Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 821 Endless Murder

Chapter 821 Endless Murder

"It's a pity, he still has too many secrets about him, the secret of the eternal beast, dye, maybe only he knows it, but he is going to perish here." The mysterious scholar surnamed Xie from Zhongzhou was shocked. Li shook his head slightly.

"Heh, in front of a generation of great emperors, dare to be so arrogant and arrogant, mentioning the emperor, he really thinks that with a little strength, he can be lawless? I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, it is simply courting death!" The mysterious scholar from Zhongzhou Not far away, another young and powerful monk from Zhongzhou, who seemed to have just arrived, looked at Ye Luo with contempt in his eyes, and looked at Emperor Amaterasu with fanatical admiration and awe in his eyes.

"It's the Palm of the Hunting God. He's about to die. I've seen this kind of palm in an ancient book. It was created by Emperor Amaterasu. A palm will follow you down!
Even if it is an ancient giant, if it is smashed down by this palm, it will definitely end in death. "In Zhongzhou Academy, an old man who seemed to be a teacher suddenly raised his head. His body was also trembling. The more powerful the existence, the more he could feel the pressure brought by a generation of great emperors.

"Have you ever thought about why he chose to do this? Is he really a lunatic?" The charming Jin Ping'er of the Hehuan Palace suddenly spoke. She held back a lot of scary stress.

"He's not crazy." Ye Feihong said suddenly.

palm down!

The Fusang sacred tree collided violently with Cihangzhai's great Yuanyang axe.

A cold smile flashed across the corner of Ye Luo's mouth at this moment, and the communication talisman in his hand fell silently, and a mysterious and complicated imprint had already condensed between his hands.

boom -

The palm that carried the power of God, fell against the sky, and Ye Luo's body, under this palm, suddenly shattered like a crisp ice cube, and endless cracks appeared on the body.

Then, when this palm fell, his entire body was completely smashed into fly ash.

Moreover, this palm smashed not only completely smashed Ye Luo's whole body, but also forcibly cracked the ground under Ye Luo's feet, and a terrifying palm print appeared impressively.

However, when this palm fell, the endless golden light on the ground suddenly burst out from the palm print, like a spark that started a prairie fire, and the golden light spread silently in all directions from the palm print. In a radius of thousands of miles, endless golden light rose unexpectedly.

The golden light suddenly appeared, soaring into the sky!

These golden lights gathered in the starry sky and fell straight towards Emperor Amaterasu.

Emperor Amaterasu, at this moment, his complexion really changed, and there was a rare hint of anger in his tone, and he roared: "Gu God Golden Light Formation, Cihangzhai, you really want to be killed! Genocide?"

Countless rays of golden light converged into a condensed beam, which contained endless bug-like things, and trapped Emperor Amaterasu, and Emperor Amaterasu, at this moment, quickly condensed a mark with his hands.

"Heavenly Fire!"

When he raised his hand, flames that could split the world appeared beside him. These flames appeared and violently burned those Gu worms in the golden light, and even the void around the flames was burned.

But those Gu worms in the golden light didn't seem to be affected too much by the sky fire, only a few weak ones were burned to death, and the rest fell silently on the body of Emperor Tianzhao.

Sky fire, the emperor level defense, in front of this Gu worm, it seems that they don't exist.

"It turns out that this, that ants-like Ye Luo, did it on purpose. He has been trying to irritate Emperor Amaterasu. Under his feet is the golden light array of Gu God. This is Cihang Zhai. During the ancient times, it once trapped the void. The emperor's heaven-defying formation.

Rumor has it that the Golden Light Formation of the Gu God will not operate on its own initiative, but it will only be activated once it is attacked by a powerful and terrifying outside world. In the formation, there is the rumored Gu God.

This kind of Gu God does not have its own consciousness, but it has a special characteristic, that is, whoever attacks it, it will fight back, and even the existence of the emperor level cannot kill it.

However, it also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it has no attack power, and those who are entangled by it will only lose one ability, that is, they cannot shatter the void again.

The God Gu insect has a heaven-defying physique that seals the void.

In the ancient times, a great emperor of Cihangzhai created this great formation in order to discuss the Dao with Emperor Void.Even Emperor Void was once trapped by this large formation, unable to enter the void for an entire hour! "A supreme being who is infinitely close to the half-step emperor's realm, opened his mouth in shock.

"Did that young man named Ye Luo use his own life to provoke a blow from the emperor on purpose? Cihangzhai, the people from Yanhuang Holy Land, really want to kill Emperor Amaterasu?"


When the formation was triggered, Cihangzhai's awakened Godless Soldier, the giant axe of Yuanyang, slashed directly at the body of Emperor Amaterasu. Emperor Amaterasu held the sacred tree of Fusang with his backhand, and smashed the giant axe of Yuanyang hard.

"Wuzhi, do you really think that you can hurt me like this? Hahaha, good, good, today, I will slaughter you all before leaving!" Emperor Amaterasu laughed wildly under his rage.

On him, endless murderous intent suddenly burst out.

But the donkey, at this moment, controlled the Xingyue reincarnation killing array, and suddenly fell towards the place where Ye Luo was killed before, at an extremely fast speed.

Many people were shocked again when they saw this scene.

Why did this cheating dead donkey run away at a critical moment? Shouldn't he cooperate with the people of Cihangzhai to kill Emperor Amaterasu?What is it rushing down to do? Even, some people who have been tricked by donkeys can't help but look ugly for a while. Could it be that this donkey wants to run away at a critical moment and want to hurt Cihangzhai?
However, this idea just flashed in my mind for a moment.

They suddenly discovered that a living Ye Luo had reappeared ten steps away from the place where Ye Luo was killed, on the edge of the battle mark.

As if born out of thin air, isn't Ye Luo already dead?Everyone watched with their own eyes. In the eyes of many people, this existence with weak cultivation like an ant was directly killed.

Why did he appear again?

The donkey had already landed, and it seemed that Ye Luo had already known that Ye Luo was about to appear. It quickly handed over the control core of the Xingyue reincarnation killing array, the array plate, to Ye Luo, and blood was already flowing from the donkey's body.

Previously, it seemed to have suffered some injuries under the terrifying pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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