out a The mysterious sound transmission talisman seemed to hear something, and suddenly spoke.

She also glanced around, did not say any more, and then said: "Enter the city."

The perfect and lonely woman opened her mouth, and she took out an ancient Celestial Master Talisman in the book again, and walked in step by step, but Nangong Qingshu suddenly said at this moment: "Junior Yue, the ancient city is mysterious, first let the three Coolie, go forward and explore the way?"

Hearing the words, the scarred face and the sly eyebrows twitched the corners of their mouths, and secretly greeted the nineteen generations of women from Nangong Qingshu's ancestors.

However, the perfect woman did not stop, and then said: "No need."

"Look, this is the real goddess! Paralyzed, that pretty girl is not a good person, boy, pay attention to that pretty girl." Scarface has been in the bottom for a long time, it is very real, who treats him well , whoever is a good person, he patted Ye Luo on the shoulder and warned in a low voice.

The corners of Ye Luo's mouth twitched slightly. The peerless genius of the foundation-building period of the mysterious and forbidden family, in the scar-faced mouth, instantly became a little boy?It seems that it is not bad.

Everyone walked cautiously to the city gate.

"Yue, Senior Sister Yue, are the soldiers guarding the city and the old man who received the city fee dead or alive?" Lan Xiaoqian felt a little hairy, and the others also felt a little chill in their backs.

"It's not clear, don't pay attention to them." The perfect lonely woman said.

A group of 11 people pushed open the half-open city gate.

Ye Luo walked at the end, looking around vigilantly, but his eyes stopped for a while at the gate of the ancient city, in front of the table of the old man who didn't know his life or death. , seems to have traces of being taken away.

Moreover, on the table, in the money box, someone put a lot of spirit stones.

Ye Luo thought about it, and suddenly asked, "How much does it cost to enter the city?"

The old man was motionless, as if frozen, as if he was dead, but he could feel a twilight vitality strangely. He didn't respond, but one of the old man's hands was on the waist card, as if powerlessly casually. press.

Seeing that the old man didn't respond, Ye Luo thought for a while, took out three middle-grade spirit stones from his pocket, and put them in the money box one by one.

The old man still didn't move.

Ye Luo frowned. Did he think too much? However, after thinking quickly, Ye Luo made another attempt, putting the other eight middle-grade spirit stones in his pocket into the box one by one.

When Ye Luo put in the seventh yuan, that is, a total of dozens of yuan, the old man's hand seemed to move, and an ancient waist card for entering the city was thrown in front of Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was slightly startled, and then picked up the waist card.

"Hey, I'm stupid, where did you get so many spirit stones? Damn, you have spirit stones, what do you put in other people's money boxes? Are you stupid!" With a look of distress, it seems that Ye Luohua's spirit stone belongs to him!
"It's too late. This charge was made more than 2000 years ago. Why do you still throw spirit stones in it, rookie, I'm not talking about you, do you have a problem with your brain?"

This opening, the people walking in front heard it, and couldn't help but look at Ye Luo.

"Not only weak and humble, but also stupid and brainless!" Nangong Qingshu's tone was flat, and the look of disdain and contempt on his handsome face was even more undisguised. It seemed that just looking at Ye Luo more would damage his image. .

Ye Luo scratched his head, calmed down, pretended to have done something wrong, and said, "I feel that since there are rules about charging fees, it's better to abide by them."

"Insanely stupid." Nangong Qingshu turned his head and didn't look at Ye Luo again.

However, the perfect and lonely woman who was walking in the front seemed to be touched by something, turned around suddenly, walked back, looked at Ye Luo with her lonely and shocking eyes, and asked: " You stole a few spirit stones."

"Ten middle-grade spirit stones." Ye Luo seemed a little embarrassed.

The perfect and lonely woman nodded, took out the spirit stone, put it in, took out a waist card, and said again: "There are some rules left by the ancient inheritance, some of them must be followed, and they are exchanged for a waist card for entering the city." , not bad, at critical times, perhaps, it can save your life."

Opening her mouth and turning around, she took the badge and walked towards the city gate.

Nangong Qingshu couldn't help but froze.

Lan Xiaoqian and another senior sister of hers also exchanged for one upon seeing this.

After Ye Luo's persuasion and a word with that perfect woman, even the wicked eyebrows and the scarred face felt something unusual, hesitated again and again, gritted their teeth, blood dripping from their hearts, and exchanged for two coins.

"Paralyzed, boy, if this waist card is useless after entering the city, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people. I'm a dog. Ten middle-grade spirit stones are enough to go to Hongxiu Zhao to find a female cultivator." Scarface stared at Ye Luo threateningly with distress.

Others, including the captured female ninja, were exchanged for one.

However, Nangong Qingshu didn't take it. He is different from Scarface and Thieves. Scarface and Scarface have been at the bottom for so many years, and they don't know what face is. It's good to be alive.

And as a mysterious and peerless genius from a family of robbers, it is absolutely impossible for Nangong Qingshu to get the waist card in front of everyone. He just opened his mouth to despise and look down on Ye Luo. s face?

"Oh, waist card, I never need it!" Nangong Qingshu said lightly, and caught up with the perfect woman one step at a time.

Go through the ancient city gate and enter the city.

Youran, a terrifying voice suddenly came: "Qin Shihuang, you are still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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