Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 808 The Eternal Battle 2

Chapter 808 The Eternal Battle 2
Under the night sky, the endless mysterious ancient scriptures have been condensed into an ancient scroll exuding a shocking Taoist charm. The ancient scroll is swaying, and the blue moonlight is still frantically gathering towards the ancient scroll.

Several terrifying, powerful, and palpitating ancient giants, the aftermath of the retrograde ghost mountain explosion, shot at the same time, the sky and the earth shook, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the attack was invisible to the naked eye, shocking the world!

"It's mine!"

A golden, huge, ancient and terrifying palm condensed with mysterious and supreme laws, with an infinitely powerful aura, among several terrifying figures, grabbed the first volume of the heavenly book in the sky first.

"The eternal giant of Beihai, Taoist Juling!"

Many powerful monks with weaker cultivation bases saw several supreme terrifying giants attacking against the sky, they were shocked, and they had already given up their minds to fight. They stood far away and did not make any more moves. They saw this terrifying At the time of the palm of his hand, someone opened his mouth in shock.

"In ancient times, was there a giant spirit Taoist who broke through the Yunmeng Swamp alone, broke an arm, but came back alive? It is rumored that although he had a broken arm, he got infinite power in the Yunmeng Swamp. By chance, I succeeded in cultivation, the giant spirit palm that has been lost in the ancient times, is this the giant spirit palm?"

Above the night sky, some monks with weaker cultivation bases retreated again, and the desire to compete in their hearts became more and more desperate. They had long thought that when the first volume of the Heavenly Book was published, there would inevitably be a terrifying and powerful figure appearing.

However, they did not expect that at the very beginning, there would be such a fierce and terrifying battle.

The battle at this level was cut off almost instantly. Many weaker monks, the last luck in their hearts was not only them, but even many people in the mysterious Zhongzhou couldn't help but change their faces when they saw this scene.

Above the night sky, that huge palm is still growing terrifyingly, the golden palm almost covering the sky!


That ancient giant, the legendary giant spirit, couldn't help laughing wildly. His hand had almost touched the swaying ancient scroll in the night sky.


However, his laughter stopped abruptly the moment his palm touched the ancient scroll. Immediately afterwards, many people heard the chilling sound of the knife cutting into the bone!
The huge and terrifying palm was also shocked at the moment of this sound, and then, on the palm, the endless and terrifying laws and massive energy seemed to be out of control, bursting crazily and violently scattered!

Palm, exploded!
The legendary giant of the North Sea, the Julingzi, had the remaining arm that suppressed the North Sea side, and it was chopped off by a pitch-black knife!

Countless people who saw this scene were instantly shocked.


What shocked them even more was that at the back, after the pitch-black knife cut off the head of the ancient giant, the blade turned around and cut across directly, and then slashed on the neck of the giant spirit.

The head soars into the sky!

The golden blood fell down like a torrential rain.

Every drop of the ancient giant's blood is full of law and energy. When the blood hits the ground, every drop creates a deep pit with a radius of three feet!

That pitch-black knife seemed to be engraved with extremely terrifying runes, and its material was also extremely mysterious. When the knife was raised and fell, it was silent and without fluctuation, but it was so fast that people could not see its afterimage clearly.

It seems that the knife came from the void, and after the knife fell, it returned to the void.

The eternal giant of Beihai, the giant spirit son, is dead?
Everyone rubbed their eyes when they saw this scene.

Until this time, all the people did not even see clearly the owner of the knife, because the owner of the knife quickly and mysteriously disappeared into the night sky after slashing twice.

"This, this is the rumored, ghostly land, the only uncle of the saint Baguio, the demon knife?" Among the crowd of onlookers, suddenly there was an old man who seemed to recognize something.

"What? In ancient times, there was a person, a knife, who killed the demon knife in the forest of heavenly ghosts, Lin Qing? This, how is this possible? Wasn't he killed by the dark sky ghost in ancient times? ?”

"There is no mortal enmity between him and the dark sky ghost. He entered the forest of sky ghosts alone, just because there was a powerful sky ghost in the forest of sky ghosts, which captured him when he was only three years old. niece Baguio.

At that time, he was so angry that he directly charged in one by one. At that time, he seemed to be only a half-step Nascent Soul, but at the age of a weak crown, he beheaded the seventh-ranked ancient giant in the forest of heavenly ghosts. , Aoki nigga!

However, he also paid a very serious price at the time.

It is said that it has even reached the point where the oil lamps are exhausted.

However, just like that, he was still standing, his blood-stained black clothes, holding a black knife in his hand, facing the supreme terrifying existence in the forest of heavenly ghosts alone.

What is even more legendary is that none of the supreme beings in the Heavenly Ghost Forest at that time dared to attack him, and even his niece, who was later the ancient saint Biguio of the Nether Ghost Land, was respectfully given to him. sent back.

It seems that in the forest of heavenly ghosts at that time, there was a supremely terrifying existence, who once said a word, this person cannot continue to feud, otherwise, the forest of heavenly ghosts inherited from the ancient times, is very likely to be destroyed because of this. no longer exist! "A bystander said in surprise.

"It is true that Lin Qing, the demon sword, once amazed Donghuang for an era, but he didn't bother to compete with the genius of Donghuang at that time, so his reputation is not very big. However, he seems to have gone to Zhongzhou later. When did he come back again? Why did he leave after slashing? Doesn’t he want to snatch the first volume of the Heavenly Book?”

"He came here just to kill people. In ancient times, Ju Lingzi was already an ancient giant. He once snatched a spiritual grass cultivated by Yaodao. Unexpectedly, an era has passed, and Yaodao still remembers this revenge!
It seems that in the forest of heavenly ghosts, the sentence that the supremely terrifying existence that year said that this person cannot be provoked is correct. "An old man, who seemed to have experienced a lot, narrowed his eyes fiercely, and then said: "What kind of person is this? "

"This doesn't seem to be a reason for not snatching the first volume of the Heavenly Book, right?" Another monk was still puzzled.


The giant spirit died, and the demon sword disappeared in a flash. However, above the night sky, the supreme and ancient giants who had experienced endless waves were not very surprised. Their attacks became more and more terrifying.

In the most terrifying battle, they rely on the first volume of the heavenly book, and they are getting closer!

However, at this moment, in the west direction of Ghost Mountain, a dazzling, gentle, holy, but full of endless age, time, and sky-defying light appeared quietly,
(End of this chapter)

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