Chapter 839

"That's right, Junior Sister Jiang is right. Trash, at your age, you have only cultivated to the fifth level of qi training, and you can be regarded as a miracle in the trash world. If you don't understand the situation in the field, don't speak indiscriminately!" A student from Tianshan Academy His disciple also looked at Ye Luo with contempt.

The eyes of other people are basically the same.

Even Gu Hongzhuang gave Ye Luo a cold look. For this man who had seen her body, her face had never had a good look.

"Don't speak indiscriminately, you will be laughed at." Jiang Xiyue pulled Ye Luo again, and spoke in a low voice. Then, Jiang Xiyue touched the communication symbol on her waist, and then said to herself One sentence: "It's strange, why has the communication symbol been in an intermittent state for the past few days, and I can't contact other people in the academy."

Ye Luo's face was extremely solemn at this moment. In six or seven hours, Ye Luo's body had recovered a trace of devouring power and sacrificial power.

Ye Luo suddenly opened his mouth, lowered his voice, and asked Jiang Xiyue, "How many spirit stones do you have?"

"Ah, why are you asking this? I, my spirit stones are all stored in the crystal card. The spirit stones only cost 20 yuan. Why are you asking this?" Three or four years old, she was innocent, but she suddenly became vigilant.

Ouyang Xing held the spear in his hand, and a powerful aura burst out from his body. On the golden spear, there was even a powerful law rune trembling in the faint. His body, stepping on the trunk of the ancient tree, powerfully rushed towards the terrifying Snake.

"Beast, go to hell!"

The sound came out, and the gun in his hand was violently here.

On the trunk of the towering tree, Qin Luoyi, a mysterious woman from southern Xinjiang covered with a purple veil and holding a flute, at this moment, her eyes seemed to move slightly, and the hand holding the flute in her hand also moved slightly.

The sound of the flute in her hand became more urgent.

But her eyes quietly moved away from the snake, and looked at the right side of the terrifying and powerful snake, about [-] feet away, on an open space that was covered with black insects and crawled over.

And on the open space, there seemed to be strange formations, looming, and under the black stone beetle, there was a dark, huge cave, exuding an aura similar to that of the snake.

Due to the dense cover of stone beetles, everyone did not see it.

"Step aside!"

On the tree trunk, the woman covered with a purple veil, at this moment, unexpectedly let go of the flute, and a cold, clear voice came from her mouth.

And the moment she let go of the flute, the countless stone beetles suddenly shook, and all the insects stopped abruptly, as if they had lost their command.

And that terrifying, powerful, and weird ancient snake, at this moment, its body shook violently, and the mysterious law erupted, and even directly knocked off the stone beetle on its body, killing most of it.

At the same time, it spit out a pitch-black, terrifying venom. When the venom came out, the countless stone beetles ten feet in front of it all died in an instant.

It seemed to seize the opportunity at the moment when the sound of the flute stopped, and forcibly get rid of these massive and terrifying stone beetles.

As for the woman in the purple veil, the moment the words fell, the flute in her hand rang again with a more rapid sound, and the endless stone beetles came frantically again.

"Junior Sister Qin, don't be afraid, I'll kill this bastard for you!" Ouyang Xing didn't seem to put Qin Luoyi's two words, Ning put down his flute at such a critical juncture, in his ears. inside.

At this moment, if he retreats again, where should he put his face, not to mention, there are fellow disciples and Gu Hongzhuang watching behind him, killing intent burst out in his eyes, holding a long spear, he ruthlessly aimed at the stone who was once again killed Suppressed by the beetle, the snake's abdomen stabbed down.

"Xiaoyue, something is going to happen." After hearing Qin Luoyi's words, Ye Luo became more and more sure of the guess in his heart, and his face changed slightly.

"Shut up, trash, Senior Brother Ouyang, you are going to kill the snake, you trash, don't open your mouth!" Before Jiang Xiyue could speak, a disciple who was close to Ye Luo heard Ye Luo's voice, and his tone was filled with anger. is contempt.


Fatty, Wu Banxian, Big White Pig, Bookworm, and Medicine Jars, a group of five, had seen horror before, and the ancient crocodile rushed out from a place not very far away from them, and was frightened and unwilling to return.

They waited for a long time, and saw that the crocodile had completely disappeared, and then walked towards the village in the distance that the fat man had seen before in the forest of towering trees.

"Wu Xiazi, didn't you say earlier that in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, there are some strange beasts and terrifying existences rampant? How can there be a village in this kind of place?" No one in the group walked, and the fat man asked suspiciously.

"It's really strange. Although I've always been in the Eastern Wasteland and have never been to Zhongzhou, I have read many records about the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest. I have never heard of any villages here." The nerd also frowned. frown.

No one in the group is getting closer and closer to the village. The village is silent, and the trees here are getting taller and taller. The autumn sun is warm and the autumn wind is cool. The tall and towering trees almost cover the entire village. What sunshine.

"Hey, look, there seems to be a lot of yellow paper money scattered at the entrance of the village. There is a wife who seems to be making paper figures?" The fat man had sharp eyes, and he moved closer, and the fat man spoke again.

"Huh! How do I feel that there is no life in this village?" Medicine Jars also suddenly opened his mouth.

"Wow woof woof woof woof woof..."

Suddenly, in the quiet village, there was a dog barking. The strangest thing was that the dog even spoke human words. It seemed that it had been frightened by something terrible. After barking wildly, the sound stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the body of the white-skinned pig shook violently, and he said suddenly, "I'm fucking a dog, this voice sounds familiar."

"Look, the wife of the paper man at the entrance of the village has stood up!" The fat man suddenly felt his back feel a little chilly.

"She, she seemed to take a look in the direction where Jiulong pulled the coffin and fell."


It's about seventy miles away from here.

Ye Luo's hand has already touched Xiaoxianqiao Beast.


The spear in Ouyang Xing's hand fluctuated horribly, and the spear actually pierced the horrible snake's abdomen. With a shock, the spear directly pierced through the body of the snake covered in densely packed stone beetles!
Blood spilled!
A smile finally appeared on Ouyang Xing's ugly face.

However, at this very moment, that terrifying and gigantic flood snake, the size of a lantern, suddenly showed a strange look in its dark red eyes, it seemed that there was some mockery and silent excitement!

(End of this chapter)

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