Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 828 Killing the Emperor 2

Chapter 828 Killing the Emperor 2
The sky is full of madness!

The blue moonlight, cold and lonely!

Lonely and humble, Ye Luo, who walked out of the city, faced the two ancient emperors alone at this moment.

In the eyes of countless eyes, Ye Luo's hand, just like this, took out the pearl from the bead, as if it had experienced countless times of practice. The Unknown Desolate Ancient Emperor Soldier, Dementor Clock!
On the outskirts of Ghost Mountain, among the forces of Tianbao Pavilion, a lazy, charming woman surrounded by two supreme beings protected her eyes, which were already extremely shocking, shrank extremely fiercely.

Dementor clock!
At this moment, Ye Luo took out the Dementor Clock?

The soul-destroying clock has already been damaged, and all the major holy places have consumed endless resources to restore it, but they have not been successful. They have even been changed hands in succession. Emperor soldiers?

Even, when Ye Luo bought this abandoned desolate ancient emperor soldier in Tianbao Pavilion, which was only regarded as ornamental by Tianbao Pavilion in the Lost Island, he was ridiculed by countless people, who thought Ye Luo was a fool Unreasonable prodigal son.

What now?
The soul-destroying clock, the ancient emperor soldier, has been completely restored!
The mysterious emperor pattern, the ancient dao rhyme, and the law against the sky, the generation of emperors at the time, did not hesitate to risk their lives, and entered the three major forbidden areas of life in a row. fixed!
If one is used once, it will be completely destroyed, but it can seal a great emperor. The ten-second-long Supreme Heaven Defying Emperor Armament, the Dementor Bell, is now in Ye Luo's hands.

That lazy and charming woman from Tianbao Pavilion suddenly remembered that back then, Ye Luo did something even more stupid on the Lost Island. Elixir.

She had vaguely thought of something.

His face paled slightly, but his eyes were extremely bright. Who is really stupid?Perhaps, she is not familiar with this, but she will definitely engrave his name on the eternal history of the practice world. The man who looks like an ant has everyone in his hands!
Even, even the Great Emperor, he dared to plot against the sky!

What kind of man is this?
Wisdom is almost demon!

No, wisdom surpasses that of a demon!

In the depths of the Primordial Ghost Mine, two bears, one black and one gray, met silently in a remote corner. They looked up at the sky at this moment, feeling a little silly.

"Second boy, why is this guy so fierce? Earlier, when we blackmailed him and asked him for money, why didn't he fuck us?"

Before the Primordial Ghost Mine, all those who had experienced the incident on the Lost Island before looked foolish.


The terrifying Pope of the West, with Godless Soldier in his hands, carrying a terrifying power against the sky, hit Ye Luo at the moment, Ye Luo took out the Dementor Bell from the beads, and the Dementor Clock seemed to be ready for a long time Generally speaking, at this time, it rang directly!

Ye Luo has never used this hole card, even when Emperor Amaterasu almost killed him several times before, it was useless until now.

The sound of the bell seemed to come from eternity, formless, qualityless, and immeasurable. However, it was this bell that rang. The terrifying half-step emperor, the former pope of the Western Holy Land, stopped suddenly. The holy staff in his hand, Also quietly stopped.

On his body, all the breath, the laws of heaven, and the lines of the great emperor all froze at this moment.

The soul-destroying clock in Ye Luo's hand also burst after it rang.

The Dementor Bell can only ring once in a lifetime!
Can seal a great emperor for ten seconds!
The artifact of the eternal seal.

Ye Luo's eyes were cold and terrifying. Ye Luo moved almost at the moment the Dementor Bell rang. At this moment, Ye Luo actually forcibly performed the shadow clone technique for the second time. After breaking through another realm before, Ye Luo , Ye Luo already had the ability to forcibly perform the Shadow Clone Technique again.

Ye Luo's figure, in the next moment, did not appear beside the Pope who was sealed for ten seconds, but appeared behind Emperor Amaterasu. Emperor Amaterasu was also trapped at this moment. Wensixian, the siege of the old Xianqiao beast and Meng's, and even his hand, in this short moment, have not yet escaped from the horrific swallowing vortex left by the shadow clone.

The tip of the ancient Zhu Xian sword in Ye Luo's hand, without any hesitation, carried the supreme terrifying power of Xingyue reincarnation killing array, and pierced into the heart of Emperor Amaterasu, with the crazy power of devouring, the power of sacrifice, and The heaven-defying power of the Xingyue reincarnation killing array rushed in violently.

Afterwards, Ye Luo's hand controlled the tip of the sword, and it surged in Emperor Amaterasu's body!

The blood of the emperor splattered in terror!
The sky and the earth trembled, the earth trembled, all races trembled, and even some extremely terrifying existences in Zhongzhou, hundreds of millions of miles away, seemed to feel something at this moment.

In the ancient dynasty of Zhongzhou, a mysterious large formation at the center, a strange bronze device engraved with endless divine patterns, suddenly emitted a supremely terrifying light.

"A great emperor has fallen!" The Zhongzhou Dynasty, an ancient emperor with vicissitudes and the air of a supreme emperor, opened his eyes in shock.

In front of a large hall, a primordial beast unicorn looked up at the primordial ghost mine hundreds of millions of miles away.

For hundreds of millions of years in Zhongzhou, no one has ever stepped into the core restricted zone. In the deepest part, there are some strange movements, and the terrifying aura occasionally leaks out.

Several ancient people in Zhongzhou, the ancient dean of the Supreme Academy, the mysterious teacher, and the existence of some of the supreme mysterious forces in Zhongzhou, even the land of the extreme north, Nanjiang, Yunmeng Swamp, Endless Forest, Hundred Thousand Mountains , there are also some mysterious ancient ruins, all of which have strange movements.

"Is this an era when you can kill the emperor?" Someone from the Tiandao Academy, the oldest and heaven-defying in Zhongzhou, uttered an ancient voice.

"If the emperor can beheaded, then, does surpassing the emperor's emperor level mean that people can break through? This is really an unprecedented era. Perhaps, many things before the ancient times will be born."


On the ghost mountain, the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian in Ye Luo's hand, carrying endless power against the sky, stabbed into the heart of Emperor Amaterasu, and then crazily pulled out and stabbed in. Finally, Ye Luo even used the tip of the sword, He chopped directly at the neck of Emperor Amaterasu.

Sword falls!

The head of a generation of great emperors was cut off!

All of this is coming to an end!

The ancient sword of Zhuxian is the emperor's soldier who once beheaded the emperor. It has the endless terrifying power injected into the Xingyue reincarnation killing array, which is enough to break through the defense of a generation of trapped emperors!

As the sword fell, Ye Luo's eyes became colder and colder, and his body soared into the sky. In the next second, Ye Luo's figure appeared in front of the ancient pope in the Holy Land of the West!

(End of this chapter)

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