Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 842 Desperate Counterattack

Chapter 842 Desperate Counterattack (3 more tickets requested)
The terrifying pressure swept over with a chilling smell of blood.

Ye Luo's eyes shrank slightly. On the neck, among the beads, the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword moved slightly. At the same time, Ye Luo's hand touched the head of Xiaoxianqiao Beast a few Down.

Ye Luo is now seriously injured and can't make a move at all. Unless it is a last resort, he will never reveal the final hole card. This taboo monster forest is in danger every step of the way.

Moreover, this group of people in Donghuang Academy don't have any hidden cards in their hands?
Ye Luo glanced at Gu Hongzhuang.

This seemingly noble, extremely beautiful, and perfect-figure woman does not seem to be a vase. With her extremely calm analysis just now, her decisive retreat, and her strong layout ability, she dared to fight in such a small area. At a young age, hunting and killing peak fourth-order monsters, and even the mysterious girl in southern Xinjiang who wanted to slaughter Hualong, all the conversations between them were silently revealed, Gu Hongzhuang, it was really not easy.

And that mysterious girl from southern Xinjiang is even more difficult. If it wasn't for Ouyang Xing, maybe she really has a great chance to succeed.

Is this the person from Zhongzhou Academy?

And at this very moment, that powerful and mysterious woman from southern Xinjiang, Qin Luoyi, was also looking at Ye Luo.

"Senior Sister Gu, Senior Sister Qin, that thing, chasing, chasing after it!" Jiang Xiyue made a mark with both hands, and it seemed that he used some kind of secret technique, and then said: "Our speed is not as fast as it!"

"Speed ​​up a little more." Gu Hongzhuang silently condensed a mark with both hands, and injected it into the body of the youngest Jiang Xiyue. Ye Luo.

"Senior Sister Gu, but no matter how fast we speed up, we won't be able to outrun the Hualong." Jiang Xiyue recovered a little and spoke again.


That terrifying pale thing with two dragon horns on its head spit out a pale, scorching arrow-like liquid from its mouth. There was a male cultivator from the Heavenly Academy who was a little slower. was shot directly.

His body, strangely turned into a white bone.

"Don't mess around, there is Sulfur Mountain ahead!" Seeing this, Gu Hongzhuang's voice sounded again.

"Why don't you run separately!" Ouyang Xing, who could no longer care about the embarrassment, had an idea and yelled loudly in the midst of the injury, because he knew better that if he ran like this, the injured him would definitely not last until the end .

However, his seemingly perfect method was met with the eyes of a mysterious girl in southern Xinjiang, who seemed to be looking at an idiot.

"Ou, Senior Brother Ouyang, ancient snakes are extremely sensitive to smells. If they run separately, they will eat one, and then follow the smell to eat the second one. This forest of taboo monsters is huge. Where we are now, we want to Going out, even at the fastest speed, it will take 20 days, and we will be eaten up by it." Jiang Xiyue reminded weakly.

Ouyang Xing's face turned hot red again.

"Here, under normal circumstances, ancient snakes would never enter Sulfur Mountain, but the one chasing after them has been completely enraged, and even if the dragon transformation ends, it has already grown dragon horns. Its strength has even broken through to the fifth level, and it will chase into Sulfur Mountain.

However, the brimstone can defeat the flood snake, even if it transforms into a dragon, its realm will be suppressed here, we must kill it here, otherwise, heh, the two of us can survive, those around you People..." The mysterious girl in southern Xinjiang, under the purple veil, couldn't see her expression clearly.

Then, she said again: "I will help you, the demon pill of transforming the dragon belongs to me."

"Oh, is that so? Help us? If we run separately now, who do you think it will chase and kill first? In the trial of the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, anyone may die. Li Yu from Star Academy, in three days He was already dead before." Gu Hongzhuang's figure had already stopped abruptly, one was exuding a pungent aura, and the whole mountain was a pale yellow mountain, standing bare and isolated in the middle of the forest.

"Listen to me, set up the formation, Ouyang Xing, let the remaining six of you from Tianshan Academy stand in the Liuhe direction, Xiaoyue, Xiaozhu, Xiaojian, the three of you stand behind me in the shape of a three-talented formation." Gu Hongzhuang's voice was suddenly cold. In her hand, she already had an extra red and cold long sword.

At the same time, a complex imprint had condensed in her hands, and she spoke again: "Xiaoyue, both of you perform the ice arrow technique at the same time, Ouyang Xing, you perform the meteorite technique at the same time!"

That mysterious girl in southern Xinjiang, Qin Luoyi, also stopped. A mysterious and powerful aura flowed from her body. Looking at Gu Hongzhuang's formation, the flute in her hand also moved slightly.

She stood outside the formation formed by Gu Hongzhuang, but the position was not only intentional, but unintentional, she happened to be standing in the formation formed by Yu Gu Hongzhuang, echoing each other from a distance.

Between her and Gu Hongzhuang, there seemed to be some previously unknown past events.

As a prisoner, Ye Luo has been ignored by everyone, sitting on the beast horse of the mechanism, has been controlled by Jiang Xiyue, and walks at the end of the crowd.

Too weak, at this moment, no one feels that he is of any use.


Seventy or eighty miles away from here is the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, an ancient village that should not appear in the forest.

Wu Banxian, a fat man, a nerd, a pot of medicine, and a big white pig are getting closer and closer.

In that ancient village that existed for an unknown number of years, the old woman who made paper figurines had stood up, and she suddenly looked at Wu Banxian and his party.

Her face was covered with wrinkles and her eyes were cloudy.

She turned her head, and beside her, one of the tied paper figurines seemed to move.

Then, without saying a word, she turned around and walked towards the village.

At the head of the village there is a small stream passing through the forest, and above the stream there is a wooden bridge. When she stepped onto the wooden bridge, she paused, and took out a handful of yellow paper money from the basket she was carrying. , sprinkled on the bridge.

Fatty looked cleverly and shivered.

Wu Banxian's expression also changed slightly, after thinking for a while, he said, "Well, hello, aunt, where is this?"

However, the person who looked like an old lady didn't answer, and she didn't look back. She continued to walk forward, crossed the wooden bridge, and entered the village. Her figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Blind Wu, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this village is a little bit evil. Don't tell me, there can't be a village in this taboo monster forest? Otherwise, let's not go in." The fat man swallowed.

"Earlier, the barking dog in the village was that dead donkey that cheated. Shouldn't it be in the Eastern Wasteland, together with the younger brother, with the younger brother, planning to kill forever?" The nerd frowned.

"Go in and have a look?" Wu Banxian looked at the nerd.

(End of this chapter)

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