Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 807 Battle of Eternal Ages

Chapter 807 Battle of Eternal Ages
The fat man who was thumping was woken up by a slap, and shivered tremblingly. After he stopped struggling, he suddenly found that his fat body weighing more than 300 kg was floating on the sea water. Up, not down!

"Hey! I can swim?" The fat man was stunned.


"You're so fat, you won't sink even if you don't move, let me ask you, which button did you press for the ultra-long-distance teleportation array?" Wu Banxian grabbed the fat man with an angry expression on his face, almost wanting to throw the fat man head, and then into the sea water.

"The second one!" The fat man looked at Wu Banxian furiously. He really couldn't do it at sea, so he could only speak honestly.

"It shouldn't be. Didn't the dead donkey say that by using the ultra-long-distance teleportation array and opening its teleportation array disk at the same time, you can locate and teleport to a position three feet away from it?" Wu Banxian frowned.

They are, Wu Banxian and Fatty, Shangqingzong, Dazhufeng's second senior brother Medicine Jars, and the five hundred catty white-skinned big pig.

The five of them, one pig, returned to the island country with everyone on the aircraft carrier after Ye Luo released the eternal beasts. After a quick discussion, they took the ultra-long-distance teleportation array of Shang Qingzong to cooperate with the donkey's teleportation array , wanting to go to the Taikoo Ghost Mine to help Ye Luo.

"Did you press the second one on the left, or the second one on the right?" The nerd held an ancient scroll in his hand, and seemed to remember something, and suddenly looked at the fat man.

"Isn't there only four buttons in total? Left and right? What's the difference between the second one from the left and the second one from the right? I just pressed the second button." The fat man was stunned.

"It seems to make sense. There are four buttons in total. The second one from the left and the second one from the right are not all the same, aren't they all the same button? They are all two." The white-skinned pig thought carefully , ups and downs in the sea, also said something seriously.

Wu Banxian's face was also stunned for a moment, but after careful consideration, his complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly turned ugly, and said: "It's ruined, fat man, there are four in total, the second one from the left and The second one from the right, can it be the same? You are so stupid, it's over, it's over, fat man, you've caused a big disaster, and you can't go back..."

The nerd's body was also shocked. He scanned the surroundings carefully, then looked at the medicine jar, and said with some uncertainty: "Second senior brother, we are not teleported to Zhongzhou, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, right?"

"What? Zhongzhou? Isn't this a sea? Or a lost sea? Hey, look, what is that? There seems to be a boat?" Pig was still in a daze, turned his head, and suddenly saw a strange boat , that boat is surprisingly made of white paper, like a white paper boat in the shape and size of a black awning boat!

"Zhong, Zhongzhou, the sea area of ​​the Lost Sea, the white paper boat? Is this really the sea area of ​​Zhongzhou? After passing this sea area, it is the ancient mysterious and vast Zhongzhou? What the hell, the transmission is wrong! The ancient ghost mine, now it will be What's the situation?" Wu Banxian's face changed suddenly again!

"No, this is not just in the waters of Zhongzhou. The white paper boats will only be found in the southeast of Zhongzhou. According to rumors, there will only be in the waters of the Devil's Forbidden Triangle. This is the forbidden waters of the Devil's Triangle. Be careful. There used to be The Great Emperor has fallen!" The nerd spoke again, and the ancient scroll in his hand suddenly flipped, looking around vigilantly!

"What are you talking about? This is the waters of Zhongzhou. Damn, there is a person, woman, woman on the white paper boat. I feel so beautiful. Cough, the women in Zhongzhou are so young Bai Nen?" The fat man thumped.

"Don't move, fat man, that's a female corpse!"


Taikoo Ghost Mine.


The moment Ye Luo landed on the ghost mountain with his sword, with his current cultivation base, combined with the all-out attack from the Zhuxian sword, it didn't even reach the attack strength of the ancient giant.

However, at the last moment, what poured into the tip of the sword, the power of sacrifice and the power of devouring, the two violently mixed and collided, and it seemed that some terrible mutation had occurred. The two mixed energies in the tip of the sword , unexpectedly burst suddenly.

This bursting violently mutated energy unexpectedly broke through the limit abruptly, making the tip of the sword surpass the attack power of the ancient giant in an instant.

The ghost mountain collapsed!
last blow!
All the seals, emperor patterns, and the mountain body of Ghost Mountain stood upright for eternity, and they were completely shattered. In the mountain body, the violent and terrifying energy burst apart like a nuclear bomb explosion.

The terrifying, powerful and ancient aura swept across the surroundings!
Ye Luo's body was swept away by the powerful and terrifying explosion at this very moment, and a terrifying void turbulence appeared in the ghost mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles.


"Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as straw dogs, and sages are not benevolent and treat the people as straw dogs..."

Amidst the terrifying explosion of the ghost mountain, a golden, condensed scripture that resonated with heaven and earth rose from the mountain, soaring into the sky. Just by looking at it from a distance, there is a heaven-defying power of sublimation of soul and transformation of Taoism .

At this moment, the starry sky seemed to be darkened in front of the endless mysterious scriptures!
The azure moonlight on Ghost Mountain suddenly brightened. The endless azure moonlight, like a stream of water, emitted a dreamlike azure blue color, frantically pouring into the scriptures.

Those scriptures, after absorbing the endless blue moonlight, became brighter and brighter. The endless scriptures began to condense and combine in the void, and the lead was washed away. The scriptures were being combined into a golden volume in the void. scroll!

The ghost mountain collapsed, and the first volume of the Heavenly Book was born!
According to rumors, after the ancient times, the last mysterious general outline of the heavenly book has the ability to bring the emperor one step closer. It is the first volume of the supreme heavenly book that is as famous as the three ancient scriptures of the past, present, and future of the Buddhist school before the ancient times. Swaying in the void.

In Ye Luo's body, the fourth volume of the Heavenly Book, the Devouring Volume, seemed to have sensed something, and began to run crazily, silently, automatically, abnormally excited, jumping for joy.

Ye Luo's body was still in the turbulence of the violent ghost mountain explosion, and he couldn't stabilize. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. After hitting with all his strength, Ye Luo, who was closest to the explosion, had already suffered some injuries.

However, Ye Luo's eyes, at this moment, were extremely crazy and extremely cold and calm.

Blood was dripping from the corner of Ye Luo's mouth, and in the turbulence of the void, he suddenly took out the ancient communication talisman,

The terrifying explosion has not yet dissipated, several ancient, terrifying, powerful and palpitating giants, almost without any hesitation, suddenly rushed into the sky, the first volume of the swaying heavenly book.

PS: It's Qixi Festival, please ask for tickets.

Today a buddy was drunk, I helped him to the dormitory.Then I heard him yelling at his girlfriend on the bed: You never cared about me, never said you loved me, and you never even kissed me. Do we only have sex when we are together?What's the point?I'm going to destroy you before we part...

Then I saw him walking towards her with a cigarette butt, and I hurried over to stop him: Brother, don't be impulsive, if this burns and leaks, how will you live in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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