Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 824 Killing Emperor Amaterasu 3

Chapter 824 Killing Emperor Amaterasu 3
"My lord, Ye Luo is going to die. Is there any backup in our plan?" Beside Lan Bingyue, a delicate maid's expression changed suddenly.

The God Gu worm sealed the void travel, the emperor pattern wrapped around the body of Emperor Amaterasu, Qin Shihuang dragged the Pope of the West, Ye Luo trapped the left hand of Emperor Amaterasu, and the giant ax of Yuanyang suppressed the Fusang tree. Emperor Zhao still has a right hand.

A great emperor's right hand is enough to change everything!
Even, slaughter everything!
In Cihangzhai, many people didn't know the plan at first, and they were numb from the shock. Even if they were existences that surpassed the level of the ancient giants, they never dared to think in their hearts that they could see in this life that someone would dare to slaughter the emperor!

Even if it is the half-step emperor who has already cut his way.

However, now someone is doing it!

This is not a dream, nor an illusion, but a fact.

How could it be possible to massacre a great emperor in this age when the aura had just recovered?

This is a crazy plan unprecedented in history, right?
Are you going to fail?
The right hand of Emperor Amaterasu had already fallen towards Ye Luo's thin body!
Lan Bingyue's eyes, at this moment, did not look at the starry sky, but at the east, and at the position of Shang Qingzong thousands of miles away.

"Will you come?" Lan Bingyue's cold face flashed a trace of solemnity.

palm down!

A bridge suddenly appeared from the position of Emperor Qingzong. The bridge seemed to be able to grow up, to cross thousands of mountains and rivers, and to pass through the forbidden zone of terror!
In the night sky, I saw it appearing from the edge of the sky, crossing the endless void, under the blue moon, in the starry sky, and crossing over the ancient ghost mine. The bridge looks like wood, but it looks like a living thing.

At the end of the bridge, there is a woman standing.

The woman stood alone and coldly at the bridge, like a statue, standing for a thousand years, ancient, vicissitudes, with a strong taste of sadness.

She appeared, and then raised her hand slightly, and took out an ancient bronze lamp from her waist. The ancient lamp seemed to be taken casually from a farm stove, and it was covered with dust.

The ancient lamp spontaneously ignites without fire!

The lamp was dyed, the lamp was flickering, and it was as weak as a bean. However, this shining lamp seemed to compete with the bright moon in the starry sky. The next moment, the lamp disappeared from the woman's hand and appeared above Ye Luo's body.

Emperor Amaterasu, smashed down with a terrifying and violent palm, and took the seal of the Great Emperor's Seal of Extermination.

However, a little light, an ancient lamp, was blocked by the Mie Shi Yin.

Palm destroys the world, but the light is like the last ray of light in the ruined world.

Are you really going to die?
If you really want to destroy the world, then you have to extinguish the last ray of light in the world, but, can you extinguish it?

Throughout the ages, there have been countless terrifying great wars, disasters, and dark turmoil. However, has this world really been destroyed?Who can extinguish the last light?
In front of the lights, Emperor Amaterasu failed to land his last palm!

The lights flickered, the palms rioted, and between the two, there seemed to be a terrifying duel hidden in the eyes of ordinary people, which could not be seen at all. However, on the surface, it seemed that the two were deadlocked. .

Above the starry sky, on the bridge, that woman, with her blue hair flying, her eyes as lonely as ever, her complexion, at this moment, also showed a trace of paleness, in the silent duel, she seemed to have made no move, but, the true supreme existence , but it can be seen that she is experiencing terrifying and endless consumption.

However, there was a beating, unyielding, burning fighting spirit in her eyes!

"Then, what is that bridge, and who is this woman?" There was an existence beyond the realm of an ancient giant, his eyes were shocked, and then he said tremblingly: "She can actually block the right hand of the emperor?"

"This woman's realm seems to be in the heaven-defying Nirvana realm, but this realm is still one realm away from the half-step emperor. How could she block this blow?" An antique-level existence trembled.

"Yuanying, Fusion, Thunder Tribulation, Nirvana, Half-step Great Emperor, Great Emperor, and rumored realms that may still exist above the realm of Great Emperor. After Yuanying, every realm, if you want to practice, is better than ascending to heaven Difficult, there is a huge difference in each realm, especially between Nirvana and Banbu Great Emperor, there is even a gap, how did this woman do it?"

"Look, does the bridge under that woman look like the old fairy bridge beast that existed before the ancient times in the legend? Divine power?
Who is she, and why can she stand on the bridge of Xianqiao Beast? "

"Wow, woof, woof, Ma Le Gobi, why did your father come here? I'm a fucking dog. What is this kid's second plan?" With one hand, he picked up the beheaded ghost and put it in the collar of his neck. The donkey was also shocked when he raised his head, and then roared: "Paralyzed, who is that woman?"

The donkey lifted the little fairy bridge beast's tail, stared at the donkey's eyes and opened its mouth.

"Uncle Donkey, it hurts, it hurts, let go, I'm calling my dad!" Xiaoxian Bridge Beast said in a daze. Hearing that, the donkey glanced at the bridge in the starry sky, and shuddered cleverly. Well, no one knows better than the donkey how protective the old Xianqiao beast is.

Although the memory of the old Xianqiao beast has completely degenerated, if he can still remember his son, it will be a great joy.

The donkey shook, quickly held the little fairy bridge beast with its two hooves, and said, "Wow, woof, don't shout, what, uncle donkey is kidding you, who is that girl?"

"It's Aunt Meng." Xiao Xianqiao Beast said blankly.

"Woof, Aunt Meng, when did you have an aunt? Didn't you never even meet your mother?" The donkey glared at the little fairy bridge beast.

"That's right, it's Aunt Meng. Back then, Aunt Meng broke the Great Wall with a drop of tears. Later, I followed my father and entered the Secret Vault of Ghost Valley, and Aunt Meng also went in. I remember that when I was young, I often walked in Meng Playing with my aunt.

Later, before you and Uncle Ye came in, Aunt Meng said that the world was about to change and she was leaving. After that, I never saw Aunt Meng again. "Xiaoxianqiao Beast thought hard for a while, then opened his mouth blankly.

"Wow, woof, woof! It's her! I'm stupid, I said, why does she look so familiar, Ma Le Gobi, that's not right, this is so stupid, how did she come here, how did your father come here, how could Ye Luo possibly Call them here?" The donkey was shocked, it seemed that the donkey was very afraid of that woman.

"It wasn't Uncle Ye who called, I called. A month ago, Uncle Ye asked me if I could get in touch with my dad. Later, I used the communication symbol my dad gave me to get in touch, just right. Aunt Meng was also looking for my father that day, and asked my father to help with something." Xiaoxianqiao Beast said blankly.

The donkey was shocked again, raised its head, its eyes were bigger than walnuts, and murmured to itself: "Wow! Marle Gobi, can this succeed? I have never seen such a crazy person. Back then, even Huanggu The old lunatic in the period was never so crazy!
This is so crazy, a mere ant-like monk has stirred up many supreme and terrifying existences, crazy, so crazy, can this be successful? "

(End of this chapter)

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