Chapter 812

Sword falls!

Almost to the extreme!
At this moment, Yaoyuexing of the Yaoshen Temple didn't seem to react at all. The tip of the sword in Ye Luo's hand cut directly on his neck. The next moment, blood splashed and his head flew up.

Everyone who saw this scene froze almost at the same time.

The Taotie mark was broken, and the younger brother of the peerless demon body, Yaoyuexing, was beheaded?
The moonlight is blue, the sword falls, and the blood has a strange color under the blue moonlight.

However, after Ye Luo slashed with a sword, his body suddenly slid towards the left like a taut bow, like an afterimage. Almost at the same time as he slid, a bloody claw came from the fallen corpse. Afterwards, Youran stabbed out.

The claws were pitch-black, and around the claws, there was a strange and mysterious blood-colored law flowing. Wherever it passed, the void trembled and shattered.

If Ye Luo dodged a moment later, the claws hidden behind the corpse would definitely stab Ye Luo.

However, the claw did not give up at the moment when it pierced through the air. Behind the corpse, a terrifying, ghostly afterimage, almost like a shadow, crazily slammed into Ye Luo's body.

The corpse whose neck had been cut off by Ye Luo before had already fallen down.

What's even more weird is that after the corpse fell down, it changed strangely. The original Yaoyuexing's corpse turned into a fox's corpse!

"Substitution technique! Just now Yaoyuexing used a fox to transform into the figure of his true self, but his true self is hidden behind his body!" A slightly older student in Xingchen Academy exclaimed Open your mouth.

"Who is that young man from Donghuang, who can force Yaoyuexing to use a substitute technique with one move!"

"No, look quickly, it's not just the substitute technique, but also the demon temple, the legendary fit technique. I've heard for a long time that the Yaoyue star of the demon temple entered the forest of ten thousand beasts ten years ago, and, by virtue of With the forbidden weapon and the emperor's pattern, by chance, he subdued an injured ancient wolf.

It turns out that the rumors are true. In the demon temple, there is a supreme secret technique called fit technique. It is rumored that this mysterious technique can combine the bodies of people and powerful monsters through the supreme and mysterious pattern. for one. "Another student of Zhongzhou Academy was shocked again.

Until now, many people have seen clearly that the owner of the claw just now is a half-wolf, half-human, with an extremely terrifying aura, and a powerful supreme existence whose laws circulate!

"Isn't it possible to use such a terrifying Taoism to deal with a high-level existence in the body-refining Transcendent Realm, the half-step Nascent Soul Yaoyuexing?" A powerful student was a little puzzled.

Moreover, he also saw that after Yaoyuexing turned into a terrifying half-human, half-wolf existence against the sky, he suppressed Ye Luo almost unilaterally, attacked crazily, and even almost beheaded Ye Luo a few times!

"He's under a lot of pressure." Suddenly, in the Xingchen Academy, the young man in black clothes, black shoes and black sword suddenly said something that many people didn't understand. Who was he referring to? ?
Is that young man in Donghuang under a lot of pressure?should be!

Ye Luo's figure retreated violently, the terrifying Yaoyuexing who turned into half man and half wolf, almost every time he drew his claws, it would cause violent fluctuations in the void, the speed was astonishingly fast!

Almost at this moment, he combined the powerful body of the monster with the powerful aura of the monk.

The aura on his body is approaching the Nascent Soul Realm!
Although each attack does not have a lot of momentum and fluctuations, only Ye Luo knows that this kind of attack that seems not to have a lot of momentum is actually a kind of terrifying restraint!

Every blow is a supremely terrifying killing move.

As long as you touch it, even Ye Luo's powerful body can't stop it.

Yaoyuexing's attack became faster and faster.

Ye Luo's figure backed up again, dodging, and the hair on his head was all silent, touched the aftermath of the terrorist attack, and shattered directly.

Ye Luo's situation became more and more critical every second, and it seemed that he had no strength left to fight back.

Stab it!

Ye Luo finally had a foot-long wound on Ye Luo's chest because of a mistake in dodging.

Ye Luo's situation became more and more critical.

Many people with low cultivation levels can no longer clearly see Yaoyuexing's attack so fast that people can't react at all, and Ye Luo's dodge that seems to exceed the limit of human beings.

Both of them are almost at their peak.

There is no strong momentum, only a series of sinister afterimages.


Ye Luo seemed to have made another mistake. The terrifying wolf's claws slashed across his shoulder again. The terrifying law of spiritual power directly broke the bone on Ye Luo's shoulder.

"These two people..." At this moment, some students seem to have finally realized something in the face of such a terrifying speed. If it were them, would they be able to persist until now in the face of such a crazy speed?
"Go to hell!"

While Ye Luocang was retreating, he made another mistake with his foot and stepped into a small pit one foot deep. During the rapid retreat, he stepped on the air, and his whole body suddenly lost its center of gravity. fell down.

Half-man, half-wolf, Yaoyuexing, who was going to the extreme, finally spit out two cold and terrifying words, and the sharp and terrifying wolf claws suddenly pierced Ye Luo's heart.

"Hahaha, if you dare to attack the young master of our Demon Temple, you are looking for death!" In the Demon Temple, the strong man whose jaw was smashed by Ye Luo earlier let out a burst of piercing laughter.

"I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth, but it is his great honor to be able to die in the hands of Young Master Yaoyuexing of our Demon God's Temple. After all, he is just a body-refining cultivator of the Eastern Wasteland King Kong Sect." Another disciple of the Demon God's Temple, Can't help but sneer.

The terrifying claws have fallen!

Ye Luo's body also fell to the ground fiercely due to losing its center of gravity. It seemed that the entire chest was directly exposed to Yaoyuexing's wolf paws that were wrapped in terrifying hair and glowing with cold luster.

The claws tore Ye Luo's clothes!
Ye Luo seemed to be struggling, and the tip of the Zhuxian Ancient Sword in his hand stabbed fiercely at Yaoyuexing's bright red eyes in a matter of seconds.

"Do you still want to struggle?" Yaoyuexing tilted his head slightly at an incredible speed, his tone became more and more contemptuous, but his claws did not stop, and they stabbed fiercely towards Ye Luo's chest.

He seemed to want to grab Ye Luo's heart out!
"Yueyuexing, spare his life, he seems to have the breath of an eternal beast!" The mysterious scholar finally spoke at this moment.

"Heh! If you let me stay, I'll stay? Let me die!" Yaoyuexing's claws had already pierced Ye Luo's skin!

However, at this moment, he vaguely saw that Ye Luo, who was lying on the ground with blood flowing out, had a mocking cold smile flashing across his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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