Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 801 Before the Ghost Mountain

Chapter 801 Before the Ghost Mountain
In the formation of Xingyue Holy Land, the donkey saw this and knew the general truth. It grinned at the corner of its mouth and instantly understood Ye Luo's plan.
Immediately afterwards, the black light in its eyes danced, and the corners of its mouth showed a hint of sternness. It suddenly looked at Liu Jian, and shouted, "Wow, woof, woof! The Holy Son is about to start the killing array, protect the Holy Son!"

Liu Jian, who was nervous, was taken aback by the donkey's sudden roar. He couldn't help turning his head angrily, looked at the donkey, and said, "Paralyzed, what are you shouting, what the hell, the Son is so powerful!" Strength, need our protection?"

"Wow, woof, woof! Show your loyalty!" The donkey hated iron for being weak, and took a look at Liu Jian.

When Liu Jian heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but look back, only to see that following the donkey's loud shout, several smart low-level disciples had already moved towards Shengzi Xingyue and surrounded him.

The Xingyue Reincarnation Killing Formation is composed of seven heaven-defying formation-level killing formations. The supreme terrorist giants in the Xingyue Holy Land have already protected the precious and rare emperor pattern masters, and they have set up formations in the other seven directions.

As for Xingyue Shengzi, there were originally two supreme beings who surpassed the Nascent Soul Giant level to protect him, which was almost guaranteed to be safe. However, one was attracted by the people from Cihangzhai before, and now the other was taken away by Ye Luo. , beside Xingyue Shengzi who is at the center of the formation, there is no strong protection.

However, once the killing formation is activated, he can be sure that nothing will go wrong when he is in the formation. The real dangerous moment is the time to activate the killing formation in the few seconds before him!

As the son's confidant, Liu Jian is not stupid, and he immediately understood this point. He scolded: "Paralyzed, you are a bastard, but you still know how to show loyalty. No wonder you didn't get killed and eat meat. It's just, you You're paralyzed, you won't whisper it so that so many people can hear it!"

Liu Jian opened his mouth cursingly, while his body was like an afterimage, he rushed towards Son Xingyue, the donkey's mouth twitched, and silently followed behind him, approaching Son Xingyue .

the other side.

The terrifying giant who surpassed Yuanying's advancement took only ten seconds to take Ye Luo and Yukong to the place where Ye Luo was fighting with the mysterious Pang Yuan who was dressed like a servant .

"You, look, this is the place!" Ye Luo pointed to the blood on the ground, and the mysterious Pang Yuan who only had human skin and clothes left, and said tremblingly, his face was so pale that he was no longer human.

Then, Ye Luo opened his mouth tremblingly again, and said, "He, did they take Fusang Emperor away?"

That powerful terrifying existence that surpassed the Nascent Soul giant glanced around, then glanced at the ground, the human skin wearing the clothes of the Jingyuan Temple, his face changed slightly, and he said: "The dark transmission of the Zhongzhou Dynasty? Jingyuanshen There is cooperation between the temple and the Zhongzhou Dynasty?"

At the same time, he was also in this place, feeling Ye Luo's previous residual breath, and the residual breath of Fusang Emperor, and even found a piece of Fusang Emperor's clothes from the ground.

That piece of clothes was exactly what Ye Luo had secretly put down when picking up the mysterious and broken demon pot.

The supreme existence of the Xingyue Holy Land, who surpassed the Nascent Soul giant, seemed to think of something, and said quickly in a low voice: "It seems that I have to find someone from the Jingyuan Temple and ask."

The terrifying aura erupted from his body, and he didn't care about Ye Luo anymore. His figure turned sharply, and flew towards the northeast direction quickly.

Ye Luo waited for a few seconds, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. This terrifying existence that surpassed the Nascent Soul giant seemed to know some other secrets. Bringing him to this place by himself seemed to cause some misunderstanding.

However, Ye Luo had no time to pay attention to these things. After the figure of the supreme being who surpassed the Nascent Soul giant disappeared completely, Ye Luo's body also moved suddenly.

Ye Luo headed directly towards the ghost mountain and rushed over quickly.


Surrounding the ghost mountain, the supremely terrifying existence once again attacked against the sky. The mountain body of the ghost mountain seemed to have reached the limit of being attacked, and finally began to collapse on a large scale!
The supreme golden inscription rises against the sky. In the sky, just the aura exuded has already formed the phantom of the golden lotus. In the lotus, you can even see some real Dao laws!

"Woof, woof, woof! The emperor is going to do something wrong!" From Ye Luo's waist, an excited voice suddenly sounded.

"Wait a minute, don't do anything first, once the killing formation is activated, the inside and outside of the formation are completely isolated, and even half-step emperors can't forcefully enter the formation. You can wait for Son Xingyue to cooperate with Emperor Amaterasu to use Xingyue reincarnation supreme killing During the formation, seize the killing formation again, and lay hands on Emperor Tianzhao behind his back!" Ye Luo's voice came out quietly.

"Woof, woof, woof! Hehe, the empress also has the same intention, but first, I will control this holy son and train him to be a pet!" The donkey's voice became more and more excited.

When the donkey started, Ye Luo's expression became more serious.

The real killing game is about to start!

Ye Luo rushed faster and faster in the direction of the collapsed ghost mountain.

Ye Luo had clearly seen that under the ghost moon, those terrifying giants made another terrifying attack, and slammed into the ghost mountain that had collapsed on a large scale.

"Ye Luo, the ghost mountain is about to collapse!" From Ye Luo's waist, the voice of Lan Bingyue, the saint of Cihangzhai, suddenly came out, and then said: "Our side has completed all the layout, Yanhuang Holy Land, the Emperor Qin Shihuang you invited is now in the northwest of Ghost Mountain."

"The Xingyue Reincarnation Killing Formation has been controlled, and I will reach the southwest direction of Ghost Mountain in about a minute." Ye Luo's voice also sounded quickly.

After the words fell, Ye Luo's speed increased again.

Near the ghost mountain, there are obviously more monks from all major forces, both in the open and in the dark!
The first volume of the Heavenly Book is a fatal attraction for every terrifying supreme force that has the opportunity to come after hearing the news, especially for some antique-level terrifying supreme beings whose lifespan is approaching.

Ye Luo, quickly approached the ghost mountain.

"Hey! It's you!"

Just as Ye Luo approached the ghost mountain, avoided a few young monks, and was about to approach the ghost mountain again, a light, pure, oriole-like voice suddenly rang out.

Ye Luo turned his head slightly, glanced at the owner of the voice, and suddenly saw, not far from him, a person dressed in red, holding an ancient scroll in his hand, with eyes, innocent and beautiful The alluring girl was also watching him from afar.

Leaf crimson?
Ye Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, but Ye Luo didn't have time to pay attention to it. Ye Luo's figure moved again, and he wanted to approach the ghost mountain again.

Around the ghost mountain, the terrifying giants are about to split the entire ghost mountain into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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