Chapter 830

In the sky above the ghost mountain, countless terrifying and powerful energies, laws, emperor pattern collisions, endless void cracks, turbulent currents, and even void vortexes began to appear.

Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin also appeared at this moment.

Hundreds of feet long, the iron-like dragon body is lonely and cold, as if in the starry sky, the huge bronze coffin that has been floating for countless years, silently appeared from the void at this moment.

The surrounding area of ​​Ghost Mountain was already incomparably shocked. At this moment, all the monks could no longer use any words to express the shock in their hearts.

Even the Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin, has it appeared?
Before the ancient times, the emperor of all ages had pursued it, and the Nine Dragons Coffin who wanted to unravel the mystery also appeared here?

In the copper coffin, there was a dull sound, it seemed that something was trying to crawl out of the coffin in Jiulong!


In the void, the looming figure of the eternal ghost face became clearer and clearer, and on the other side of the void, in the space of the ghost hand itself, it seemed that an unprecedented, supremely terrifying explosion that surpassed everything was happening.

And those who had already flown out from the void, the broken coffin of Emperor Loulan, the dim boat with black awning, and the tired embroidered shoes, all looked at the coffin of Nine Dragons that suddenly appeared, and then, their eyes, Then he looked at the position of Wan Gu's grimace again.

But then, they seemed to feel something.

The red embroidered shoes, and the black awning boat, You Ran turned her head again, looking at the Emperor Amaterasu whose head was beheaded in the void, and the Pope of the West who was pierced into the heart by the tip of the Immortal Executioner sword!

It seemed that their bodies also shook slightly.

Great Emperor, has fallen?

The bronze man had poured all his energy into the bronze sword before, and after cutting off the ghost's hand, he had fallen freely and hit the ground.

The donkey picked up the severed ghost hand and quickly ran to Bronze.

"Wow, woof, woof! I hate you Ma Le Gobi, how dare you do anything to that thing?" The donkey man stood upright, looking at the bronze man who was smashed into the mud, staring at the donkey's eyes Just scold.

"You think I'm willing? If you weren't a jerk at that time, you had to take me to dig the tomb of the red embroidered shoe, and I would have been blackmailed by that red embroidered shoe for 10 years?" The bronze man exhausted all his energy. , opened his eyes and saw that a donkey appeared in front of him at some point, and the bronze man didn't know where the strength came from. Donkey's neck.

"Woof woof! It's an old story, why bring it up, ahem, is the deity of the ghost hand dead? Damn it, before coming to the ancient ghost mine, the eternal grimace said that it might fall When the donkey said this, his expression suddenly became serious.

"How do I know, but maybe he's dead." The bronze man turned his head with difficulty, his eyes fell on Ye Luo, and then said: "As far as I know, the deity of the Eternal Ghost Hand and Emperor Amaterasu , the Pope of the West, in ancient times, seemed to have had some connections in secret.

And in this era, even if Emperor Amaterasu and the Pope of the West cut off the Dao, their strengths are extremely terrifying existences against the sky. The owner of the red embroidered shoes, Mrs. Wu, seems to know something about you and Ye Luo, as well as Cihangzhai, Yanhuang Holy Land. some actions.

We thought at the time that you should delay these two great emperors for a few minutes, so that we have enough time to kill the ghost hand and the ghost hand itself. As long as we can delay, the plan over there should basically be fine .

The biggest hidden danger of our plan is that you can't hold back the two great emperors, and you may even be killed in seconds. If you fail, if you can't hold back, we will also fail. However, this is the best time since ancient times The time has come to act.

It's just that no one expected that that kid actually killed two great emperors!
This result, even the black awning boat, the eternal ghost face, the red embroidered shoes, and the coffin of Emperor Loulan, have not been calculated. This is so amazing. Has anyone killed two great emperors since ancient times? "The bronze man has been completely shocked.

All the people around the ghost hand looked at the terrifying starry sky. At this moment, many people didn't know which scene to watch again. There are many secrets buried in the eternity, and one person kills two emperors. Crazy, unprecedented, and terrifying scenes.Pulling the coffin in Kowloon, Lao Tzu going west out of Hangu Pass, the battle between Sakyamuni and Shiva in ancient India, every scene is enough to be recorded in the annals of ancient history.

At this moment, Ye Luo was very calm.

In the darkness, he opened his eyes. In the endless exhaustion, Ye Luo didn't look at everything. Ye Luo's eyes just looked at the starry sky beyond the chaos.

The vastness, the silence, the mystery, the serenity of the stars.

"Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof..." Youran, the donkey standing with the bronze man, suddenly saw something, looked up at the sky, and looked at the Jiulong coffin. It turns out that on the coffin of Nine Dragons, there is a twin, clear blue, beautiful and mysterious flower, blooming on the ancient bronze coffin!

Twin flowers?
The body was seriously injured. All the bones and muscles were still being broken and repaired. Ye Luo, who was endlessly exhausted, opened a gap slightly when he heard these three words, and at this moment, opened his eyes.

In the endlessly exhausted, bloodshot eyes, an unprecedented frightening light burst out.

Twin Flowers!
From the depths of Ye Luo's eyes, suddenly appeared the figure of the simple, youthful, lively, and kind girl in the No.1 People's Hospital of Nanjiang City, and the figure of the Qingzong, Longshou Peak, for him Block the tearing moment of the sword of the island ninja.

You, who are strong and wise like a monster, deep down in your heart, have you ever been torn, shattered, and wanted to slaughter the sky in anger?
If life is just like the first time I saw it, I once wanted to kill the sky!

Twin flowers, between heaven and earth, the only flower that can wake up Su Ying!

The twin flowers that were never found at the beginning of the Styx River and the end of the Yellow Spring appeared here?
"Wow, woof, woof! On the coffin of the Nine Dragons..."

Ye Luo opened his eyes, and suddenly looked at the Nine Dragons pulling coffins that appeared in the void!
Ye Luo was shocked, and once again condensed a mark with his hands, as if he had overdrawn his already broken body again, jumped into the void, and rushed towards Jiulong to pull the coffin.

In the arms of Emperor Amaterasu whose head had been cut off, the first volume of the Heavenly Book slipped silently.

However, in front of Twin Flowers, Ye Luo didn't even read the first volume of the Heavenly Book!
However, in Ye Luo's body, the third volume of the Heavenly Book, the Devouring Volume, was running silently.

The first volume of the Heavenly Book seemed to have sensed something. At this moment, it turned into mysterious scriptures again, following Ye Luo soaring into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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