Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 811 Blood Road

Chapter 811 Blood Road

That endlessly charming voice, mixed with the sound of the bell that makes people sway, suddenly appeared, and then, a girl who was extremely seductive, wearing a three-inch short skirt and a light gauze tube top, with a stunning and charming face, strolled Come out of the night.

Under the moonlight, her skin had a shocking whiteness and crystal clearness.

Her every move, every frown and smile, is captivating, and there is a thrilling aura.

When she appeared, even the genius of the Yao Temple, Yao Yuexing, couldn't help shaking, Yao Yuexing seemed to be on guard for something.

"Hehehe, Yaoyuexing from the Yaoshen Temple, Ye Feihong from the Xingchen Academy, Xie Xiucai from the Zhongzhou Dynasty, the Taikoo Ghost Mine, after all, still belongs to the Eastern Wilderness, and it is hundreds of millions of miles away from Zhongzhou, and the Taigu Ghost Mine is even more so. In the forbidden zone, the first volume of the book of heaven was published, and it was so abrupt. Not many people from the young generation of Zhongzhou came here.

Hehehe, you don't watch the duel of the supreme emperors, but here, surrounded by a mere fifth-level qi-practicing, ants-like, young people from the Eastern Wasteland, it is really interesting. "

While talking, she looked at Ye Luo again and said, "Why?"

"Zhongzhou Hehuan Palace, Jin Ping'er?" The mysterious and strange scholar narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "Since ancient times, Hehuan Palace has used the Godless pattern formation after experiencing the cholera of the Gu God. Completely retreated into seclusion, experienced the ancient times, and the two eras of the Middle Ages, and was never born again.

Some time ago, there were rumors in the capital of Zhongzhou that the ancient Hehuan Palace reopened its gates to enter the market, and the palace maid, Jin Ping'er, once killed all 190 monks above the Golden Core stage of the Yunxiao Sect by herself. Are the rumors true? "

"Hehehe, real, fake, is there a difference? You are a scholar, don't you know too much?" The girl in the Hehuan Palace, amidst Jin Ping'er's laughter, was full of charm, and her eyes were full of charm. He has been looking at Ye Luo all the time.

But Ye Luo's footsteps did not stop.

Ye Luo turned directly to the east, and no one paid attention.

These young people from Zhongzhou seem to be very mysterious and powerful in terms of background and influence, but Ye Luo didn't care at all.

Above the starry sky, countless ancient giants and supreme beings feel very strange, and they have never even heard of it. In the modern age when the aura is exhausted, an emperor of a mortal dynasty unexpectedly strongly blocked the Pope of the West. Unexpected.

The terrifying battle, in the starry sky, has been shattered for nine days.

Ye Luo was as calm as ice in his heart, Emperor Amaterasu, why don't you make a move?
"Hehehe, if you leave like this, it will embarrass people." Jin Ping'er from Hehuan Palace laughed more and more alluringly. She looked at Ye Luo's accelerated figure and spoke again.

At this moment, in the darkness, there were voices again. Some disciples from Star Academy, as well as the young female teacher who had been silent all this time, also appeared silently.

Some people from the Demon God Temple also appeared behind the coughing young man one after another.

Many of them, even in Zhongzhou, are extremely terrifying. The powerful younger generation, Ye Feihong, Yaoyuexing, Xie Xiucai, and even the rumored Jin Ping'er from Hehuan Palace, are all looking at Ye Lo, they were astonished.

Even though they had seen Ye Luo's shot before, it was too short after all.

There were more and more people in the dark night, but Ye Luo's figure paused slightly, because the Yaoyuexing of the Demon Temple had already blocked Ye Luo's way.

"Cough, cough... cough, leave the tip of the sword." He coughed, his voice seemed a little weak, as if a gust of wind would blow it away, and then he said again: "Leave the tip of the sword, I will let you live .”

"Hehehe, I said, do you want to let him live? You let him go? Hey, the tip of the ancient sword of Zhuxian? The ancient sword of Zhuxian, is it broken?" Jin Ping'er's gaze seemed to realize something at this moment , staring quietly at the tip of the sword in Ye Luo's hand.

At this moment, many young people in Zhongzhou suddenly looked at the tip of the ancient Zhu Xian sword in Ye Luo's hand!
The ancient sword of Zhu Xian, even in Zhongzhou, is a desolate ancient emperor soldier who caused shock in the ancient times. The tip of this emperor soldier's sword is in Ye Luo's hand?

Ye Luo didn't speak a single word.

Is there someone blocking the way?
Ye Luo almost moved when Yaoyuexing blocked the way!

At this moment, whoever blocks the way will be killed!
Ye Luo even saved the time to talk!

"Cough, cough... cough, do you dare to do something to me?" The thin Yaoyuexing's eyes flashed bright red instantly, and a mysterious mark was quietly condensed on his hands.

In front of him, an immemorial ominous beast, the phantom of Taotie, suddenly appeared!

The demon temple, the beast mark, the gluttonous mark!

Eternal ferocity, terror suddenly broke out!
The faces of all the younger generation who saw this scene changed slightly. The mystery and weirdness of the Demon Temple has always been a secret in Zhongzhou. The physique of the people in the temple is unbelievably strong, and some people have seen people in the temple of the demon, who can perform strange Taoism.

However, the most mysterious thing is the beast mark of the Demon Temple!
It is rumored that the people of the Demon God Temple, beings with the highest cultivation base, have condensed the marks of fierce beasts, and their combat power is comparable to that of ancient beasts. With a full blow, they can use the energy of the law of spiritual energy to create the original attack of fierce beasts!
It's like, the supreme and terrifying gluttonous mark condensed in an instant in front of you!

"Hehehe! Yaoyuexing, you killed people with just this one. So many people are watching, isn't it a bit bad?" Jin Ping'er's voice from Hehuan Palace resounded faintly, and her figure moved a little. , seemed to want to stop it, and then said: "I am also very interested in the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword."

However, her figure stopped suddenly the moment she moved, and her eyes shrank slightly.

Because, she suddenly saw that the cultivator who was like an ant in the Eastern Wasteland, who practiced Qi at the fifth level, not only did not back up at the moment when the gluttonous phantom appeared, but rushed straight up!
Ye Luo's aura exploded in an instant!

The ancient Zhuxian sword in Ye Luo's hand slashed directly towards the head of the terrifying gluttonous phantom. There seemed to be an extremely terrifying and powerful aura surging crazily at the tip and body of the ancient Zhuxian sword. .


Jian Luo, the terrifying ancient Zhu Xian sword, actually smashed the phantom of Taotie directly, Ye Luo's entire aura, at this moment, was abnormally cold and terrifying, the ink hair was flying, and the killing intent was against the sky!

It seems that there is a kind of supreme power that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Moreover, after smashing the phantom of Taotie with one sword, Ye Luo's sword did not stop, but directly slashed at the neck of Yaoyuexing, Yaoshen Temple, at an increasingly terrifying speed!

(End of this chapter)

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