Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 829 One Person Slays Two Emperors

Chapter 829 One Person Slays Two Emperors
A sword cut off the emperor's head, and Ye Luo's body, in the next second, had already appeared in front of the ancient pope in the Holy Land of the West.

One emperor beheaded, the blood stained the starry sky and the earth, the sky and the earth shook, all races shook, and the restricted area changed, but Ye Luo was on the verge of beheading the second emperor at this time.

Ten seconds, two seconds have passed.

However, Ye Luo still didn't hesitate at all, the sword came out, and directly pierced Fusang Emperor's back in the same way, following the wind, he injected all the energy that had been extremely consumed and crazy in the Xingyue reincarnation killing array ,agitation!

Emperor Amaterasu, the severed head was still falling in the starry sky, and the sky-defying blood scattered on his body was still circulating. Ye Luo's second sword had already been severed.

The supremely terrifying energy fluctuations, the great emperor's pattern, the power of the reincarnation killing array, the endless dao rhyme in the great emperor's body, and the supremely terrifying attack energy have already made the entire void above the ghost mountain extremely unstable.

It seems that some kind of mutation is taking place in the whole space.

However, Ye Luo's eyes were still so cold and lonely, and the sword used up the last bit of energy, all of which was poured into the heart of the Holy Land Pope in the West.

Island country, Fusang Holy Land.

Standing in the ancient Fusang Holy Land, the statue of Emperor Amaterasu that has stood on the holy mountain for countless years is collapsing in terror. The ninjas of the endless Fusang Holy Land, at this moment, have crazy, unbelievable, and violent breaths in their eyes.

Everyone knows what the collapse of the statue on the holy mountain means.

On the holy mountain of the Fusang Holy Land, there were two supreme statues, one of which mysteriously disappeared ten thousand years ago, and now, the only one left is the soul belief of the entire Fusang, and it is the soul belief in their hearts. True gods.

Now, the gods are collapsing!
Emperor Amaterasu has fallen!

This is countless times more insane than the eternal beast entering the island country...

If Emperor Amaterasu dies, the island country is being destroyed by the ancient beasts again. Many terrifying and supreme forces that have already peeped at the endless resources of the Fusang island country have made silent actions almost immediately.

And Yanhuang Holy Land, Cihangzhai, has already made two-handed preparations.

A massacre in the Holy Land, the ancient country, had already started bloody when Ye Luo cut it down with a sword!

In the deepest part of the Primordial Ghost Mine, something seems to be waking up.

Above the starry sky, Ye Luo had exhausted all his strength. There was almost no intact part of his body. At this moment, Ye Luo suddenly felt endless exhaustion.

The figure was lonely, and his body had already been stained red several times with blood.

Ye Luo raised his head, looked at the blue ghost moon, and suddenly smiled.

Physical and mental, exhausted.

No one knows how much Ye Luo has exhausted his mental strength and overdrawn his body energy in the past two months, starting from the Eternal Beast, Ran, and even Ye Luo has hardly slept in these two months. sleep once.

The most craziest killing round ever, the most craziest beast release ever, no one will ever know how much Ye Luo consumed behind this calculation and deduction.

Once young and frivolous, young and thin, yesterday's hair was green, and the bones of the grave were red.

The qin wood is rustling, and when the strings are exhausted, the autumn wind returns sadly, don't ask to look back.

Where the wind blows last night, who will count the falling flowers?

Unleashing the fierce beasts of all ages, beheading the ancient emperor, ninety thousand miles into the sky, and plotting to destroy the Kyushu, who will share?
Countless people looked towards the starry sky.

They all looked at that tired, young, lonely, and blood-stained figure in the starry sky. This is the star that was called trash back then?

Even the people of Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, seeing this scene, silently flashed a look of awe in their eyes, and even the young man in black clothes, black sword and black shoes had respect in his eyes.

But, will Ye Luo die?

How many injuries did he suffer in the previous terrifying battle that completely surpassed his level of cultivation?How much vitality has been overdrawn?

Night sky, silence.

It seemed that only Ye Luo was left in the sky.

Ye Luo closed his eyes.

In the endless darkness, madness surged.

In the darkness, Ye Luo felt as if he had fallen into the depths of Jiuyou, with the wailing of the soul, the icy taste, and the darkest space between heaven and earth.


People sink from the depths of the Nine Nethers, toward the deeper Nine Nethers.

Let it sink.

The cold darkness, like a cold wind, blowing gently, there are fallen leaves, falling one after another, and like bamboo shadows whirling, embracing him, the past is like a tide, rushing to my heart.

In the darkness, there were desperate exclamations.

How many years later, when you look back on the past, do you still remember that someone once whispered your heart to you?That's because you were young with innocent words, do you still remember?Like, engraved deeply in the heart, the vow of never giving up?

A long time, maybe a thousand years, maybe just a moment.

Ye Luo's eyes opened for a moment.

boom -

In the depths of the starry sky, there was another terrifying collision suddenly. An old man riding a green bull, a mysterious figure like an ancient Buddha, and a strange Shiva like an ancient Indian god statue suddenly shattered the starry sky. , appearing in the void above the starry sky.

"What, the Shiva in the ancient Indian legend has also come. No wonder Lao Tzu riding a green bull, the legendary Sakyamuni, didn't appear here just now! They actually challenged the legendary , Shiva, the great emperor of ancient India?"


At this moment, the void burst again, and the coffin of Empress Loulan, who had penetrated into the void and beheaded the terrifying ghostly hand, broke through the void, and the coffin had a terrifying crack and fell from the void.

Immediately afterwards, red embroidered shoes and black-covered boats came out one after another.

They all seemed to have suffered endless ancient and desolate wounds.

Only, the eternal grimace has not yet come out.

And this void, under the collision of endless and terrifying Great Emperor Killing Array, Godless Soldiers, terrifying existences, ghost hands, eternal ghost faces, embroidered shoes, black awning boats, etc., and countless energy laws and dao rhymes, has long been already extremely unstable.

At this time, the starry sky on the entire Primordial Ghost Mine began to collapse.

And in the underground deep in the ancient ghost mine, it seems that there is something ancient against the sky, the existence before the ancient times is waking up, and the ancient and strange aura rushes into the collapsed void again.

Endless void cracks, turbulence, and even void vortices began to appear.

In the endless exhaustion, in the darkness of the Nine Nether, Ye Luo opened his eyes a little, but his body didn't move, as if he was dead, looking at everything around him.


At this moment, the eternal grimace also began to loom in the shattered void.

And in the endlessly collapsing void, there is a shadow that seems to have been familiar, and really makes Eternal Suspicious and shocked, and at this moment, it appears in a flash!

"Nine, Jiulong pulls the coffin!" The surroundings of the ghost mountain were already in chaos amidst endless shocks. At this moment, someone suddenly saw another thing appearing in the cracks in the void, and shouted in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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