Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 843 Entering the Ghost Village

Chapter 843 Entering the Ghost Village

Wu Banxian, the fat man, the nerd, the medicine pot and the big white pig, after a short discussion, cautiously headed towards the village that should not appear in the forest of taboo monsters.

Earlier, the screaming of the dog in the village was from the donkey?
A group of people approached the village.

In front of the village, there is a stream with an old wooden bridge. In front of the bridge, there is a thin layer of paper money. The old lady they saw just now walked into the village from this bridge. into the village.

This paper money was also spilled by her.

"Why is this paper money the same as the paper money that was scattered when we were buried in the countryside before the great change of the world?" The fat man bent down and picked up one. The paper money was round on the outside and square on the inside.

"Fatty, don't touch it, this paper money is for the dead." Wu Banxian slapped the fat man's hand, knocking the paper money off the fat man's hand, and then said: "Go, let's go into the village and have a look."

"Why do I feel that this village is so quiet?" The white-skinned pig looked at the village with some doubts.

"Hey! Look, on the railing of this wooden bridge, there is a line of ancient red characters. Which dynasty's characters are these? Why don't I know them?" He opened his mouth, and then said: "Fifth Junior Brother, come and take a look."

Hearing the sound, the nerd turned his head and leaned over, his brows frowned slightly, and there was a rare trace of doubt in his eyes. Is there a word he doesn't know in this world?

"Your soul is too empty, only the echo is left in the silence." Wu Banxian also came over, read it carefully, and read it out.

The nerd looked at Wu Banxian suddenly, and asked, "What word is this, do you know it?"

Wu Banxian shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly what era the word is from, but before the great change of the world, in our era, there was an ancient tomb called Mawangdui, which was discovered by the archaeological team.

At that time, many archaeologists believed that the tomb belonged to the Han Dynasty, and many cultural relics were unearthed. However, in some foreign research institutions, as well as some archaeologists of the older generation who were born in tomb robbers, I do not think so.

Because, in Mawangdui, too many unexplainable things were unearthed.

Among them, the most famous one was the discovery of a red coffin made of nanmu wood. In the coffin lay a beautiful woman who was intact, without a trace of rot. This woman was also called Xin Zhui.

At that time, this line of words was engraved on the coffin.

It is rumored that many archaeologists at that time translated the meaning of this line of words after consulting many mysterious materials and documents in Mawangdui that were sealed up and prevented from being seen by ordinary people at all.

I have a friend who works in the archaeological team. I have been to Mawangdui and seen this line of translated characters. "

The fat man looked at Wu Banxian and said doubtfully, "You know the archaeological team as well, so just fool around, your friend is a tomb robber, right?"


Wu Banxian slapped the fat man directly on the head, and said angrily: "You know a hammer, isn't the archaeological team just a state-owned tomb robber? My friend has archaeological evidence!"

"Your soul is too open, and there is only an echo in the silence." At this time, the white-skinned pig was rarely watching the excitement. Its gaze seemed to be attracted by this line of words, a pair of pig eyes, somewhat hair straight.

It went on to say: "Why do I feel that this line of writing looks a little familiar?"

The nerd also frowned, and after a short thought, he said, "Go, cross the bridge, enter the village, after entering, ask about the situation first, I am fully sure that the previous cry was that of the donkey, I am now , I am more worried about my junior brother, the dead donkey has always been with my junior brother, why did it appear here?"

As the nerd said, he was already walking towards the bridge.

But at this time, the white-skinned pig suddenly turned to look at Wu Banxian, and asked in a rare serious manner: "What you said just now, is there a thousand years or even longer in the Mawangdui, which has not rotted? The female corpse? Where is the corpse now?"

Wu Banxian stroked his beard and said, "I heard that at first it was kept by the state, but after the great changes in the world, according to the information I got, the corpse seems to have disappeared."

"Damn it, donkey, donkey's hoof, Male Gobi's, donkey's hoof, that cheating donkey, it was slaughtered here?" The fat man followed the nerd, crossed the bridge first, and they walked to the end of the bridge, the entrance of the village, Just in time, I saw a donkey's hoof that was dripping blood hanging on a big locust tree at the entrance of the village!

The donkey's hooves looked like they had just been chopped off.

"What? I call it uncle, that stupid donkey, was it chopped up?" The white-skinned pig heard the sound, the hairs on its body suddenly stood on end, and ran over with hooves. It also saw it, and the big pig Under the locust tree, the donkey's hoof that was dripping with blood was dropped by the red thread!
And under the donkey's hoof, there was a piece of pale paper, and on that paper, there seemed to be some strange portraits of animals, the blood of the donkey's hoof dripped on the pale paper, and the paper was strange The ones start to burn themselves!

As the piece of paper burned, a strange vibration came from the depths of the taboo monster forest, which seemed to come from the direction of the holy mountain where Kowloon pulled the coffin and fell.

This strange, not very large vibration actually spread throughout the entire Forbidden Monster Beast Forest.

"I'm a bitch, help, help, yes, there are ghosts, ghosts are eating people..." Just as Wu Banxian and his party were shocked, a terrified scream suddenly came from the village.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow suddenly rushed out of the village.

The shadow rushing out of the village saw everyone the moment it exited the village entrance. Its body shook violently at first. The next moment, it saw clearly the faces of Wu Banxian, Fatty and his party. Astonishment, shock, and ecstasy.

It came running wildly again.

"I'm a bitch, hurry, run, ghosts, why are you here? Where is this place?" The shadow rushed to the front of everyone in an instant.

This shadow is surprisingly a bronze man made entirely of bronze, looking extremely strange!

When the fat man saw such a thing, he was so frightened that he almost turned around and ran away. A living bronze man from Mahler Gobi called out that there are ghosts in the village?Who is the ghost?
However, the fat man was grabbed by Wu Banxian.

As for Wu Banxian, the nerd, the medicine jar, and the white-skinned pig, although they were extremely shocked and stunned at this moment, none of them showed any fear of the bronze man.

"I'm stupid, what the hell, the number one coward in all time?" The white-skinned pig couldn't help but rubbed his eyes when he looked at this thing that had been recorded in history, and then said, "Really, why are you still alive? The village , what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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