Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 838 Crisis Situation

Chapter 838 Crisis Situation
Ouyang Xing, a powerful and domineering young man with a golden spear in his hand, changed his expression once again, and shouted: "Dangerous, go!"

When his voice fell, his body turned around suddenly, and he took two steps back quickly.

But at the same time, the one closest to the Jiao Snake, standing on the branch of a towering ancient tree surrounded by ten people, was a mysterious woman with a purple veil and a flute in her hand, Qin Luoyi, the sound of the flute, The rhythm also changed suddenly at this moment.

On the body of the Jiao Snake, on the ground, and on the surrounding trees, the attacking rhythm of the weird insects the size of fingernails and whose teeth were like sharp steel knives suddenly became extremely violent with the change of the sound of the flute.

Insects are overwhelming, and bees are swarming up!

It seems to be endless, and when people take a look at it, they are extremely frightened and shuddering.

And that terrifying, gigantic, [-] to [-] feet long giant terrifying snake, originally standing upright and unable to vent, looked at the bodies of Gu Hongzhuang, Ouyang Xing, and Ye Luo like two lanterns, and there was a huge earthquake .

The terrifying insects swarmed endlessly on it, and its accelerated attack was stopped. It seemed that it was going to attack Ye Luo and his group frantically.


Its body violently rioted, and its tail ruthlessly swept over several towering giant trees, causing the trees to break.

Horror and weirdness make people chill, and the trembling weirdness seems to erupt like madness.

The mighty and gigantic snake was once again suppressed by the endless worms.

All this happened in a very short period of time. Before Gu Hongzhuang, the people from Hongxiu Academy, and the person from Tianshan Academy behind Ouyang Xing holding a spear, it seemed that the situation before them had changed before they could react.

And Ouyang Xing, who had a strong aura, was domineering and terrifying, after running for two steps, seeing that no one was moving, he quickly glanced behind him, and his body froze slightly.

Responding too fast?
He ran away and no one else moved?
At first glance, it looks more like, others are very calm, standing firmly, and he is scared away by himself!
Everyone seemed to have recovered at this moment, and couldn't help looking at Ouyang Xing.

Ouyang Xing's face instantly became extremely ugly.

And Ye Luo was sitting on top of the mechanism animal horse, startled first, then stunned. It was the first time Ye Luo had seen this weird way of controlling insects to fight. As for the stunned, it was because of Ouyang Xing's reaction.

This powerful young man from Tianshan Academy who has always wanted to kill him, in Ye Luo's view, his reaction at that moment was correct. No matter at any time, when the market situation cannot be seen clearly, life-saving is the most important thing .

However, the slow reaction of the people around him, coupled with the sudden turn of the situation on the court, made him extremely embarrassed.

Especially, in front of the noble, extremely beautiful, and perfect figure Gu Hongzhuang.

"Hey, Qin Luoyi from Nanjiang Academy is really powerful. She can control so many stone beetles by herself, and suppress the ancient dragon snake." A disciple of Tianshan Academy seemed to have seen through something, and suddenly opened his mouth and diverted everyone. attention, wanting to resolve Ouyang Xing's embarrassment.

After all, among them, only Ouyang Xing is a real disciple of Tianshan Academy, while the others are all disciples of the assessment period. Among them, Ouyang Xing's status can be said to be extremely respected.

"That's right, Qin Luoyi is really strong. Well, Senior Brother Ouyang's reaction is also very fast, and Senior Brother Ouyang is the best." Among the seven of them, the other disciple quickly flattered him when he saw this, but he said this. , the eyes of several people became dazed, while Ouyang Xing's complexion became even uglier.

fast reaction?more powerful?Is it because of his ability to escape?

"That's right, Senior Brother Ouyang is amazing!" A slightly fat student from Tianshan Academy, who almost didn't think about it, also said something, with an unusually serious face, as if adoring.

"Ah, what's so amazing? Could it be that I missed something just now?" Beside Ye Luo, Jiang Xiyue, who was thirteen or fourteen years old and looked like a girl from the south of the Yangtze River, suddenly spoke in a daze.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and his eyes fell on Ouyang Xing's face. Sure enough, Ouyang Xing's face became more and more ugly.


At this moment, the endless stone beetles attacked more and more fiercely under the more rapid sound of the flute. The battle between Jiao Snake and the stone beetles controlled by Qin Luoyi seemed to have reached a critical moment.

Although the number of stone beetles was terrifying and they left many scars on the snake, they did not cause any substantial damage to the snake, and they never completely broke through the snake's defense.

At this moment, everyone's eyes finally moved away from the powerful and terrifying Ouyang Xing, and once again looked at the fierce battle in the field.

But Ye Luo, at this moment, silently closed his right eye and opened his left eye.

Because, Ye Luo suddenly thought, snakes are usually twins, two come and go together, but there is only one in front of him, could there be another one, which has never appeared?

At the same time, Ye Luo also looked at the mysterious woman wearing a purple veil and holding a flute. Qin Luoyi glanced at her. Could she not know this basic common sense?

Could it be that there is something hidden here?
"Nanjiang Academy has always been on good terms with our Zhongzhou Academy. If this stalemate continues, the outcome is unpredictable. I will help Junior Sister Qin kill this fourth-order peak snake!" Ouyang Xing Youran, with an extremely ugly face , holding a long spear in his hand, the powerful law on his body shook violently, and his body suddenly rushed towards the terrifying snake.

As a proud, powerful, and aloof Ouyang Xing, under extreme embarrassment, he seemed to want to regain his face in front of everyone, especially in front of Gu Hongzhuang!
"You can't go!" However, Ye Luo opened his left eye. At this moment, among the endless swarms of insects, he saw a mysterious pattern hidden around him, and opened his mouth suddenly.

But Ouyang Xing's body didn't stop, his eyes became more and more furious, even a captured ant peeping at Gu Hongzhuang dared to stop him at this moment!

Are you looking down on him?

"Well, Senior Brother Ouyang is very powerful, and the spear in Senior Brother Ouyang's hand is a weapon that can break through the defense of giants in the fusion period, and now, the stone beetle has completely overwhelmed the snake. Suppression, but it can't really break through the defense of the flood snake.

As long as senior brother Ouyang pierces the snake's defense, the stone beetle can penetrate the snake's body along the punctured place, causing the snake to die directly. You are too weak to see the situation clearly, so don't talk nonsense. Beside Ye Luo, thirteen or fourteen-year-old Jiang Xiyue looked at the situation in the field, pulled Ye Luo, and signaled Ye Luo not to speak indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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