Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 809 The Eternal Battle 3

Chapter 809 The Eternal Battle 3
Light now!

Falling to the Book of Heaven Volume [-].

Around the first volume of the Heavenly Book, several ancient and terrifying giants who grabbed the first volume of the Heavenly Book again, their figures suddenly shattered, destroyed, and died!
The void trembled, and the nine heavens and ten earths swayed!
Seven ancient giants died in an instant, suppressing one side, endless life, and even many of them were the last horror background of one side's sect, just like that, in the eyes of countless Taoists, they were cold and shattered, and died.

Everyone was shocked at this moment.

However, the light did not go out because of this, but became more dazzling, gentle, and holy. At the same time, it also carried oldness and time, which made people feel like a miracle that the gods descended.

Immediately afterwards, a tall, majestic figure with a sacred scepter in his hand appeared in the night sky. Many monks with weak cultivation, even standing ten miles away, saw this scene. Couldn't help but knelt down.

When he appeared, the earth prostrated himself!
All of this happened in a very short period of time. Finally, Ye Luo completely let go of the remaining force of the ghost mountain explosion on his body, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and before he could catch his breath, Ye Luo raised his head and looked at the sky .

"Wow, woof, woof! The Mahler Gobi, sure enough, there is a secret collusion between Emperor Amaterasu and the Holy Land of the West, but, what the hell, the Pope of the Holy Land of the West in ancient times, actually came?

This is so fucking finished, we still have some hope for an Emperor Amaterasu, and there is another emperor-level existence, even if your plan is against the sky, it is impossible to realize it! "The donkey's voice was unusually depressing.

"Execute the second set of plans." Ye Luo coughed up another mouthful of blood, looked at the phantom in the sky from a distance, frantically running the power of devouring, trying to counteract it, and silently suppressed it.

"Woof woof! What is the second plan?" The donkey was shocked, and suddenly opened his mouth, and then said: "Woof woof! Paralyzed, what is the second plan? When did you have a second plan?"

The donkey was shocked. At this moment, even some of the most terrifying antique-level Supreme Eternal Giants who were hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to strike again, even surpassed the existence of the Eternal Giants, were shocked for a moment.

Above the sky, that majestic, tall figure with a scepter in his hand, with the divine light flowing from his body, who couldn't see his true face clearly, was a figure in the Western Holy Land farther than Zhongzhou, the legendary, once in ancient times. A pope at the level of a great emperor!

"Pope Ron?" An ancient tycoon stepped back frantically. At this moment, he seemed to understand why the demon knife pulled away and left after the knife was cut down earlier.

"Impossible. Even the great emperor has a lifespan of only 2 years. From ancient times to the present, the age recorded in historical books is at least a million years. How could he live to this day?" A powerful figure also retreated crazily.

"He also slashed the Dao and sealed himself. In this age, he woke up and looked for an opportunity to break through the realm of the Great Emperor!" There was an old man, whose body was trembling under the huge pressure of the Emperor's Dao.

"Zhan Dao? What is Dao Zhan?" Ten miles away, a young and powerful monk held a long sword and tried hard to stand up. He didn't want to be like other weak monks under the pressure of the huge emperor Underneath, directly prostrate on the ground.

"The ancient great emperors, when their lifespan was about to run out, a few great emperors would forcibly seal themselves up. According to the supreme deduction of the great emperors, in an era where it is possible to break through the realm of the great emperors, they chose to break the seal again and choose to wake up. .

In this era, it should be the ancient great emperor who exhausted countless resources and painstaking efforts to deduce a supreme world that has just arrived, an unprecedented prosperous world that may break through the realm of the great emperor!
However, the ancient emperor was too terrifying and powerful. Even with the same level of supreme mysterious emperor pattern, it is impossible to seal the emperor. That is to say, in an era, there is almost nothing that can permanently seal an emperor time.

Some holy sons, giants, only need people with higher realms, and consume some supreme resources to seal them in a static time, but the emperor can't, because there is no stronger existence than them in the same era .

Therefore, the ancient emperor created a heaven-defying technique. First, he used the emperor's realm to arrange the supreme time-defying time to seal the emperor's mark, and then forcibly cut the way, that is, forcibly pulled away from his body from the emperor's realm. The law of the emperor's way in it makes the realm fall back to the realm of the half-step emperor.

From the Great Emperor Realm, back to the half-step Great Emperor Realm, which is the legendary Dao of Cutting!
After cutting the Dao, you can use the supreme formation arranged by the Great Emperor to seal yourself. "A terrifying old man next to the young man spoke quickly.

"Can it still be like this? So, who is the Pope of the Holy Land in the West? Then in this era when the spiritual energy has just recovered, who is still his opponent? The first volume of the Heavenly Book, the first volume of the Heavenly Book of our Eastern Wasteland, will fall into the hands of the Holy Land in the West." In?" The young man was shocked.

Above the night sky, the Holy Light was sacred and majestic. The Pope of the Holy Land in the West, who couldn't see his true face clearly, looked down at the Primordial Ghost Mine, stretched out his hand, and dropped it towards the first volume of the Heavenly Book.

"How can I say that the great emperor of the past generation still wanted to snatch the first volume of the Heavenly Book while surviving in the way of slaying the Dao?" In the void, a voice suddenly sounded, and a sword appeared from the void without warning.

When the sword came out, the majesty of the supreme emperor was like a long river, tearing half of the night sky apart.

The sword fell!
A ray of sword light slashed towards the ancient Western pope who was above the sky!

Moreover, the owner of the sword's tone turned out to be an undisguised sarcasm.

Who dares to attack the pope of the half-step emperor!

Jian Luo, the supremely terrifying and majestic Pope, seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He even raised the golden scepter in his hand full of endless Dao rhyme without seeing what was going on. .

Sword and scepter collide!

The void was shattered, the time was reversed, the nine heavens and ten earths were dimmed, and the azure blue moonlight emitted by the ghost moon swayed for it. Above the night sky, the legendary first volume of the heavenly book seemed not to be affected in any way!
"Woof, woof, woof! It's Qin Shihuang, what the hell, in the plan, shouldn't Qin Shihuang, at the last moment, make up for Emperor Amaterasu?

What the hell, what is your second plan?Qin Shihuang took action in advance, your follow-up plan, in case of other accidents, there is no other remedy?

Wang Wang Wang, are you still hiding some cards? "

(End of this chapter)

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