Chapter 800

"Wow, woof, woof, don't be impulsive, what can I do with you, how terrifying is a monk who surpasses the Nascent Soul realm, it will exceed your imagination, don't act recklessly, I'm stupid, you still rush !" Under the ghostly moon, the donkey saw that Ye Luo was far away, and rushed over frantically, and couldn't help but be surprised.

However, Ye Luo didn't respond any more, but the figure moved even faster.

At this time, some other people in Xingyue Holy Land and the three-fork intersection also noticed Ye Luo, but they didn't have any special reaction, they were just a little confused.

Because Ye Luo has always been wearing the clothes of Xingyue Holy Land, and was brought by Liu Jian, the confidant of the ancient Xingyue Shengzi, and they saw earlier that Ye Luo and the other two unlucky disciples were all They were taken away by the brutal Emperor Fusang. In their consciousness, Ye Luo and another disciple might have even been killed.

In this world where the strong are respected, no one cares much about the life and death of two or three low-level, ant-like monks. At this moment, they were only a little puzzled when they saw Ye Luo running back frantically.

Moreover, as Ye Luo ran closer and closer, under the blue moon, many people in Xingyue Holy Land were a little shocked to see that Ye Luo had a panicked face, and Ye Luo's face was stained with some blood.

"Help, help, help..."

The closer the distance was, the clearer the panic on Ye Luo's face became. His face was even pale because of the fright, and his voice was shrill and trembling, as if he had fled back from the palace of the king of hell.

The donkey was stunned for a moment, frowned, and said in amazement: "Wow, woof! Marle Gobi, isn't this guy going to deal with the existence of a giant beyond the Nascent Soul stage? Why is it still happening?"

"Your master is back? What happened?" Xingyue Shengzi's confidant Liu Jian couldn't help but froze when he saw this.

"Woof! I don't know either." The donkey's voice was sincere.

"How did I find out that your spiritual pet doesn't care about your master at all? Let me tell you, if my spiritual pet was like you, I would have killed and eaten meat a long time ago!" Liu Jian frowned.

"What happened?" Someone in the Xingyue Holy Land saw this and yelled loudly, and the entire Xingyue Holy Land became tense in an instant.

"I, we were halfway there, and we were intercepted and killed. The other two senior brothers in the holy land had already been killed. I, I took the opportunity to run and ran back!" Ye Luo shouted in horror, getting closer holy place.

"What? How is Emperor Fusang now?" Son Xingyue, who had completed the layout of killing Zhenzhen, suddenly got up when he heard the sound, and even the remaining supreme being beside him, who surpassed the giant in the Nascent Soul stage, also suddenly became confused. get up.

For ordinary Xingyue Holy Land disciples, they didn't care much about the life and death of Emperor Fusang. There were even a few low-level disciples who wished that Emperor Fusang would die.

After all, Emperor Fusang had killed many of them earlier.

However, for the senior management of Xingyue Holy Land, Emperor Fusang must not die.

Emperor Fusang is now under the protection of their Xingyue Holy Land, and it is no secret that Emperor Fusang is the second son of Emperor Amaterasu.

Earlier, when they were in the Xingyue Holy Land on the Lost Sea, the huge ship suddenly lost control and crashed the ship of the Fusang Holy Land into the square formation of ancient Yin soldiers. There was already a slight rift between them.

If Emperor Fusang died here again, then the previous suspicion would be magnified infinitely in an instant.

They are now cooperating with Emperor Amaterasu to snatch the first volume of the Book of Heaven. Once this rift is infinitely magnified, the cooperation plan will inevitably be affected.

Even if Emperor Amaterasu didn't mind, there would inevitably be a thick layer of grudges in the hearts of the supreme powerhouses on both sides, and even secretly lay hands on them.

In fact, this is already the best result.

If Emperor Amaterasu didn't believe it, no one would know what terrible things he would do after losing his beloved son with the supreme emperor's armament, the sacred tree of Fusang!

Fusang Shengzi must not die!

"I, I ran. When I ran back, he, he was being besieged. Well, he seemed to have been injured." Ye Luo became more and more panic-stricken, and had already run to the front of the Xingyue Holy Land.

"Who is besieging?" Saint Son Xingyue spoke again, and the powerful Xingyue breath on his body circulated in terror.

"I, I don't, I don't know, no, but when I ran back, I picked this up on a corpse on the ground." Ye Luo trembling, took out a black sign from his arms, Then he handed this sign to Son Xingyue.

That token was obviously a token that Ye Luo picked up on his clothes after killing the man dressed as a servant who appeared to be from the Jingyuan Temple.

"It's Jingyuan Temple." Shengzi Xingyue's powerful and terrifying aura fluctuated violently again.

"Jingyuan Temple, which is hundreds of millions of miles away in Zhongzhou, and Fusang Holy Land, there seems to be no grievance." The terrifying supreme being who surpassed the Nascent Soul giant suddenly spoke.

His eyes suddenly looked at Ye Luo, his eyes were like knives, as if he wanted to see through Ye Luo, a five-level ant monk who practiced Qi.

Ye Luo's face turned pale in an instant, his body trembled like a sieve, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground directly.

Xingyue Shengzi took a look at Ye Luo, and said, "He is just a five-level ant monk who practiced Qi, he should not dare to lie, Elder Yuan, Fusang Emperor can't die at this time."

The terrifying existence beyond Nascent Soul giant nodded, he grabbed Ye Luo, his body flew up suddenly, and said: "Holy Son, I'm going to save Emperor Fusang, after I leave, you immediately start Xingyue Reincarnation Once the killing formation is opened, it is almost impossible for even a half-step emperor-level existence to enter the formation. The inside and outside of the formation will completely become two worlds!
The ghost mountain is about to collapse, so be careful!
Remember, once the big formation is opened, no matter what changes happen to the outside world, you must not let outsiders enter the big formation again, even I will not enter again, because once the big formation is opened, it will be exposed and will be exposed by the supreme , People in the dark noticed and seized the battle.

As long as you control the formation and prevent outsiders from entering, the formation will be impenetrable! "

That terrifying, giant existence beyond the Nascent Soul stage grabbed Ye Luo's trembling figure and rushed towards Ye Luo's running back direction, like a streamer.

A high-level powerhouse in the Nascent Soul stage can already fly in the air, and his realm has surpassed the Nascent Soul stage!

"Boy, Fusang Emperor, where is it?" The terrifying speed of the powerful man who surpassed the Nascent Soul stage giant was astonishingly fast. Even Ye Luo was held in his hand, and he couldn't open his eyes because of the strong wind. .

"Yes, in that direction." Ye Luo pretended to be more and more panicked, and pointed far away to the place where he fought with Pang Yuan, who looked like a servant.

(End of this chapter)

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