Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 822 Beheading Emperor Amaterasu

Chapter 822 Beheading Emperor Amaterasu (3 more tickets requested)
"Wow, woof, woof! How do I feel, you're going to die?" The donkey bared his teeth, glanced at himself, and looked at Ye Luo again from the blood that flowed out under the terrifying coercion of the previous emperor.

Ye Luo didn't answer, a frenzied murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he was holding the Xingyue Samsara array disk in his hand, he had already fully activated the array, his body was already wrapped in endless array patterns.

Under the shroud of the Xingyue reincarnation killing array and the endless and terrifying emperor pattern, Ye Luo directly cut his finger with the blood red sword, and the blood on the finger dripped on the array plate held in his hand.

After a few seconds.

Holding the formation disk in his hand, Ye Luo soared into the sky. His whole body seemed to be merged with the Xingyue Great Formation. The Xingyue Holy Land exhausted its endless heritage and spent tens of thousands of years. It has gone through two generations The Great Emperor created the Xingyue Reincarnation Formation, which is really powerful to kill the Great Emperor.

boom -

Ye Luo soared into the sky, and at the top of the starry sky, there was another terrifying explosion. The coffin of Emperor Loulan, the bronze man, and the red embroidered shoes collided with the ghost's hand, and finally had the result.

The ghost hand was cut off abruptly!
From the other side of the void, in a space that is thousands of miles away, a burst of violent, terrifying, and palpitating roars tore apart the nine heavens!
The ghost hand that didn't know what was really cut off and fell from the void. The bronze man seemed to have exhausted all his divine power, his expression was sluggish, and there were even a few deep wounds on his body.

The Emperor Loulan's coffin was completely dimmed, and the coffin was cracked. The emperor's coffin, which once bloomed with a thought and ruled the world, was lonely and dilapidated, as if it had come to the end of time.


The tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword pierced through the void with the shock of the coffin god, and appeared in front of Ye Luo the next moment. Did it complete what it was supposed to do?
The tip of the sword passed through the void and fell into the hands of Ye Luo who soared into the sky. Not only that, Ye Luo was holding the tip of the sword, and suddenly found that there was a piece of jade on the tip of the sword.

On the jade slip were engraved four ancient characters: Loulan Sacrifice!

At the next moment, the six little paper figurines lifted a red embroidered shoe, and it shook. In the void, a black hole appeared that led to nowhere. The red embroidered shoe entered directly, and it was completely dim. Emperor Loulan's coffin also entered in the same way.

They worked together to kill the mighty ghost hand, and now they broke through the void. Are they going to enter another place, with the eternal ghost face, the black canopy boat, and kill the ghost hand's true self?

What is the real identity of that ghost hand?
Nobody knows.

However, there is an existence that surpasses the level of the ancient giants, and it seems to be vaguely aware that the real strength of the ghost hand may have surpassed the emperor.

In the air, only the bronze man with a sluggish expression was still standing.

The void closes.

At this moment, the eyes of the bronze man suddenly closed, and the whole figure seemed to be dead. It fell directly to the ground. Did it die after exhausting all its divine power?

What happened in the collision that exploded just now?
The donkey looked at the sky, his face moved.

However, it just glanced at it, and the fallen bronze man, the whole donkey, ran away like a jerk, and the direction it ran was the location where the beheaded ghost hand fell.

Its eyes burst out with incomparable greed, swallowed a mouthful of spit, and said: "Wow, paralyzed, it's gone!"

Ye Luo had already soared into the sky, and he instantly retracted the jade slip on Zhu Xian's ancient sword into the bead. The next moment, he, who was in the Xingyue reincarnation killing array, appeared in front of Emperor Amaterasu.

Ye Luo poured the sacrificial power in his left hand and the endless energy in the Xingyue reincarnation killing array into the tip of Zhu Xian's sword, and the tip of the sword revived again, bursting out with endless killing intent.

At the same time, Cihangzhai's giant ax of Yuanyang slashed down again in terror. The giant ax of Yuanyang completely restrained Emperor Amaterasu's Fusang sacred tree, and the offensive reached its peak.

And the ancient Zhu Xian sword in Ye Luo's hand, also at this moment, crazily slashed towards Emperor Amaterasu who was contaminated with Gu God insects.


"You are not dead, you have the old man's shadow clone technique?"

"Hahaha, it turns out that the shadow clone technique that has been lost for hundreds of millions of years is actually on your body. Today, I will take it, ants, even if you master the Xingyue reincarnation killing array and possess the shadow clone technique, you are still just An ant, you never know how terrifying a great emperor is!"

Emperor Amaterasu had already noticed Ye Luo the moment Ye Luo made a move. He suddenly let go of the Fusang Sacred Tree, allowing the revived Fusang Sacred Tree and Yuanyang Giant Axe to fight alone.

And his whole body, already completely in the void, walked towards Ye Luo.

He looked at Ye Luo, holding the revived and terrifying ancient Zhu Xian sword tip, rushing madly. On him, the endless power of the great emperor erupted, and the breath of ancient, vicissitudes, and time flowed on him.

He punched directly, and the endless law of the emperor, from his fist, directly revealed the horror, the huge law of the emperor, like an arm, directly slashed at Ye Luo with pure and endless power.


The Emperor's Law collided with Ye Luo's slashed sword tip, and Ye Luo, who was in the Xingyue reincarnation killing array, was shaken violently, the sword tip roared, and the whole person fell back directly, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

Across the Xingyue reincarnation killing array capable of beheading the emperor level, Ye Luo was seriously injured.

"The Xingyue Reincarnation Killing Formation, if in the hands of the Great Emperor, can indeed kill the Great Emperor, but if you are a mere ant, even if you are given a more terrifying killing form, can you exert its true supreme power?"

Emperor Amaterasu's tone was full of endless contempt, and the powerful aura on his body became more and more terrifying. He took another step and smashed at Ye Luo again. This time, the thick law on his fist had turned into Like a long knife, it cut directly at Ye Luo's head!
Ye Luo vomited blood, but his eyes were extremely cold, without any trace of fear.

Slashing down with the long knife, Ye Luo quietly handed over the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian to his right hand. At the same time, Ye Luo inhaled the endless power of the Xingyue reincarnation formation into his body frantically, and at the same time, swallowed the power of swallowing in his body. The power, and the endless power of the star-moon formation that was sucked into the body, were poured into the tip of the sword at the same time!

The tip of the sword vibrated. This time, the tip of the sword went straight up, and a crazy, heaven-defying devouring vortex was produced. Under the urging of the Xingyue reincarnation formation, the vortex on the tip of the sword reached a shocking level.

The vortex came out, almost wanting to swallow the world.

At the same time, in Ye Luo's bead, the restored Eternal Emperor's Armament, the Dementor Clock, also faintly vibrated.

(End of this chapter)

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