Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 825 Shocking Ten Thousand Races

Chapter 825 Shocking Ten Thousand Races
The donkey looked up at the sky.

An unprecedented crazy killing situation in history, a half-step emperor who has lived from the ancient times to the present, slashing the way, with the calculations of a monster, and killing intent step by step, the donkey is very clear, regardless of success or failure, Ye Luo will create an unprecedented shocking situation war.

The right hand is restrained, all parts of Emperor Amaterasu's body are restrained, what will happen next moment?
Do you still have cards?
A generation of great emperors, even if all their bodies are trapped, but who can kill them?

Even if it is an ancient giant, with a weapon of the saint level in his hand, can he hurt the emperor?In other words, can it break through the emperor's defense?
At this time, if you want to kill Emperor Amaterasu, you have to take out another revived emperor weapon, but is there any more?
"My lord, do we still have cards?" A maid looked anxiously at Lan Bingyue.

Lan Bingyue, however, shook her head slightly at this moment, a trace of sweat dripped from her icy expression, and she said, "The cards are exhausted."

"The ancient giants of our Holy Land..."

"It's useless, the difference in realm makes it impossible to break through the defense." Lan Bingyue shook her head again, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Luo.

"Senior Jing Ke, he should be able to, before..."

"He was seriously injured and unconscious."

On the east side of Ghost Mountain.

"Uncle Lin, can't even you do it?" A veiled girl with cold eyes looked at a dead, cold and lonely figure. The demon sword that killed an ancient giant, Lin Qing!And that girl is the saint of Nether Holy Land, Baguio!
"Can't break through the defense."

In the starry sky, the time defense has frozen.

"Hahaha, have you run out of cards? How long can you hold on? In an hour, you will all die!" Emperor Amaterasu's terrifying voice was full of fury. As a great emperor, he would be forced to this extent!

The supreme emperor pattern on his body, terrifying fluctuations, the Gu god worm on his body, the emperor pattern on his body, the light is dimming, the ancient bronze lamp under his right hand is also shaking, and even a crack appears on the ancient lamp .

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth also began to ooze blood.

Can't last long!

However, at this moment, Ye Luo raised his head quietly, his eyes were bloodshot, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone, and he said quietly: "We can't hold on for long, and you can How long will it last?"

The sound was not loud, and countless people could hear it in the silent starry sky.

What do you mean?
It was obvious that they couldn't hold it anymore, but at this moment, Ye Luo wanted to say how long Emperor Amaterasu could hold on. Countless terrifying existences saw this scene, amidst the unparalleled shock, they were all puzzled.

What does it mean?
When Emperor Tianzhao heard the sound, there was a hint of fury in his eyes at first, then, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly turned to the left hand in front of the point of Zhuxian sword, which was sucked into the horror vortex, and his face changed suddenly.


The voice of Emperor Amaterasu was like a Tao rhyme tearing apart the heavens and the earth. Horror uttered, causing the surrounding space to sway with terror, and the voice was all directed towards Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's body shook violently, more blood flowed out from the corners of his mouth, even from his eyes, and there were signs of broken bones. However, Ye Luo's figure was like an ancient pine standing on a high mountain for thousands of years, motionless.

The eyes are cold and murderous!
"Do you think that Jing Ke tried his best to fight the danger of falling, and the needle that fell was just to hurt you?" Ye Luo's mouth flashed a cold sarcasm again.

"I understand. It's the God Killing Needle. What kind of calculation is this to get to this point!" A terrifying existence in the Holy Land that surpassed the level of an ancient giant suddenly spoke, and his back felt cold.

"What do you mean by God Killing Needle? Didn't Emperor Amaterasu have an absolute advantage?"

"You forgot, earlier, when Emperor Amaterasu snatched the first volume of the Book of Heaven, in order to prevent accidents, in the end, the legendary assassin Jing Ke hid in the void and risked the risk of falling. Needle?

The god-killing needle is enough to pierce the emperor's defense, so that the emperor can't detect it, and the needle has a terrifying emperor pattern. Once it is stabbed, the wound will not heal within three days. No exceptions.

Even if this needle is against the sky, it is just a needle. If this needle is pierced in the palm of the emperor, if it is in normal times, it will only make a generation of emperors drop a few drops of blood at most. There will be no danger.

However, these are not the usual times.

Look at his left hand, and in Ye Luo's hand, the terrifying devouring vortex on the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, although I can't see what that devouring vortex is for the time being, but in that vortex, there is the Xingyue reincarnation killer In the formation, a large part of the energy!

Although Ye Luo couldn't motivate the entire Xingyue reincarnation formation, this formation was built in the Holy Land of Xingyue. It took two generations, two generations of emperors, and endless resources to create it, which is enough to kill The power to kill the emperor.

Even if Ye Luo simply borrowed a large amount of energy and injected it into the devouring vortex, it was enough to trap only the emperor's left hand.

However, devouring the vortex will produce terrifying and endless suction, the terrifying and heaven-defying attraction will suck the left hand of Emperor Amaterasu, and even drain the body of Emperor Amaterasu!
Emperor Amaterasu, is now basically completely sealed, restrained, and unable to move. In such a stalemate, the first person who can't hold on is very likely to be Emperor Amaterasu!
Jing Ke's previous desperate stabbing was not useless, let alone a random and disorderly assassination, it was a shocking follow-up trap buried! "The existence of the giant beyond the ages, explained shockingly.

Everyone looked at the starry sky in shock.

At this moment, everyone finally saw clearly, this unprecedented, crazy eternal killing game!

They saw it with their own eyes!

Someone wants to slaughter the emperor in this era!

Moreover, all the keys are still in the hands of a young person who is as humble as an ant in the eyes of many ancient beings.


The Fusang Sacred Tree's attack became more and more violent, as if it wanted to break free from the giant axe of Yuanyang and break the balance on Emperor Amaterasu's side. However, at this moment, the giant axe of Yuanyang burst out with even more terrifying power. He stubbornly restrained the Fusang Sacred Tree at all costs.


Emperor Amaterasu roared again in anger. The terrifying sound wave, carrying Dao Yun, struck Ye Luo violently. The only thing he could move was his mouth. He wanted to use the sound wave to shock Ye Luo to death!
For the first time, Emperor Amaterasu felt fear in his heart. As a generation of great emperors, he had not felt fear for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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