Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 827 Slaying the Emperor

Chapter 827 Slaying the Emperor
Ye Luo is like a blood man, the devouring vortex on the tip of the sword is also frantically devouring endless drops of blood from Emperor Amaterasu's injured right hand.

"My lord, Ye Luo can't take it anymore." The maid beside Lan Bingyue looked more and more anxious.

Ye Luo's eyes were blurred, his bones were broken, his muscles were torn, and his blood stained the starry sky.

Can't hold on anymore?
This is a battle where whoever can persist until the end will win.

If today's craziest and unprecedented killing round in history cannot kill Emperor Amaterasu, then whether it is Ye Luo, Cihangzhai who participated in this battle, or even Yanhuang Holy Land, they will all face a mad revenge from a great emperor.

How terrifying would it be if a great emperor really made up his mind to retaliate wildly?
"Hahaha, you must die, Cihangzhai must be destroyed, Yanhuang Holy Land must be extinct! All the people around you, I will let them suffer the most terrifying torture in the world and die!

I heard that you have three nieces, right?I will not kill them, I will let all the male cultivators of the island country Fuso line up, one after another, group after group, to torture them, I will not let them die, I will let them eat the life-enhancing pill Medicine, let them be slaves for thousands of years!
Hahaha... roar—"

Emperor Amaterasu's voice became more ferocious, cold, and terrifying. His roar became louder again, and the endless attacks of the emperor's pattern crazily smashed down.

On Ye Luo's body, most of the terrifying energy of the Xingyue reincarnation killing array that originally protected the body poured into the devouring vortex. At this time, only a thin layer remained for the real body protection.

In the terrifying roar, it was already on the verge of shattering, and cracks like spider webs began to appear.

Ye Luo's consciousness has also begun to blur.

The blood on Ye Luo's body flowed out even more than the devouring vortex, absorbing more from Emperor Amaterasu. Under the blood, his face was already extremely pale, his body swayed, and even the ancient Zhu Xian sword in his hand was dazed.

Ye Luo's ability to survive until now is entirely due to his extremely terrifying will.

However, when the body is bleeding, broken, and injured to the extreme, only willpower is far from enough.

But at this moment, Ye Luo suddenly laughed.

On his pale, blood-red and lonely face, he smiled strangely and madly. Ye Luo's laughter, in the roar of the emperor, was faintly heard by everyone.

What is he laughing at?
The night wind is slightly cool, like a knife!

Countless people were puzzled, but in Ye Luo's eyes, at this moment, there was an even more shocking madness. He held the right hand of Zhu Xian's ancient sword and shook it violently!
In the devouring vortex, the blood of Emperor Amaterasu, which was originally devoured and sucked and fell to the ground, suddenly stopped at this moment, and the blood of the emperor, which was full of the emperor's laws and terrified, was no longer dripping.

On Ye Luo's hand, a very small vortex appeared again. This vortex actually attracted the blood from the emperor directly into his body!

He is sucking the emperor's blood!


Almost at the moment when the emperor's blood entered the body, the bones on Ye Luo's body seemed to have been tortured through the ages and were broken. Wherever the emperor's blood passed, all the bones on Ye Luo's body were breaking. Muscles are exploding.

"He, is he crazy? Is he sucking the blood of the emperor? How dare he suck the blood of the emperor with his existence in the mere mortal realm? Even the Nascent Soul giant, if he touches the blood of the emperor, he will be suppressed by the supreme law of the emperor's way." , beheaded to pieces, he, a mere body-refining existence in the Transcendent Realm, dares to put his net into his body and suck the emperor's blood!"

Everyone in Taikoo Ghost Mine was stunned, dead silent.

"Is he sucking the emperor's blood?" In the depths of the ancient ghost mine, the skeleton's tone unexpectedly revealed a hint of shock.

The emperor's blood entered his body, Ye Luo's body seemed to explode countless times, but at the moment of sucking the emperor's blood, Ye Luo also forcibly melted the power of Xingyue reincarnation into his body.

Body-refining monks are much stronger than qi-training monks, especially Ye Luo's Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll and the power of sacrifice. If it's just about physical snatching, Ye Luo's current physical strength is even comparable to that of the ancients. giant.

It is because of this that Ye Luo's body was not directly shattered under the Xingyue reincarnation killing array and the strength of the main body, but even so, Ye Luo's bones and muscles were completely shattered immediately .

The ancient Zhu Xian sword in his right hand almost left his hand.

However, on the verge of shattering his body and dying, Ye Luo's devouring power was also devouring the emperor's blood. The energy contained in a drop of blood directly made Ye Luo's body explode with endless terrifying power.

The right hand was stabilized abruptly again.

After devouring the blood, the body began to reorganize, the bones and muscles were regenerated.

However, as the drops of blood continued to pour in, Ye Luo's body, all the bones and muscles were broken again, and even shattered.

Broken, shattered, reborn.

No one knows what Ye Luo is suffering now.

However, at this moment, Emperor Amaterasu's face suddenly changed, his voice became more terrifying, and he attacked Ye Luo frantically. At this moment, he also tried his best.

Under internal and external pressure, Ye Luo's body was almost out of shape!

Blood, dyed the starry sky red.

However, Ye Luo is still insisting, and the Yinhong eyes have even been broken and reassembled.

boom -

A millennium, or an instant!
In Ye Luo's body, a terrifying, powerful, and heaven-defying power erupted. Ye Luo's realm, in this crazy fragmentation and reorganization, completely broke through.

A breakthrough from the Transcendent Realm to the Earth Realm!

However, Ye Luo's body couldn't bear such a terrifying pressure even if the realm was broken through. Ye Luo's body was still repeatedly breaking, smashing and reorganizing. However, Ye Luo's breath had slowly stabilized.

At this moment, above the starry sky, a terrifying figure was thrown down quietly. That figure was the ancient and mysterious Qin Shi Huang.

As a monk after the aura of heaven and earth has been exhausted, he alone has blocked the Western pope who has practiced for thousands of years in the ancient times, and he has half an hour of time, which is enough to amaze the ages.

However, Qin Shihuang's practice time was too short after all, and he was still practicing in an era when the aura was exhausted and the avenue was hidden.

Can't he stop it?

The figure of the Pope of the West also appeared suddenly at the moment Qin Shihuang fell, and the terrifying scepter in his hand crazily fell towards Ye Luo!

Everything, is it over?
No one expected that at the most critical moment, the Pope of the West would break through Qin Shihuang's interception. Two great emperors from the ancient times would pinch an ant who had only been practicing for a mere year?

Cihangzhai, many people in Yanhuang Holy Land almost despaired instantly after seeing this scene!

Ye Luo's crazy expression seemed to calm down suddenly at this moment, but the coldness in his eyes had reached the extreme!
Ye Luo almost seemed to have practiced it countless times. He reached out and entered the bead, and then bought it back from Tianbao Pavilion. All the major holy places thought it was garbage, abandoned, and damaged. bell!
(End of this chapter)

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